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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 James Rouse
2019-09-01 22:58:48

Demon model (and smaller models for scale) from Artisan Guild. Two days of constant printing.


Handrez Pintubola
2019-09-01 23:04:00

Handrez Pintubola
2019-09-01 23:06:33

Dallas Smith
2019-09-01 23:16:31

James Rouse
2019-09-02 00:26:59

Dallas Smith
2019-09-02 00:40:04

Hugh Jeriolas
2019-09-02 06:24:17

James Rouse
2019-09-02 06:33:20

Hugh Jeriolas
2019-09-02 06:36:36

Dallas Smith
2019-09-02 06:55:27

Hugh Jeriolas
2019-09-02 07:13:50

Josh Ujak Lijewski
2019-09-02 10:02:14

Hugh Jeriolas
2019-09-02 10:22:19

原文網址 James Rouse
2019-08-18 01:09:21

I like the way half Anycubic Green and half Anycubic White looks. I wouldn't have bought white, but I was one of the resin winners when they did their survey. Models are Artisan Guild's modular Dwarf and a Naga Warrior from gloomyKid. Looks like I thought part of the model was support (the strands coming from the back of the mouth). Next time, I'll have the stl for reference when I remove support. Printed with Anycubic White recommendation from the spreadsheet (12 seconds per layer). I primed this set to see the detail better, but saved a pair unprimed. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3720445 翻譯年糕

Jared Zadorozny
2019-08-18 01:44:59

Stephen Brian Palmore
2019-08-18 13:25:40

原文網址 James Rouse
2019-08-10 03:44:48

I wanted a picture of this before I covered it with primer. Printed on two Anycubic Photon plates.

Had to reprint two small parts - one because I wasn't careful when I took the supports off and broke a claw, the other because a support error cause the post on a leg not to print.

Model is the Fairy Dragon from 3dPrintedTabletop.


Kim Bourrie
2019-08-10 04:16:23

Gregorey Savieo
2019-08-10 05:10:37

James Rouse
2019-08-10 07:10:29

Gregorey Savieo
2019-08-10 07:19:45

Georgina Cleaver
2019-08-10 07:58:48

Sarah Cole
2019-08-10 08:40:41

James Rouse
2019-08-10 09:12:34

原文網址 James Rouse
2019-08-07 21:53:34

Here's a rookie mistake. I scaled Artisan's Guild Male Orc models to D&D scale and printed a few copies of each and the two handed axes. The axes were too big for the bald model, and I couldn't figure out why.

Looking at the models side-by-side, I must have scaled down the bald model twice. I'll just scale down some fists and make them monks, I guess.


Michael Pescuma
2019-08-07 22:28:26



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