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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-31 11:47:47

Half of the miniatures on the plate either were cut completely in half or have these weird bars through them. I'm honestly not sure what happened and I've never had this happen before and I've owned this thing for a year-and-a-half. Any ideas?


Paul West
2020-01-31 11:53:20

Doug Bowman
2020-01-31 11:54:52

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-31 11:57:32

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-31 11:58:39

Paul West
2020-01-31 12:11:10

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-31 15:10:10

Sara DeWitt
2020-01-31 21:06:49

John Jones
2020-01-31 21:12:06

Paul West
2020-01-31 21:13:15

John Jones
2020-01-31 21:14:14

John Jones
2020-01-31 21:15:14

John Jones
2020-01-31 21:17:10

Paul West
2020-01-31 22:04:34

John Jones
2020-02-01 00:55:34

Sara DeWitt
2020-02-01 03:58:32

Gregorey Savieo
2020-02-01 04:18:24

Paul West
2020-02-01 05:07:17

Renato Gelmini
2020-02-01 08:08:13

Sara DeWitt
2020-02-01 08:09:10

John Jones
2020-02-02 01:42:51

原文網址 Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-17 18:25:45

What do I do if the whole print bed and the thread is wobbly?! Ive seen some 2 rod upgrades and wobble stroppers...or do I just need to tighten something?


Nicolas Tsagarides
2020-01-17 19:25:03

原文網址 Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-14 06:59:05

Whoever gave me the info about popping things into meshmixer for supports before putting into slicing software, you are a god among men.

also, if you haven't been doing this, I'd implore you to try it. Night and day difference if you hate supports.


Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2020-01-14 07:27:57

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-14 07:29:34

Nick Walker
2020-01-14 07:35:22

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-14 07:38:37

David Martin Schulze
2020-01-14 09:33:57

Gunnar Hannich
2020-01-15 04:55:50

Chris Holden
2020-01-15 05:01:51

原文網址 Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-13 07:07:28

So Ive recently changed my FEP. and I have been "tuning" my FEP as you all mentioned to do. To no avail. The prints are ALL sticking to the FEP and not the bed. I have releveled it, and I have made the z=0 MUCH closer to the bed, almost to where the paper cant move at all. I am currently printing now with that, and if that doesnt work, I need some other ideas about what could be wrong. This is definitely an FEP issue, as Ive just changed it and it was working before. and before anyone asks, I have taken the protective film off :p


Sean Bauer
2020-01-13 07:11:05

Tay Chauhan
2020-01-13 07:12:46

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-13 07:12:54

Fred Bey
2020-01-13 07:14:06

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-13 07:14:57

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-13 07:15:33

Tay Chauhan
2020-01-13 07:22:21

Evan Boone
2020-01-13 07:23:59

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-13 07:24:10

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-13 07:26:30

Tay Chauhan
2020-01-13 07:28:48

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-13 07:30:23

Evan Boone
2020-01-13 07:31:55

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-13 07:36:44

Nicolas Tsagarides
2020-01-13 19:19:52

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-13 20:59:02

原文網址 Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-10 13:57:36

Whenever I try to add supports in Chitubox it crashes...its VERY annoying. any ideas?


Jeff Surma Jr.
2020-01-10 13:59:21

Rob Mayberry
2020-01-10 14:04:27

Ed Horn
2020-01-10 14:29:24

Daniel Schwarz
2020-01-10 19:54:08

Andrew Draffin
2020-01-10 21:19:13

Fred Steinmann
2020-01-11 05:03:27

Marco Rivera
2020-01-11 23:00:29

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-12 03:01:59

Melecio Guzman
2020-01-12 04:09:19

Marco Rivera
2020-01-12 07:00:10

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-12 07:02:35

原文網址 Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-06 04:02:30

Replaced my fep....prints not coming out....and sticking to fep. I originally didn't take off the two pieces of film that protect it but now that I have taken it off and replaced it the prints still aren't coming out. What would not having the tension correct cause?


Zena Andreou
2020-01-06 04:04:12

Allison Janssens
2020-01-06 04:07:05

Gunnar Hannich
2020-01-06 04:10:20

Zena Andreou
2020-01-06 04:14:47

Richard Humble
2020-01-06 07:01:46

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-06 07:11:42

原文網址 Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-02 06:52:56

So I just replaced by FEP, for the first time since I got it a year ago. Prints are NOT coming out how I imagined...and its leveled....any ideas?


Stefan Giudici
2020-01-02 06:59:35

Aaron Strome
2020-01-02 07:02:00

Bob Deblier
2020-01-02 07:05:05

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-02 07:08:16

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-02 07:08:27

Ian MacMillan
2020-01-02 07:08:48

Jonathon Sullivan
2020-01-02 08:48:13

Jonathon Sullivan
2020-01-02 08:49:29

Gregorey Savieo
2020-01-02 08:50:16

原文網址 Gregorey Savieo
2019-11-13 11:24:32

Anyone know if a color changing resin exists? Like one that changes in temperature, or has color shifting properties, kind like turbo dork paint. Or perhaps, something you could ADD to dye to accomplish this?


Gregorey Savieo
2019-11-13 11:26:14

David Collinson
2019-11-13 13:00:38

Mark Anthony Vasquez
2019-11-13 20:29:26

原文網址 Gregorey Savieo
2019-10-28 23:52:25

I haven't updated any firmware since I got the thing and it has been printing fine for me. I just had the original photon. Is there anything I should be doing firmware wise? Or software wise. I hear people talking about it a lot but I really have no idea how to do it or why I would want to if everything's working fine.


Scott Schwoppe
2019-10-28 23:54:44

Tiernan Messmer
2019-10-29 00:07:05

Gregorey Savieo
2019-10-29 00:07:44

Tiernan Messmer
2019-10-29 00:08:36

Gregorey Savieo
2019-10-29 00:08:37

Gregorey Savieo
2019-10-29 00:12:41

Paul West
2019-10-29 00:27:25

Paul West
2019-10-29 00:32:05

Tiernan Messmer
2019-10-29 00:33:43

Paul West
2019-10-29 00:38:15

原文網址 Gregorey Savieo
2019-09-16 01:34:08

First time I've ever run out of resin. During a 13 hour print no less. Ughh.


Gregorey Savieo
2019-09-16 02:24:46

Arizeta Zaft Aeug
2019-09-16 02:25:05

Gregorey Savieo
2019-09-16 02:25:36

Travis K. Jansen
2019-09-16 02:28:15

Scott Findlater
2019-09-16 02:52:12



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