Hello to all here!
I'm a new owner of the Photon and I've been playing with it a couple of months and with excellent results.
Lately, for my lasts two prints I've been using chitubox and the validator and..after expending too much time on the validator fixing errrors I noticed something wierd.
In the image you will see on the left the validator and in the right chitubox, same layer and for some reason in the validator is showing as an empty space what it's supposed to be solid...and a couple of layers below I was fixing random errors inside what it's supposed to be empty.
is this right? is the validator working as expected? is chitubox exporting wrong the file?
Any light over this matter will be of a lot of help.
Justin Cupitt
2019-08-02 09:01:27
Miguel Pizzo
2019-08-02 09:02:49
Justin Cupitt
2019-08-02 09:03:35
Miguel Pizzo
2019-08-02 09:07:04
Derek Reihe
2019-08-02 09:08:50
Miguel Pizzo
2019-08-02 09:10:22