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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 James Richmond
2020-01-11 05:53:51

So I ordered a spare build plate for my photon, that way I could start another print if I don't have time to fully process the last one. It's not one of the blue anodized ones, which is fine because that is the new "standard." I took a straight edge to the plate to make sure it was flat. The edges are close but aren't perfect. I can see light coming from underneath my carpenter's ruler. I have a feeling that if I return it and order another one, it will also not be flat. How good is "good enough?"


Stefan Giudici
2020-01-11 05:57:52

Felix Flauta Jr.
2020-01-11 05:58:15

Ben Wood
2020-01-11 05:58:31

Sander van Deijl
2020-01-11 06:08:16

David Collinson
2020-01-11 06:11:27

David Collinson
2020-01-11 06:13:30

Felix Flauta Jr.
2020-01-11 06:14:08

James Richmond
2020-01-11 06:26:29

Jonathan Hyatt
2020-01-11 06:27:56

James Richmond
2020-01-11 06:28:13

Jeff Surma Jr.
2020-01-11 06:30:54

James Richmond
2020-01-11 06:32:46

原文網址 James Richmond
2019-08-13 23:17:45

Hey all. I'm trying to do some research to improve my post processing of my prints. I've seen info saying to do your chemical of choice bath for ranges of 10 seconds to 30 minutes, with or without ultrasonic baths.

The info on post curing varies widely as well, based on if you have an oven, what kind of light it is, or if you're just using sunlight. Obviously under exposure is bad, but over exposure seems like a very grey area. How much is too much? How did you figure out what works for you?


Chris Koonce
2019-08-13 23:21:20

Brandon Ray
2019-08-13 23:24:53

Brandon Ray
2019-08-13 23:27:17

Jeff Johnson
2019-08-13 23:29:26

James Richmond
2019-08-13 23:33:49

Aaron Wiggins
2019-08-13 23:57:33

Brandon Ray
2019-08-14 01:52:42

Valas Darkholme
2019-08-14 12:47:45



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