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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Renos Makrosellis
2020-02-27 22:53:55


If the FEP is not tight enough, how does it affect the prints?


如果fep不夠緊, 它會如何影響指紋?

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David Newton
2020-02-27 22:55:44

Ric Watts
2020-02-27 22:57:46

Renos Makrosellis
2020-02-27 23:43:55

Ric Watts
2020-02-28 00:49:09

原文網址 Renos Makrosellis
2020-01-17 04:38:40

So far I have used successfully Anycubic translucent resins (about 5 litres) and I could hear the pop off the fep only 4-5 times at the beginning of each print.
I have just switched to Anycubic Skin and I can hear the pop after every single lift off the fep.
Is this normal or is my fep about to give up?
I am about 4 hours in a 5 hour print.


Alexander Bayerdorffer
2020-01-17 04:44:20

Alexander Bayerdorffer
2020-01-17 04:44:38

Renos Makrosellis
2020-01-17 04:48:10

Aaron Czap
2020-01-17 04:50:28

原文網址 Renos Makrosellis
2019-12-10 22:55:56

Finally found a way to get rid of the smell :)


Théo Rehgab Rodier
2019-12-10 23:09:56

Bob Deblier
2019-12-10 23:22:29

Théo Rehgab Rodier
2019-12-10 23:23:43

Mike Wheway
2019-12-10 23:24:36

Théo Rehgab Rodier
2019-12-10 23:25:01

Mike Wheway
2019-12-10 23:25:22

Théo Rehgab Rodier
2019-12-10 23:26:38

Mark Zelaya
2019-12-10 23:31:15

Herman Simpson
2019-12-10 23:39:27

Tomáš Fúdor
2019-12-11 00:24:35

Jeff Russo
2019-12-11 04:05:04

Richard Webb
2019-12-11 04:49:10

Richard Webb
2019-12-11 04:53:36

Dan Elent
2019-12-11 11:26:30

Richard Webb
2019-12-11 15:16:56

Kevin Boogaard
2019-12-11 21:57:43

Dan Andersson
2019-12-12 03:17:56

Mike Wheway
2019-12-12 05:36:45

Richard Webb
2019-12-12 05:39:34

Mike Wheway
2019-12-12 06:37:44

Steve Ross
2019-12-13 03:15:12

Mark Zelaya
2019-12-13 03:16:14

Michael Lee
2019-12-13 06:51:20

Melecio Guzman
2019-12-16 05:48:10

原文網址 Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-08 04:02:06

This printer does not cease to amaze me!


Étienne Dré Landry
2019-11-08 04:06:21

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-08 04:07:12

Étienne Dré Landry
2019-11-08 04:08:20

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-08 04:10:37

Mike Rea
2019-11-08 04:19:52

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-08 04:24:08

Smith Hayward
2019-11-08 04:33:12

Smith Hayward
2019-11-08 04:34:25

Mike Kelso
2019-11-08 06:02:40

James Munro
2019-11-08 06:38:05

Craig Cooper
2019-11-08 10:15:47

Bjorn Moritz
2019-11-08 13:26:27

Svaar Caldersson
2019-11-08 13:39:55

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-08 15:34:32

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-08 16:22:54

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-08 16:24:47

Diogo Pereira
2019-11-08 19:35:19

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-08 19:40:49

Craig Cooper
2019-11-08 21:22:15

Bjorn Moritz
2019-11-09 00:52:18

Drew Delano
2019-11-09 03:15:37

Lee Perry
2019-11-09 03:26:35

Jason Snell
2019-11-09 03:54:55

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-09 04:01:16

Svaar Caldersson
2019-11-09 07:07:50

Tommy Cakebread
2019-11-12 03:32:30

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-12 03:45:51

Tibi Sucuturdean
2019-11-13 13:19:07

原文網址 Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-04 05:33:07

Can anyone tell me how this happened?
The print is hollowed with an 1.2mm wall as all my previous prints.


Mike McCreery
2019-11-04 05:35:23

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-04 05:36:20

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-04 05:37:51

John Chrapkowski
2019-11-04 05:40:58

Mike McCreery
2019-11-04 05:44:55

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-04 05:45:39

David Collinson
2019-11-04 05:47:54

Mike McCreery
2019-11-04 05:49:13

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-04 05:51:29

John Chrapkowski
2019-11-04 05:53:52

原文網址 Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-03 19:51:05

I printed these deers on three different days using the same file on the same USB stick.
The 2nd print came out perfect. The 1st and 3d have layer shifts on pretty much the same layer.
Any idea what could be causing the layer shift?


Robert James
2019-11-03 19:59:46

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-03 20:13:11

Robert James
2019-11-03 20:20:22

Renos Makrosellis
2019-11-03 20:21:55

原文網址 Renos Makrosellis
2019-09-19 23:10:43

Anyone using Formware 3d slicer? Is it worth the money?


Mike Stewart
2019-09-19 23:16:04

Renos Makrosellis
2019-09-19 23:22:40

Mike Stewart
2019-09-19 23:32:10

Renos Makrosellis
2019-09-19 23:32:51

Jari Ivanoff
2019-09-20 03:30:06

Renos Makrosellis
2019-09-20 03:32:29

Jari Ivanoff
2019-09-20 03:33:22

Mike Stewart
2019-09-20 04:26:47

Jari Ivanoff
2019-09-20 04:31:46

Mike Stewart
2019-09-20 05:06:28

Jari Ivanoff
2019-09-20 05:08:37

Mike Stewart
2019-09-20 05:11:46

Mike Stewart
2019-09-20 05:13:09

Jari Ivanoff
2019-09-20 05:14:08

Jari Ivanoff
2019-09-20 05:15:55

原文網址 Renos Makrosellis
2019-09-18 18:38:11

So I printed this 3dbenchy and it came out quite nice apart from the dent on the roof. Any idea what could have caused this?


Jacob Townsend
2019-09-18 18:46:12

Ethan Brown
2019-09-18 18:49:04

Ethan Brown
2019-09-18 18:49:38

Herman Simpson
2019-09-18 20:23:54

Ethan Brown
2019-09-18 20:30:08

Andrew Gott
2019-09-18 20:43:47

Herman Simpson
2019-09-18 20:53:21

Herman Simpson
2019-09-18 20:58:09

Ethan Brown
2019-09-18 21:05:58

Mack Whillz
2019-09-19 01:55:41

Renos Makrosellis
2019-09-19 02:22:44

Mack Whillz
2019-09-19 03:04:20

Renos Makrosellis
2019-09-19 03:43:15

原文網址 Renos Makrosellis
2019-08-27 21:51:18

I just received 2 bottles of Anycubic Resin from Ebay and I noticed that they expire in 40 and 60 days. I have no immediate need for them and as the expiry dates are so early I am planning to return them. What would you do?


Jarrod Smith
2019-08-27 21:53:44

Bob Deblier
2019-08-27 21:55:23

David Nicholls
2019-08-27 21:55:46

Spike Walker
2019-08-27 22:09:07

Bob Deblier
2019-08-27 22:11:02

Spike Walker
2019-08-27 22:11:48

Renos Makrosellis
2019-08-27 23:15:14

Scott Pavlich
2019-08-28 00:30:28

Renos Makrosellis
2019-08-28 00:33:24

Mark Wardle
2019-08-28 00:59:07

Mark Wardle
2019-08-28 01:00:50

Mark Wardle
2019-08-28 01:01:44

原文網址 Renos Makrosellis
2019-08-26 02:39:12

I have sliced a file on Chitubox and then used the file validator to check for islands. The result was that 350 islands were identified and 85 of them could not be fixed. Out of curiosity, I printed the file anyway without fixing any of the 350 islands and the print came out perfect.

My question is, what's the point of using the file validator if the prints will come out perfect anyway? What am I missing?


Kyle Urban
2019-08-26 02:42:24

Renos Makrosellis
2019-08-26 03:04:50



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