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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Herman Simpson
2019-10-16 04:09:50

I am by far more impressed with some of y'alls painting skills than the actual files you are printing. Any good resources to point folks like myself to in terms of best practices when painting minis?


2019-10-16 04:11:11

John Harrison
2019-10-16 04:36:06

Jared Davis
2019-10-16 04:44:08

Mark Rhodes
2019-10-16 04:52:07

Paul West
2019-10-16 04:57:39

Thomas Roe
2019-10-16 04:58:21

Kevin Rank
2019-10-16 05:12:04

Chad Elstad
2019-10-16 05:21:42

Kevin Rank
2019-10-16 05:36:09

Kevin Rank
2019-10-16 05:37:25

Chad Elstad
2019-10-16 05:41:45

Keith Barnett
2019-10-16 07:32:14

Keith Barnett
2019-10-16 07:33:23

Patrick Parkhill
2019-10-16 17:30:13

原文網址 Herman Simpson
2019-10-04 00:47:24

I wonder, has anyone written a macro that will change the layer height at a specified height? Lets say I am printing something with a base that doesn't need as fine a layer height as the parts above the base. For minis I reckon this could shave as much as 15-20% off the print time.


Neel Desh
2019-10-04 01:00:49

Mack Whillz
2019-10-04 03:59:31

原文網址 Herman Simpson
2019-09-27 06:27:29

Anyone use or consider using one of these? I find network transfer painfully slow and spotty with the network app, slightly better with Chitubox but murder for AA files. Seems slightly better option that avoids the complications of random write issue of the raspberry pi thing.


Fred Bey
2019-09-27 09:27:39

Shivanand Chanderbally
2019-09-27 21:50:33

Matt Paul
2019-09-28 00:55:06

Herman Simpson
2019-09-28 01:48:29

原文網址 Herman Simpson
2019-09-19 21:26:51

Thought I'd take a chance by minimally processing a game rip, repairing, filling holes and printing. Ran it through the validator just fine. I expected it to fail because there was some internal structure I neglected, but I didn't expect it to fail like this.


Britt Johnson
2019-09-19 21:39:56

Tiernan Messmer
2019-09-19 21:59:34

Herman Simpson
2019-09-19 22:04:22

Cesar Augusto
2019-09-19 22:44:07

Herman Simpson
2019-09-19 22:45:27

Cesar Augusto
2019-09-19 22:48:15

Herman Simpson
2019-09-25 00:46:55

原文網址 Herman Simpson
2019-09-13 02:39:28

Perhaps we can put this to bed?
Elegoo date of manufacture expiry expiration DOM


Ric Watts
2019-09-13 02:44:20

Herman Simpson
2019-09-13 02:48:13

Ric Watts
2019-09-13 02:51:14

Tomas Salo
2019-09-13 12:19:53

Ric Watts
2019-09-13 12:23:35

原文網址 Herman Simpson
2019-09-13 00:07:25

How would you guys package a mini to ship to a friend? I'm honestly not sure how to place it so that parts don't break during transit. tiny styrofoam balls?


Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-09-13 00:10:26

Herman Simpson
2019-09-13 00:12:53

Herman Simpson
2019-09-13 00:14:14

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-09-13 00:25:30

原文網址 Herman Simpson
2019-09-12 00:28:46

Honest question.

I see a lot of complaints about "smell". I've had my Photon for about 2 weeks now and it is noticeable less "smelly" than my Sparkmaker. I use the same resin in both (Elegoo grey, transparent & Black). The only real difference is the fan on the inside.

I am not disputing the accounts of those that say it's smelly, but i am wondering if perhaps the filter on recent Photons is different.


Moolelo Bean
2019-09-12 00:33:07

George Bulte
2019-09-12 00:37:47

Frank Ramsay
2019-09-12 00:43:09

Rose Stumpwater
2019-09-12 00:46:40

Ines Silva
2019-09-12 00:50:29

Herman Simpson
2019-09-12 00:52:25

Herman Simpson
2019-09-12 00:52:55

Ines Silva
2019-09-12 00:53:46

Keif Davies
2019-09-12 01:48:07

Herman Simpson
2019-09-12 02:30:47

Josh Ujak Lijewski
2019-09-12 02:39:35

Evan Boone
2019-09-12 02:41:11

Herman Simpson
2019-09-12 02:42:06

Brett VanDyke
2019-09-12 02:44:36

Keif Davies
2019-09-12 02:44:45

Herman Simpson
2019-09-12 02:45:48

Keif Davies
2019-09-12 02:47:44

Herman Simpson
2019-09-12 02:51:02

Melecio Guzman
2019-09-12 02:53:56

Dave Corbett
2019-09-12 03:14:41

Allan Johansen
2019-09-12 03:30:38

Lucas Neñer
2019-09-12 03:48:15

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-12 04:05:56

Herman Simpson
2019-09-12 06:17:55

Herman Simpson
2019-09-13 10:43:54

原文網址 Herman Simpson
2019-09-04 09:23:20

Just loaded the FW and UI Mod. SSH access seems enabled by default. Anyone know what the default password is? I'd like o disable SSH access or at the veryleast change the password.


Handrez Pintubola
2019-09-04 09:45:24

原文網址 Herman Simpson
2019-09-04 00:40:26

Group & Photon Newb here.
Not a printing or search bar newb but I do need some definitions and clarity. This post will sprawl a bit. Help here would be much appreciated.

1. What is ChituHB? Is that different from Chitubox? Mostly confused on the HB part.

2 a. What is the most recent firmware that networking and High Contrast works? I saw a 14week old comment on the post announcing network capability that said that it works on 4.2.17 (i just got my printer Friday and have successfully printed the test lattice and a mini (sliced on Chitu & I print almost exclusively with Elegoo) but I haven't checked my FW number. I wanted to ask since the OP ( Vinicius Silva ) says it doesn't work on 4.2.13 (edited 07 Jun 2019) , an older version. This question is partially informed by my next question (3).
b. Is there an advantage of the Phonster network print manager tool over the Chitubox one?

3. Advice here seems to be "If it ain't broke don't fix it" when it comes to updating firmware. Is that advice in regards to official firmware (an advice I'd take any day of the week) or does it include the custom firmware found here? The fact that this advice is echoed by anycubic also confuses me.

4. Antialiasing - the official AC video says don't upgrade if you are satisfied with your prints. ? I dunno 'bout the rest of y'all but why and how TF would I know that my prints could be better than they are. I used to think the soggy Benchy I printed years ago on a Printrbot was the pinnacle of FDM printing. Again, mostly I don't understand the manufacturers hesitation.

5. I personally find the FEP snap-back sound somewhat comforting as it assures me that the layer has stuck to the plate without me waiting 4 hours to see or pressing pause and risking a layer line. I know, not a question.

6. I purchased the Physics Anonymous z plate but haven't installed yet. After printing the test lattice I noticed the z lines are more pronounced than on my Sparkmaker and that is just wild. On paper the Photon shouldn't have this issue based simply on material (metal vs plastic Z base.) But I assume the issue is also that the mass on the Z of the Photon is much greater. Yeah, I know, again not a question.

7. Any other non-basic things I should know?



Nicholas Hughes
2019-09-04 00:54:00

Herman Simpson
2019-09-04 01:40:18

Vinicius Silva
2019-09-04 03:10:06

Herman Simpson
2019-09-04 03:14:11

Vinicius Silva
2019-09-04 03:16:12

Alex Vee
2019-09-04 04:47:58

Herman Simpson
2019-09-04 05:14:51

Herman Simpson
2019-09-04 08:38:10

Herman Simpson
2019-09-04 08:41:26

Vinicius Silva
2019-09-04 16:17:51

原文網址 Herman Simpson
2019-08-27 23:59:07

Anyone know how long it takes to initiate shipping from AnyCubic. i ordered a printer a week ago with express delivery and no updates since.


Mark Wardle
2019-08-28 00:05:07

Herman Simpson
2019-08-28 00:06:18

Mark Wardle
2019-08-28 00:07:17

Mark Wardle
2019-08-28 00:08:32

Herman Simpson
2019-08-28 00:09:46

Mark Wardle
2019-08-28 00:25:24

Jamie Hayden
2019-08-28 00:43:51

Mark Wardle
2019-08-28 00:54:02

Jim Stephens
2019-08-28 02:31:09

Herman Simpson
2019-08-28 02:33:38

Jim Stephens
2019-08-28 02:34:32

Herman Simpson
2019-08-28 02:37:05

Jim Stephens
2019-08-28 02:40:15

Herman Simpson
2019-08-28 02:41:50

Herman Simpson
2019-08-28 03:01:18

Jim Stephens
2019-08-28 03:11:18

Herman Simpson
2019-08-28 03:12:34

Herman Simpson
2019-08-28 03:13:59

Martiin Sylvestre
2019-08-28 03:14:08



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