Well I have had the printer for about 3 days.. it's running quit well!
Justin Soli
2019-08-29 05:13:08
Mika Vienonen
2019-08-29 07:30:00
Sean Croteau
2019-08-29 07:52:16
Mike Armijo
2019-08-29 08:21:30
Nicholas Blackie
2019-08-29 09:43:48
Sean Croteau
2019-08-29 10:58:51
Nguyen Anh Duy
2019-08-29 11:52:19
Rhiannon Beorn Van D
2019-08-29 12:22:12
David Kennedy
2019-08-29 12:53:55
Chris Kouvelis
2019-08-29 13:26:54
John Larimore
2019-08-29 15:02:06
Adam Kozlowski
2019-08-29 15:11:53
Lee Baxter
2019-08-29 15:14:57
Bob Deblier
2019-08-29 15:24:37