I received my new Photon today.
I unboxed the machine, verify the package, all is Ok.
I followed the manual until levelling and all was ok.
I filled in the Vat with resin, plug the usb stick to print the test file but when I pluged the usb stick, the screen just freez and after few seconds the machine stop. No fan, no screen, just the light of the optical Z ensdstop.
Do anybody already have this problem ? Do you what to do ?
PS : I sent the after sales support form but still have no response.
Thank you all.
Paul West
2019-10-17 12:06:31
Jim Stephens
2019-10-17 12:07:03
Hervé Pariente
2019-10-17 12:09:31
Paul West
2019-10-17 12:10:10
Hervé Pariente
2019-10-17 12:11:09
Hervé Pariente
2019-10-17 12:13:44
Paul West
2019-10-17 12:14:08
Hervé Pariente
2019-10-17 12:14:17
Stephen Lewis
2019-10-17 12:18:25
César Fernández
2019-10-17 14:53:33