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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Jack Burton
2020-03-22 09:02:38

Any advice on why the supports are detaching on the left side of the print? This has happened a few times now. I just leveled the bed using the paper method. Thanks!


Michael Del Valle
2020-03-22 09:04:58

Not enough exposure time possibly.

Christopher Fugate
2020-03-22 09:05:59

It's too big of a flat surface parallel to the base. When it lifts up the weight of the liquid resin is ripping it off the supports.

Angle it so the resin can drain off a slope.

Jack Burton
2020-03-22 09:06:52

Christopher Fugate I’ll give that a shot, thanks!

James Capps
2020-03-22 09:08:07

Had something like this happen to me earlier and it was because I had hollowed my model and my drainage holes where not big enough and I got to much suction. I would check for any cuping in your slice. Also you might want to lean back your model and use prusa slicer to create your supports.

Christopher Fugate
2020-03-22 09:08:15

Jack Burton Whenever possible, do not have large flat surfaces pointing towards the print bed. I'm honestly impressed it printed as well as it did!

Daniel Kottmair
2020-03-22 15:20:21

Put in stronger supports, medium or heavy..

Jack Burton
2020-03-22 15:21:00

Daniel Kottmair is there a guideline on when to use light, medium, and strong supports?

Jack Burton
2020-03-22 15:21:56

Christopher Fugate thanks! Restarted the print and it’s looking better so far. Will report back with findings ?

Daniel Kottmair
2020-03-22 15:42:26

Jack Burton No. Common sense and experience I guess, i learned also the little I know through trial & error, and I'm far from done! ;-)

Daniel Kottmair
2020-03-22 15:46:15

Heavy when they need to carry A LOT of load (or strong angular forces, don't forget about those!), I also like to support the corners of slabs with a medium..

Jack Burton
2020-03-22 22:02:17

Tilting the model was the answer, thank you! It seems like I should be able to print the model way bigger than Chitubox lets me. Do I need to adjust the build volume for the Photon S or is the LCD smaller than the build plate?

原文網址 Jack Burton
2019-10-28 19:12:17

Just got a Photon S after running i3 Megas for about a year. Anycubic cube printed beautifully. I’m digging around on the FAQ and there’s a lot to learn. I recently saw a print that allows the build plate to be held at a 45 after print for drainage but I can’t find it now. Can anyone link it for me? What other upgrades and mods are worthwhile? I’m planning to print buttons for video game controllers and am experimenting with print orientation. It seems like the best workflow right now is Chitubox for positioning, support, and hollowing, then export as STL and slice in Anycubic as .pws. Hopefully Chitubox adds .pws support soon. Thanks!


Peter Csaki
2019-10-28 19:15:29

Jack Burton
2019-10-28 19:15:55

Peter Csaki
2019-10-28 19:18:24

Jack Burton
2019-10-28 19:33:37

Peter Csaki
2019-10-28 20:20:19

Jack Burton
2019-10-28 21:16:58

Tiernan Messmer
2019-10-28 23:07:19

Kelly Wilkins
2019-10-28 23:21:24

Jack Burton
2019-10-28 23:30:21

Peter Csaki
2019-10-29 01:19:40

原文網址 Jack Burton
2019-10-05 10:39:06

I just got my first Photon (S) and can’t get any .photons files to show up in the print menu. I updated to the latest UI and firmware. Any help?


Michael James
2019-10-05 10:40:03

Jack Burton
2019-10-05 10:42:18

Hein Htet Aung
2019-10-05 10:56:17

Jack Burton
2019-10-05 10:58:25

Thanos Panagiotaros
2019-10-05 11:25:49

Jack Burton
2019-10-05 11:52:17



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