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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Walid Khier
2019-12-14 20:02:26

My first (partially) successful print. Out of four rims three stuck to the bed and one, shown here, did not. I will add supports next time to avoid this.

However this is not the problem, rather the sticky touch and that white stuff ( I hope it is visible in the photos).

Cleaned with isopropanol directly after printing and hardened with UV light for about an hour.

What am I doing wrong?

PS. I am using 4x9 W UV lamps to cure.


Johan Larsson
2019-12-14 20:05:14

Walid Khier
2019-12-14 20:08:59

Toby Bunker
2019-12-14 20:10:50

Walid Khier
2019-12-14 20:12:50

Johan Larsson
2019-12-14 20:15:05

Walid Khier
2019-12-14 20:15:43

Johan Larsson
2019-12-14 20:24:25

Paul Soucy
2019-12-14 22:01:54

Walid Khier
2019-12-14 22:09:47

原文網址 Walid Khier
2019-12-11 14:53:31

10 bottom layers @60 sec then 20 sec exposure time. Obviously a disaster. What could it be? Nothing was on the bed. The smashed cube was sticking to the vat. I do not believe it is a leveling and calibration error because it worked before though not perfectly. And yes, it was cold last night


Jerry Hagberg
2019-12-11 15:04:24

James Edward
2019-12-11 15:42:40

Dan Andersson
2019-12-11 16:30:58

Walid Khier
2019-12-11 17:33:44

Fred Bey
2019-12-11 17:36:05

Walid Khier
2019-12-11 19:11:57

Walid Khier
2019-12-12 09:04:18

原文網址 Walid Khier
2019-12-10 19:48:51

How do you print such a geometry? With supports? Upright? Inclined??

Help please, this is practically my first print.


Rusty Mcbride
2019-12-10 19:52:29

Tibi Sucuturdean
2019-12-10 19:56:04

Walid Khier
2019-12-10 19:59:31

Walid Khier
2019-12-10 20:00:03

Azeem Hussein
2019-12-10 20:13:20

Azeem Hussein
2019-12-10 20:14:22

Azeem Hussein
2019-12-10 20:15:07

Pablo Coralio Ballester Pla
2019-12-10 20:22:25

Andrew Von Matterhorn
2019-12-10 20:35:55

Denes Pataki
2019-12-10 22:58:37

Denes Pataki
2019-12-10 22:59:08



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