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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Paul E Nickolan
2019-12-17 12:30:44

The difference a bit of primer makes ❤


Brian T Patterson
2019-12-17 12:36:07

Michal Powierza
2019-12-17 12:36:17

Dustin Wiebe
2019-12-17 12:40:21

Paul E Nickolan
2019-12-17 12:43:52

Paul E Nickolan
2019-12-17 12:47:45

Paul E Nickolan
2019-12-17 12:54:58

Drew Pickard
2019-12-18 01:20:35

Sean Pollman
2019-12-20 01:03:46

Ron Chau
2019-12-20 04:06:50

原文網址 Paul E Nickolan
2019-12-10 12:31:04

First print is done and was a total success! Now just need to clean the support marks on the outside and finish printing the undercarriage for it. Love this little machine already, it is going to be a game changer for me and my hobby


Zio Patrizio
2019-12-10 12:39:49

Paul E Nickolan
2019-12-10 12:42:05

Jarin Udom
2019-12-10 13:14:20

Brian Jenkins
2019-12-10 16:57:35

Pablo Coralio Ballester Pla
2019-12-10 17:51:46

Paul E Nickolan
2019-12-10 22:10:57

Paul E Nickolan
2019-12-10 22:12:12

Pablo Coralio Ballester Pla
2019-12-10 22:20:59

原文網址 Paul E Nickolan
2019-12-01 08:52:33

After leveling the unit, if you relocate the unit to a different area do you need to re-level the machine or is it to just set the calibration of the plate to screen one time?


Scott Pavlich
2019-12-01 09:18:30

Paul E Nickolan
2019-12-01 09:19:26

Nigel White
2019-12-03 03:48:54



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