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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Jarin Udom
2020-03-27 08:49:12

Slighty off-topic, but does anyone else feel a lot less worried about resin contact these days because of all the precautions we're taking around COVID-19?


Kevin Piatz
2020-03-27 08:53:22

I've just put my printing on hold, as my local hospital needed my masks, gloves, and alcohol more than I did.

Jarin Udom
2020-03-27 08:54:56

That's a good call, I may finally get my Ender-3 set up and start working on terrain until the gloves and alcohol aren't so scarce

Kevin Piatz
2020-03-27 08:55:36

Jarin Udom may as well, stay safe Jarin.

Kayo Michiels
2020-03-27 08:56:08

The cleaning solutions we use for our prints are the best desinfectants there are!

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-27 09:15:30

Guess I’ve never worried about it to begin with...

Nathaniel Red Weidner
2020-03-27 09:48:31


Thrall Hood
2020-03-27 10:02:07

I think it puts into perspective why we take precautions in the first place

William Tatum
2020-03-27 12:08:19

To save them, go to Home Depot get the "rubberized" Nitrile gloves. They are like basically for toilet washing. One pair of those lasts ALOT longer than the kinds that doctors use.

Niall Forrester
2020-03-27 13:55:46

I was never 'worried', just took sensible precautions as suggested by the manufacturer (gloves and good ventilation). No change now.

Chris Gough
2020-03-28 06:05:39

I wish Covid19 burnt half as much as resin did. I got a tiny bit on my face again and remembered how irritating it is again.

Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-28 15:30:54

These are what I use and they've been working just fine :)

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-29 07:17:55

I've put my printer on my kitchen counter. Used to be at the workshop, but I'm not allowed there for a while. ? Yolo

原文網址 Jarin Udom
2020-03-07 14:28:31

3D printing saves lives


Estil Wade Taylor
2020-03-07 14:31:52

Daniel Meyer
2020-03-07 16:18:59

Adam Horton
2020-03-07 16:23:29

Heriberto Valle Martinez
2020-03-07 17:39:26

Alan Yarmouth
2020-03-07 17:43:21

Peter Manks
2020-03-07 17:44:01

Adam Horton
2020-03-07 18:04:56

Adaś Miałczyński
2020-03-07 20:49:12

Marco Cimminiello
2020-03-07 22:26:15

Brian Berman
2020-03-07 22:54:59

Samuel Bowden
2020-03-08 01:50:33

Ariel Imrie
2020-03-08 01:54:18

Jarin Udom
2020-03-08 02:15:48

Bach Tant
2020-03-08 02:30:10

Darren Wade
2020-03-08 02:51:54

Darren Wade
2020-03-08 02:52:45

Ariel Imrie
2020-03-08 03:10:33

Samuel Bowden
2020-03-08 03:11:03

Michael Earley
2020-03-08 04:44:13

Marco Cimminiello
2020-03-08 06:39:48

Vincent Wilson
2020-03-08 07:22:34

Mariano Loisi
2020-03-08 11:01:04

Jarin Udom
2020-03-11 03:22:16

原文網址 Jarin Udom
2020-02-01 08:53:01

Made some will-o-wisps for my D&D campaign :D


Milton Maxson
2020-02-01 09:31:26

Jarin Udom
2020-02-01 09:33:24

Jarin Udom
2020-02-01 09:34:24

Milton Maxson
2020-02-01 09:34:36

Milton Maxson
2020-02-01 09:37:51

Jarin Udom
2020-02-01 11:44:56

Milton Maxson
2020-02-01 19:17:34

原文網址 Jarin Udom
2020-01-10 14:23:28

Can’t have enough stirges and mephits


Ryan Tupper
2020-01-10 23:44:54

Chris Poyner
2020-01-11 11:30:55

Jarin Udom
2020-01-11 11:33:20

Chris Poyner
2020-01-11 11:36:07

Jarin Udom
2020-01-11 11:36:55

原文網址 Jarin Udom
2020-01-01 10:34:00

Having a little fun with UV sensitive paint from Culture Hustle :)


Kevin Robins
2020-01-01 16:10:56

Lucas Riley
2020-01-04 08:30:16

原文網址 Jarin Udom
2019-12-20 00:29:30

Hey, has anyone else had trouble printing with the AnyCubic orange resin? I haven’t had major problems until now, but I seriously can’t get it to stick to the build plate.


Dan Andersson
2019-12-20 00:31:41

Matt Hooton
2019-12-20 00:40:56

Jarin Udom
2019-12-20 00:42:21

Matt Hooton
2019-12-20 00:44:52

Matt Hooton
2019-12-20 00:45:14

Jarin Udom
2019-12-20 00:45:48

Matt Hooton
2019-12-20 00:46:24

Jarin Udom
2019-12-20 00:51:00

Jarin Udom
2019-12-21 09:08:55

原文網址 Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 13:32:30

For anyone who's looking for D&D minis to print, here is a huge collection. It's got basically everything from the Monster Manual, plus a lot more.

Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/3dprintingdms/comments/cvtz5q/looking_for_stl_files_for_a_particular_monster_or/

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PemvBH7LC-hm4KoeA8OXVu5_k963Vpmw7kOEA_1tzWs/edit 翻譯年糕

Andriy Lutsenko
2019-12-06 13:36:04

Jon Foster
2019-12-06 13:38:19

Damian Jerewski
2019-12-06 16:26:13

原文網址 Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 13:28:06

D&D Umber Hulk :)


Austin Dickinson
2019-12-06 13:35:11

Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 13:35:37

Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 13:35:58

Austin Dickinson
2019-12-06 13:36:20

Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 13:37:33

Austin Dickinson
2019-12-06 13:38:43

Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 13:40:24

Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 13:42:18

Austin Dickinson
2019-12-06 13:44:13

Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 13:45:28

Austin Dickinson
2019-12-06 13:47:05

Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 13:47:06

Austin Dickinson
2019-12-06 13:47:29

Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 13:47:48

Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 13:48:47

Austin Dickinson
2019-12-06 13:59:34

Jarin Udom
2019-12-06 14:27:54

Cheyne Wellington
2019-12-06 14:51:22

Johnathan Prater
2019-12-06 23:24:03

原文網址 Jarin Udom
2019-12-03 15:15:58

3D printed to painted, I present Don-Jon Raskin! If you’re struggling to get your printer to work, there is hope :)


Edric Chua
2019-12-03 16:12:32

Jarin Udom
2019-12-03 16:13:28

Edric Chua
2019-12-03 16:22:21

Khristian Sutherland
2019-12-03 16:40:24

Jono Yan
2019-12-03 19:32:34

Jarin Udom
2019-12-04 00:21:33

Jarin Udom
2019-12-04 00:23:53

Jono Yan
2019-12-04 05:31:48

Jarin Udom
2019-12-04 05:32:28



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