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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Bruno Tabarani
2020-03-28 08:19:32

Richard Tyler Jr
2020-03-28 08:52:57

Anybody got a file for pitbulls?

Rodney Houlford
2020-03-28 19:46:04

That's fantastic, where did you get the file from?

Bruno Tabarani
2020-03-28 19:48:18

just looked for labrador stl

Zachary Chin
2020-03-28 19:48:50

Forbidden butter

Bruno Tabarani
2020-03-28 19:48:52

Rodney Houlford
2020-03-28 20:16:36

原文網址 Bruno Tabarani
2020-03-28 08:06:40

原文網址 Bruno Tabarani
2020-03-10 23:37:34

Question: have you guys tried using any type of tape to repair a small hole in a fep to continue use ? Was it successful?


Paul West
2020-03-10 23:39:48

Jeffery Nelson
2020-03-11 00:08:31

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-11 00:32:50

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-11 01:01:19

Stefan Giudici
2020-03-11 09:16:32

Alex Clarke
2020-03-13 13:06:22

原文網址 Bruno Tabarani
2020-03-04 07:12:51

Resin printed , wife helped me finish the paint


原文網址 Bruno Tabarani
2020-02-17 06:48:30

Wife just finished this one for a friend


原文網址 Bruno Tabarani
2020-01-20 03:33:17

hello Y'all

OK so is their a difference between the elegoo grey and elegoo ABS grey ? what is better for photon?


Brian Gabriel
2020-01-20 03:35:45

Bruno Tabarani
2020-01-20 03:36:30

Aaron McCommon
2020-01-20 03:38:50

原文網址 Bruno Tabarani
2020-01-11 00:23:38

Question: i think i need to lube the z axis rod its starting to squeak in certain areas as it goes down. what do you all recommend using ? somebody online mentioned this one Lucas Oil 10533 White Lithium Grease, any recommendations?


Neil Joseph
2020-01-11 00:25:39

Scott Schwoppe
2020-01-11 00:40:03

Chad Elstad
2020-01-11 00:42:39

Bruno Tabarani
2020-01-11 01:30:27

原文網址 Bruno Tabarani
2020-01-05 23:45:22

New things in the new year this printer is amazing !!!


原文網址 Bruno Tabarani
2020-01-02 21:45:18

need a recommendation from the painters among you , what primer do you use on detailed minis?


Andrew Brown
2020-01-02 21:49:46

Scott Schwoppe
2020-01-02 22:32:38

James Edward
2020-01-02 22:49:39

原文網址 Bruno Tabarani
2020-01-02 06:33:17

It did it again darn it this time it’s not fixing itself
The firmware is the latest I am going to attempt to check on the cable otherwise going to call them up tomorrow , turned off and on again no usb attached,it’s only 3 month old so still under warranty, any other suggestions ? Did this at the beginning of dec checked everything last time and it had fixed itself after I restarted it . Printed through out December no issues.


2020-01-02 06:37:49

Bruno Tabarani
2020-01-02 06:38:40

Bruno Tabarani
2020-01-02 06:39:26

Stefan Giudici
2020-01-02 07:03:21

Veda Toys
2020-01-02 07:20:37

Bruno Tabarani
2020-01-02 07:30:45

Bruno Tabarani
2020-01-02 21:36:48



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