How worried should I be about small hollows in a model that don't have a drain out?
I've been scaling down and printing some PrintableScenery stuff, but it's clearly designed for filament printers, and their tree canopies have some empty regions that don't connect to anything or drain out. There are kind of _many_ and they range from "tiny" to "pretty small."
I can't figure out how to "unhollow" the shape, but I also know that I'm not going to try to fill these suckers in in Photon Validator.
Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-01-27 20:35:08
Edward Hill
2020-01-27 21:12:53
Richard Rush
2020-01-27 21:41:58
Richard Rush
2020-01-27 21:42:22
Richard Rush
2020-01-27 22:51:19
Edward Hill
2020-01-28 01:27:31
Richard Rush
2020-01-28 01:30:06
Jethro Tierney
2020-01-28 09:00:39
Richard Rush
2020-01-31 20:48:07
Richard Rush
2020-01-31 20:48:26
Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-01-31 20:51:48
Richard Rush
2020-01-31 21:15:13
Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-01-31 21:33:45
Richard Rush
2020-01-31 21:37:39