hi guys. latest Photon s reads pws files. anyway to alter to read older photons files sliced in chitubox?
David Cornell
2020-03-19 07:37:34
James Canham
2020-03-19 07:39:38
David Cornell
2020-03-19 07:39:59
James Canham
2020-03-19 07:40:30
David Cornell
2020-03-19 07:41:10
I'm using the newest and it reads them.
Omar Silva
2020-03-19 07:43:24
Latest firmware reads .photon, .photons, and .pws
James Canham
2020-03-19 07:55:21
Thanks guys. Reading old files now.
Richard Webb
2020-03-19 14:55:30
Firmware v5.0.2 will be your friend