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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Sean Montgomery
2020-03-30 05:01:59

So I finished my first bottle of resin since getting my printer. Went with the green Anycubic brand and used the default slicer and had about a 90% success rate. I see lots of people doing firmware updates, but should I bother with updates if I'm getting such a high success rate? What are the benefits?


Damo Cramp
2020-03-30 05:03:29

If it isn't broke, dont fix it :p

Darko Miljak
2020-03-30 07:00:39

some improvements, antialiasing eg. If ur using Photon S its good to upgrade to be able to read different file types.

原文網址 Sean Montgomery
2020-02-18 08:17:18

My first attempt at painting one of my prints. Need better paint and much better brushes I think.


Scott Clark
2020-02-18 08:18:47

Vincent Balmont
2020-02-18 08:21:15

Sean Montgomery
2020-02-18 08:29:17

Shikaria Serenyty
2020-02-18 08:34:12

2020-02-18 08:39:15

Mike Chess
2020-02-18 10:51:50

Thomas Harrell
2020-02-18 11:18:10

Brendan Wood
2020-02-18 12:50:37

Erick Oneil
2020-02-18 20:36:21

Ryan Lange
2020-02-19 01:18:42

原文網址 Sean Montgomery
2020-02-17 00:49:41

After my first failed print since owning my Photon, I leveled again and printed this beautiful model


Chris Thompson
2020-02-17 01:51:31

Sean Montgomery
2020-02-17 01:55:39

Denlee Paddy Rhodes
2020-02-18 00:38:08

Chris Thompson
2020-02-18 01:12:37

Konstantinos Martinos
2020-02-18 10:35:33

Chris Robinson
2020-02-18 10:38:52

Konstantinos Martinos
2020-02-18 11:13:23

Chris Thompson
2020-02-20 19:24:05

原文網址 Sean Montgomery
2020-02-12 04:42:01

Little Scott Pilgrim print!


Matthew Marcelo
2020-02-12 05:05:40

Sean Montgomery
2020-02-12 05:50:32

原文網址 Sean Montgomery
2020-02-10 00:49:54

My most recent print! Excited to try giving it a paint job!


Vincent Balmont
2020-02-10 00:51:29

Felix Flauta Jr.
2020-02-10 01:20:39

Erik Waring
2020-02-10 01:21:46

Matej Kupka
2020-02-10 01:24:08

Felix Flauta Jr.
2020-02-10 01:24:32

Andrea Cafiero
2020-02-10 01:33:26

Sean Montgomery
2020-02-10 01:40:58

2020-02-10 01:44:16

Colin Graham
2020-02-10 01:50:13

Chris Cody
2020-02-10 01:50:40

Warpy Pagan
2020-02-10 01:53:46

Damjan Ketükil
2020-02-10 01:58:12

Sean Montgomery
2020-02-10 02:05:31

Jimmy Gent
2020-02-10 02:22:15

Sean Montgomery
2020-02-10 02:30:52

Joey Smith
2020-02-11 06:55:19

Jimmy Gent
2020-02-11 10:09:30

Joey Smith
2020-02-11 18:55:51

原文網址 Sean Montgomery
2020-02-01 01:45:29

First attempt at printing a Hero Forge miniature. Should have put the supports on the back more, but pretty happy with the results!


Phillip Stokes
2020-02-01 12:55:57

Kempster Kevin
2020-02-02 09:35:08

原文網址 Sean Montgomery
2020-01-31 20:36:06

Just finished my first print! For some reason the tail didn't print, but overall I'm pretty happy. Going to scale up the next print as she's a bit small.




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