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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Richárd Papp
2020-03-22 21:03:17

Would you choose Photon or Photon S?

I have a Photon S, but i saw people going for the first version instead. Why?

The non plastic housing is really awesome on the first, i miss that on the S version.


Tiernan Messmer
2020-03-22 21:16:39

The OG photon has better support with third party tools like the resin exposure test. This is lost today if you were to buy a regular photon though because they switched out the mainboard (search Fauxton in the group for more info) so no advantage over the S anymore in that regard.

Stormidis Lordios
2020-03-22 21:18:29

what was the difference between the R_E_R_F test for the OG photon that the newer photon/photon S can't do?

Tiernan Messmer
2020-03-22 21:19:54

RERF is the newer Fauxton/S test. The OG Photon has a different one (resin xp test) that IMHO is better but to each their own.

Phlavio Spr
2020-03-22 21:32:57

Photon S has better light source and Z axis. Don't know why it is so underated in this group.

Richard Webb
2020-03-22 21:50:38

if you buy an original - you will very soon want to the the upgrades like the dual z rail etc, or just get the S and get that and a better UV source as well (something that the original version cannot have at all)

Tyler Cox
2020-03-22 21:51:21

Photon zero if you are ok with the smaller build volume. In my experience, same quality of print as the others. But much cheaper.

Pierre Eichel
2020-03-22 22:03:39

I have the first version but personally I would buy the Mars, cause it's like half the price now.

Ben Johnston
2020-03-22 22:04:24

look at the pixel resolution, the Zero is like 75um vs the 45um on the original 2k screen. If you are into hi-def minitures, then the Zero wont be quite as good

James L. Go
2020-03-22 22:09:26

Jason James Grubb
2020-03-22 22:13:16

First because I prefer the metal.

Tyler Cox
2020-03-22 23:10:45

Ben Johnston I know the pixel difference however the light is closer on the zero which allows for less distortion. I have a friend with the photon s and we both printed the same mini's with the same resin, at the same settings and could not tell the difference.

Ben Johnston
2020-03-22 23:13:35

Then the guy with the original photon was over exposing. one of the beauties of the original photon was you could run the open source exposure test and get the models almost pixel perfect, albeit the original photon was Not ready for antialiasing. If you are happy with the Zero you are winning.

Oscar H. Montes
2020-03-22 23:22:06

Just ordered an S. Y’all sold me
On it ?

Phlavio Spr
2020-03-22 23:23:50

Photon Zero was supposed to receive zero vote. ?

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-23 00:16:50

I don't know much about the differences since I just have the regular photon, but I do wish I had a larger print area.

Gabe Snooks
2020-03-23 00:28:57

Photon. With the money you save over the Photon S, upgrade the Z rails and get an EZ level kit. You pay just as much but you end up with a superior printer. Now if Anycubic would make a Photon S2 with those new monochrome LCD, better Z rails, and EZ level... then the price would be worth it. Now with bigger printers at a reasonable price on the horizon... it would be worth waiting for.

Alwin Chan
2020-03-23 00:41:49

Phrozen Sonic Mini - Much faster and overall better build quality.

Richárd Papp
2020-03-23 00:53:28

Bob Deblier
2020-03-23 01:12:42

Nothing Anycubic. Not anymore. Epax X1 probably.

Kyle Urban
2020-03-23 03:41:48

Alwin Chan and impossible to find for a reasonable price

Alwin Chan
2020-03-23 04:54:28

Kyle Urban Give it time. There's a larger one coming soon.



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