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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-26 21:50:00

I printed some Lion Tower Miniatures yesterday. I think I can knock back the exposure a little for better details. But I'm happy with them. Printed in ApplyLabWork mSLA grey modelling resin.


Neal Rasmussen
2020-03-26 22:06:52

What are your settings for these. They look great.

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-26 22:56:42

Thanks.I think I can go to 8 with this resin. I'm still fiddling with the best exposure for the minis.

原文網址 Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-22 09:58:05

I was asked to print this head, which fit in the slicer (barely), but the chin got cut off while printing. There are also some odd lines around the temple and jaw. Because of the size, I could only print it vertical, otherwise it wouldn't fit at all. Does anyone know why I have those two issues? I placed a ton of heavy supports because of the weight but it stuck to the build plate nicely....I was really hopeful it would print properly. Any help is much appreciated.

我被要求列印這個頭, 它適合切片(勉強), 但下巴在列印時被砍掉了. 寺廟和下巴周圍也有一些奇怪的線條. 因為尺寸, 我只能垂直列印, 否則根本不適合. 有人知道為甚麼我有這兩個問題嗎? 因為體重, 我放了一噸重支撐, 但它粘在構建板上.... 我真的很希望它能正確列印. 非常感謝任何幫助.

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Kyle Telechan
2020-03-22 10:00:13

Did you pause it at all? I've noticed when I pause my prints, they sometimes develop lines like that.

Obviously not the issue if they're not parallel with the layers, though.

Ian Henry
2020-03-22 10:02:54

Kyle Telechan this!

the lines could also be where more resin was added

Louis Siciliano
2020-03-22 10:04:22

I always get lines when i pause. And even if you have heavy supports if not enough or in the right place you can get flex at points that make lines

Michael Del Valle
2020-03-22 10:12:54

I got this too but fixed it by adjusting the orientation

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-22 10:13:34

I only pause it when it's at the support level, before it starts printing the main part, just to make sure everything is sticking to the build plate. I didn't add resin.

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-22 10:14:37

I would love to tilt this back but it won't fit. I love this printer but wish I went with a bigger build plate. I'm keeping my eye open for good deals.

Michael Del Valle
2020-03-22 10:16:42

Jennifer Tallman watch a few of this guy's videos. He changed the way I do things haha.

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-22 10:18:33

Oh I love his videos. I've watched just about every one. If I had a larger build plate, I would orientate it differently for sure.. but it barely fits and only upright. I may just have found the limitations of the Photon, but if there is a way to make this work, then I'd like to figure it out.

Michael Del Valle
2020-03-22 10:20:11

Can you put up a screenshot of the orientation?

Drew Delano
2020-03-22 10:23:08

"adjusting the orientation" ? ? ? ? I got it

Jason Pedersen
2020-03-22 10:23:47

Louis Siciliano that's exactly what my thought was. Either a pause or a resin top off.

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-22 10:28:20

If I tilt or move this in any direction, it'll be out of the bounding box

Luiz Junior
2020-03-22 11:20:46

Louis Siciliano that’s because resin in vat is warmer. The resin on the bottle is colder and when you mix them, the expand of cured resin isn’t the same as previous layer.

Louis Siciliano
2020-03-22 11:22:41

Thanks Luiz Junior . Good to know. I dont add to my prints. Havent had too. But i keep my bottle inside the heated enclosure next to my printer anyway.

Joel Mendoza
2020-03-22 11:58:17

Almost thought this was another mask for c19. ?

Jon Geiger
2020-03-22 12:41:27

reduce the scale about 10% if it doesnt have to be exactly that size

Bob Deblier
2020-03-22 14:05:43

Insufficient internal supports cause deformation.

Richard Humble
2020-03-22 14:37:11

I suspect the lower line around the chin is suction. You need a vent hole at the lowest point of any pocket.

Richard Günter Dölz
2020-03-22 16:49:33

Are you be able to share the project with its supports, I won't be able to help, but there will be those with more experience who can look at your supports and make suggestions

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-22 19:49:05

Richard Günter Dölz I didn't save the supported file unfortunately. I had lots of internal heavy supports to ensure the printing of the heavy top.... but maybe it's too much material over a flat bottom surface. I can't change anything, since this is someone else's design.

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-23 10:48:06

I decided to use the Anycubic slicer instead of Chitubox and I found a way it'll fit and print with improved quality. It's a tight fit but it worked.

原文網址 Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-18 03:27:22

So my lab closed down today until at least the beginning of April. I managed to snag an ultrasonic as a parting gift.


Bastian Dietert
2020-03-18 04:04:29

„Snag“ ... you mean „stole“ ?

Gary Houser
2020-03-18 04:15:25

Hope you grabbed some ipa too

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-18 04:15:37

Bastian Dietert I asked first..... as I was leaving the building ?

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-18 04:16:11

Gary Houser No, I'm just about out of it, but I'm trying out Mean Green. I ordered a gallon last week so I hope it works well

Todd Norton
2020-03-18 04:37:31

I've switched to Mean Green exclusively. Works so well in the ultrasonic cleaner.

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-18 04:38:25

Todd Norton Glad to know that.

Alex M Cruz
2020-03-18 05:21:10

That’s a nice get! Hope your work hiatus goes by fast

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-18 05:47:08

Alex M Cruz At least until April 6th. I have projects and hopefully I can make a few bucks on the side.

Leonardo Escovar Quintero
2020-03-20 12:01:27

I've heard it's dangerous to use Ultrasonic with IPA

原文網址 Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-14 23:18:40

I decided to actually use the Photon file validator. I'm on the fixing the file part, and either it's getting stuck or it takes a really long time to fix. What's the standard amount of time for a detailed model to fix the pixels on?


Robert Jeppesen
2020-03-14 23:20:18

Logan Lees
2020-03-14 23:21:59

Scott Hurd
2020-03-14 23:25:37

Zäta Doe
2020-03-14 23:27:31

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-14 23:29:10

Ernest Sandridge Ill
2020-03-15 06:40:44

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-15 06:41:51

原文網址 Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-04 22:07:46

Titan Forge file, ApplyLabWork resin. There are a couple of issues, but overall I love the details.

Titan forge檔案, 掌管樹脂. 有一些問題, 但總體而言, 我喜歡細節.

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Baldy Pat
2020-03-04 23:03:03

Jennifer Tallman
2020-03-05 02:04:01

原文網址 Jennifer Tallman
2020-02-26 10:47:42

This one was a pain but I got it finished. Design is from this site. https://3dartdigital.com/3D-printing/STL-Busts


Clayton Keller
2020-02-26 10:48:58

Robert Plante
2020-02-26 10:53:29

Jennifer Tallman
2020-02-26 11:10:59

原文網址 Jennifer Tallman
2020-02-26 03:07:27

Well, this is new. Clean vat, relevel and retry I suppose.


原文網址 Jennifer Tallman
2020-02-18 09:52:14

I printed another bust from https://3dartdigital.com/ . This guy's face goes together a little weird, but he's pretty impressive otherwise.


原文網址 Jennifer Tallman
2020-02-06 00:53:58

I printed this guy yesterday. There are some small failures that were due to my own error. I'll have reprint some parts but overall I love this bust.


Matthew Eastman
2020-02-06 01:09:39

Robert Mako Sharkey
2020-02-06 01:12:22

Jennifer Tallman
2020-02-06 01:14:27

Jennifer Tallman
2020-02-06 01:17:00

John Nash
2020-02-06 01:54:03

Jennifer Tallman
2020-02-06 02:05:59

Robert Mako Sharkey
2020-02-06 02:57:23

Jennifer Tallman
2020-02-06 02:58:44

原文網址 Jennifer Tallman
2020-02-05 00:50:14

Well, this is new. I've been happily printing. It's halfway through a long-ish print and the printer just started making grinding type noises as the bed lowers. Maybe not grinding... maybe rubbing? It's not hitting anything that I can see. I really don't want to stop this print.... thinking that I should? Not sure what's going on.


Hugh Jeriolas
2020-02-05 00:53:39

Matthew Eastman
2020-02-05 00:53:43

Matthew Eastman
2020-02-05 00:54:13

Jennifer Tallman
2020-02-05 01:11:35



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