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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Josef Halíček
2020-03-17 05:28:30

Could you please point me in the right direction? What could be my problem here? It happens in the last few prints - it appears as some "bad layer" that cuts nearly everything and only big parts are somehow able to continue printing. But the result is that I can throw out everything. The setting is pretty standard, printed out a few things with that. Could it be bad leveling? Photon Zero, pw0 file seems fine.


JP Barker
2020-03-17 06:10:18

That looks like a FEP issue, is it the same file each time or a different file but same issue and location?

Josef Halíček
2020-03-17 06:21:58

It happened with different files in the approximately same height too.

Josef Halíček
2020-03-17 06:23:05

JP Barker
2020-03-17 06:23:56

Then I would definitely check your FEP, make sure it is tight and clear. If not change it out.

原文網址 Josef Halíček
2020-03-07 02:10:55

Question: One of the advantages of MSLA printing is that I can run multiple models at once and the fail of one (e.g. bad supports) does not automatically affects all of the others on plate.

Is my thinking correct?


Carla Birch
2020-03-07 02:13:16

James Hendrix
2020-03-07 02:17:31

John Chrapkowski
2020-03-07 02:19:08

Josef Halíček
2020-03-07 02:19:56

Joseph Haiflich
2020-03-07 02:23:59

Brendan Wood
2020-03-08 15:26:02



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