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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Lamarr Eddings
2020-04-03 00:10:13

OK hivemind what am I missing? A few days ago everything was fine. Yesterday I tried to run some new files and there were 3-4 failures. Some super thin pieces stuck on FEP some very thin on plate. I leveled plate and reset zero. What else should I know before trying again?


Jacob Palmer
2020-04-03 00:25:11

Things to check: plate leveled and zeroed, mixed resin, temperature correct

Lamarr Eddings
2020-04-03 01:00:00

ahhhh resin may be the thing. It has been a couple of days.

Lamarr Eddings
2020-04-03 05:54:03

If anyone has any other ideas, I'm open! It would give up at the first of the month when "Patreon fever" is at its worst! LOL!

Lamarr Eddings
2020-04-03 06:51:18

Looking through the old posts. Could this be a result of old FEP and black resin?

Gary Slovinsky
2020-04-03 07:58:13

Also, with out seeing what’s on the FEP, we’re just speculating. Depending on how thin might even be an island that needed a support is whats stuck on the fep. Was it run through the verifer?

原文網址 Lamarr Eddings
2020-03-22 21:04:27

Morning all! Is it possible to hollow a model using the anycubic software or do I have to learn another program?


Andrew Steel
2020-03-22 21:08:05

Chitu has a "hollow" button, so does it for ya, just remember to add at least 2 drainage holes, theres a button for that aswell, right mext to the hollow button

Matt Grisham
2020-03-22 21:23:55

Lamarr Eddings
2020-03-22 21:57:34

So Chitu and Meshmixer are 2 versions of basically the same thing?

原文網址 Lamarr Eddings
2020-03-18 01:07:11

OK a high priority for me and my printer is a set of replacement shields for old 28mm soldiers. Is there any way to do this short of a 3D scanner?


Niall Forrester
2020-03-18 01:12:25

Got any pictures of what you are looking to achieve? Something that small you might be able to sculpt or create geometrically in a 3D program closely enough that it is not noticeably different from the original. Depends on the shape and complexity.

Michael Hockenbarger
2020-03-18 01:14:16


Wouldn’t be hard to scale something like this down.

Lamarr Eddings
2020-03-18 01:15:08

I'm looking for a match to these specific figs.

Niall Forrester
2020-03-18 01:37:00

Lamarr Eddings Looks like it could be sculpted with a bit of time and access to an original to make measurements. My (somewhat uninformed) guess is that the effort to clean up a scan might be as much as creating the thing from scratch, but I could be w rong.

Know anyone who is a whiz at 3D stuff? Or prepared to put in a bit of time to learn to do it yourself (assuming you don't already have those skills)? I am learning Fusion 360, and finding it quite enjoyable just trying to create stuff. These shields are a bit organic, so probably other 3D applications would be more suitable.

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-18 12:23:50

Lamarr Eddings Looks like an easy modeling job

原文網址 Lamarr Eddings
2020-03-15 21:13:29

Oh the disappointment! I had a beautiful frost giant mini running last night only to wake up to an empty resin vat and a 90% completed model half! It will be used as a terrain piece so isn't a complete waste but is this just part of the learning curve?


Jim Nelson
2020-03-15 21:26:45

Lamarr Eddings
2020-03-15 21:35:56

Brendan Wood
2020-03-16 02:04:48

原文網址 Lamarr Eddings
2020-03-15 00:51:58

New owner here and I may be addicted! I'm a fantasy figure painter and 28mm gamer. I'd appreciate any links you think might come in handy for files.


Mike Ravn Bolin
2020-03-15 00:55:31

Lamarr Eddings
2020-03-15 01:28:31

Jolene Sweeney
2020-03-15 01:59:30

Lamarr Eddings
2020-03-15 02:02:33

Mike Ravn Bolin
2020-03-15 02:06:49

Jamie Osborne
2020-03-15 03:09:31

John Colt Hendricks
2020-03-15 03:18:30

Brendan Wood
2020-03-15 04:18:08

Jason Pedersen
2020-03-15 04:37:54



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