I have successfully been printing great looking figures on my Photon. Now I am trying to print some parts for my Warship Models, I am having a hard time figuring out how to control these layer lines. They seem to be hit and miss as well, sometimes they are there on the same model with the same settings and others not. Is this the limitations of the printer or can I tweak the settings and help reduce? Sirya Tech Fast Grey with a 12s exposure .5 layer lines
Thanks in advance
Vinny Bryant
2020-03-21 07:59:41
Little wipe with asotone and they will disappear
Matt Enochs
2020-03-21 08:00:18
Vinny Bryant
2020-03-21 08:11:13
Matt Enochs
try it after cure I got a bit Confused thought it was a filliment print but might still be worth a try
Robert Mun
2020-03-21 08:36:54
AA will help, and there is a chart that optimises angle to layer height. Eg 0.04 layer is about 42 degrees to the horizontal, but given you have multiple flat surfaces, you’ll have to compromise
Brklyn Brklyn
2020-03-21 11:26:45
It might be a loose z-axis or it might be that for that angle, you need thinner layers to appear smooth. I use .03 for everything.
Good blend of speed and detail
You can cove this u when you paint, just don’t use washes of the flat surface. And keep the paint matt
Bob Deblier
2020-03-21 15:17:01
Vinny Bryant
nope - basically the only solvents that will dissolve cured resin are chloroform and paint stripper. Neither are a good idea to use at home. The former is illegal (in quite a few places) and the latter is carcinogenic.
William Riker
2020-03-21 16:38:58
Peopel have to understand that aliasing happens at every degree at some strength and antialiasing cannot always prevent it. The perfect angle is 45 degree, no matter what. Its a math Problem you could even calculate.
Vinny Bryant
2020-03-21 17:06:37
Just a thought is your bulit plate lever as the ones on the left look okay but the right look worse
Merv Hinton
2020-03-21 19:16:22