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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 John Valdes
2020-03-31 11:20:13

I tried using chitubox for my photon printer. But my photon printer did not recognized the file. Using the stock software the extension is file.pws. but when I use chitubox is file.photon. any idea what can be the problem?


Hugh Jeriolas
2020-03-31 11:24:27

Upgrade your firmware

Wayne Mitchell
2020-03-31 11:27:45

Make sure both your photon and your chitubox have the latest firmware updates and it should recognize the files

Matty J. Lim
2020-03-31 11:29:59

Also change the printer from default to the anycubic.

Side question I changed the dimensions of the printer to match the photon but my yoda test print, whilst looking fine on app, came out rather weird and warped. I assume I have the x y z settings wrong. The application sets them up bizzarley as well can anyone confirm the x y z setting needed in chitubox for the photon

John Valdes
2020-03-31 11:57:05

Wayne Mitchell how do I update the printer?

Marcel Hansen
2020-03-31 12:40:55

Just open the file in photon workshop and resave it as pws, problem solved

Chris Peck
2020-03-31 12:44:27

What photon printer are you using? I am using the photon zero and I have to use Chitubox for all my supports and then save as STL then open in photon workshop to slice it into a .pw0 file because Chitubox doesn’t currently support the zero yet that I am aware.

John Valdes
2020-03-31 19:54:23

Marcel Hansen tried it did not work.

John Valdes
2020-03-31 19:55:11

Chris Peck I have the anycubic photon

Wayne Mitchell
2020-03-31 20:32:03

John Valdes there are some YouTube videos online, pretty simple though. Go to anycubic website and find your printer. At the bottom of the page there are firmware updates. Load the latest version on your thumb drive and move it to the printer. Find that file and select it to print. That should start the update

原文網址 John Valdes
2020-03-27 04:33:42

Can you print right after a print? Or do we have to empty the resin and than print? 1st time using a SLA.

你能列印完就列印嗎? 或者我們必須清空樹脂, 而不是列印? 第一次使用sla.

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James Bricknell
2020-03-27 04:34:55

You can just print. As long as there is no leftover cured resin

Miles Redman
2020-03-27 04:35:25

^^^^ what they said

Chris Robinson
2020-03-27 04:35:41

You'll want to make sure that there are no left over bits from the previous print.

John Valdes
2020-03-27 04:35:44


Miles Redman
2020-03-27 04:36:19

The most I’ve done between cleaning the vat is about a dozen prints

Tim Borschel
2020-03-27 04:40:55

I empty and filter my vat resin after every print, not necessary but it gives me piece of mind

Jacob Hale
2020-03-27 05:01:46

If nothing failed, go for it. If something failed, there's a solid chance there is cured resin somewhere in the vat, thus cleaning time.

Phez Darryn Stanmore
2020-03-27 05:19:09

As long as nothing has failed, I keep going, but I also don't let the vat sit with resin in it for more than a day with out being used, otherwise I clean it out.

Richard Shapiro
2020-03-27 05:47:54

I take a quick swish of the resin, to make sure there's nothing hard in there to crack the glass, then hit print.

Panagiotis Kountouriotis
2020-03-27 07:13:59

Phez Darryn Stanmore I have left resin in the vat for a week I added some fresh I gave it a steer and printed no problems

Phez Darryn Stanmore
2020-03-27 08:02:44

Panagiotis , I'm just paranoid after doing that, and none of my prints working until I cleaned it all out, probably didn't stir it Up properly, lol

Panagiotis Kountouriotis
2020-03-27 08:20:43

Panagiotis Kountouriotis
2020-03-27 08:21:40

This is to extreme but I have left it for a week no problems

Marie Stevens
2020-03-27 08:22:55

原文網址 John Valdes
2020-03-25 09:43:42

Little assistant. Today I tried using my anycubic. Tried to print some weapons for some figures. But did not print. I see the first layer down in the tray. But nothing was stuck on the build plate. What could be the cause? Using anycubic slicer and resin.


Brendan Wood
2020-03-25 09:51:39

It's either a leveling issue or not enough time on the Base layer. Relevel the build plate and increase Base exposure by 5 seconds and try again. Repeat until perfect prints.

Anders Scot Hudson
2020-03-25 09:54:02

Also if it’s your first time, the plate may not be down far enough when you set the Z, the paper needs to be more snug than you think...

John Valdes
2020-03-25 11:21:00

Brendan Wood where can increase the base exposure?

Brendan Wood
2020-03-25 11:21:26

John Valdes what program are you using to slice?

John Valdes
2020-03-25 11:21:36

Anders Scot Hudson I will tried it again. Had it tight that paper was real tight

John Valdes
2020-03-25 11:22:15

I have both chitubox and the anycubic one. I was using the anycubic one.

Brendan Wood
2020-03-25 11:31:12

Well first of all I recommend not using the anycubic one. Then in Chitubox, on the right hand of the screen there is a button for Settings. In the middle of the Settings window, there is a Print tab. You can change the numbers in there and press the En ter key to save. If you haven't used Chitubox yet then the numbers might be a little low by default. That was my experience. When doing test prints to find your curing time you can increase the Exposure Time by 1 second and Bottom Exposure Time by 5 seconds to dial it in.

Brendan Wood
2020-03-25 11:31:55

I like this town as my test piece to figure out a resin's times

John Valdes
2020-03-25 11:32:49

Brendan Wood will try it. I read about sanding the bed plate.

Brendan Wood
2020-03-25 11:33:23

John Valdes i've never done that so I can't recommend.

Bob Deblier
2020-03-25 15:26:48

John Valdes beware of destructive hardware modifications. Only do that if 1) you have exhausted all other possibilities [including releveling dozens of times if necessary] and 2) have visually confirmed with a steel ruler and a light source that your build plate is not flat.



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