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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-29 06:57:41

Can anybody tell me which part of the machine is making this noise?? ? ?


Mikkel Jensen
2020-03-29 07:05:06

i think...... not sure, but i think i recall something with a steppermotor getting signal when it shouldnt????? :) correct me if im wrong :D

Louis Bergès
2020-03-29 07:06:25

Normal from the FEP

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-29 07:37:52

Louis Bergès
2020-03-29 07:46:24

It is a good noise it comme from the FEP Teflon film

原文網址 Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-28 01:22:57

For the paramiters on the X;Y;Z Do you simply type in the specs from Anycubic, found on Anycubics website??: https://www.anycubic.com/products/anycubic-photon-s 翻譯年糕

Tim Borschel
2020-03-28 14:18:10

**edited** I just saw you already selected the printer, I think what is in there is correct

原文網址 Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-26 04:21:32

Hi, i print on a Photon S, due stl and supports in chitubox and later in Photon workshop. I print 0,05 with 8 sec exposure. Can someone tell me, why the supports on picture one, tuens out as a solid wall on the print?? ?‍♂️ ?


Josh Berkley
2020-03-26 04:36:59

This may or not be related to your issue but resin printers like printing vertically not horizontally. That much change in area from later to layer won't yield good results, going from tiny support points to a large surface area so quickly is difficult for the resin to do and you'll have binding issues

Josh Berkley
2020-03-26 04:37:21

I'd recommend a more up and down orientation

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-26 04:41:30

Josh Berkley thanks for your Swift reply. I will try and reorientate it ? only did, cause I know that height equal time ?

Josh Berkley
2020-03-26 04:54:55

Anders Jens Ramm absolutely right. A trick I like is to combine the print with a taller file. This piece looks like part of an assembly? If there are other parts you can't avoid the height with then throw smaller things in there and you get them for "free" time wise. If that makes sense

Pikie Perch Poacher Sidious
2020-03-26 05:51:26

What resin are u using?

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-26 05:53:26

Pikie Perch Poacher Sidious standard grey resin from Anycubic

Pikie Perch Poacher Sidious
2020-03-26 05:54:15

I get good results with 6s exposure have u done a test?

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-26 05:55:15

Josh Berkley I am still very new, and still trying to dial in on, how to use the printer. Experimenting with layer height, exponation time aso. But thanks for the tip ?

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-26 05:57:21

Pikie Perch Poacher Sidious I just got it yesterday and doing all kind of tests. Some with more success than others ? Can you tell me, if my layer height becomes smaller, eg going from 0,05 to 0,025 - shall I in- or decrease the expo time??

Pikie Perch Poacher Sidious
2020-03-26 06:00:32

U should print the exposure test from thingiverse, if u post the results folks on here will help read the results. This will let u know the best exposure time for the layer height u test at. I print at 0.05 for 6 s normal. Dose that make sense?

Pikie Perch Poacher Sidious
2020-03-26 06:02:46

If I printed at 0.025 I would run an exposure test for that layer height to find the best exposure time

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-26 06:03:48

Pikie Perch Poacher Sidious it does. I did the rerf test that come with the machine, and found that 7 was best, with layer height of 5microns. But Can that just be directly transferred onto any model, big or small, that I print with the layer height?

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-26 06:05:39

Can you link me the exposure test you’re referring to? The rerf one was a real hassle, as all the non-good exposures didn’t stick to the print, but fell off and attached them self to the fab ? ? that was a real pain to get them off again ☹️

Pikie Perch Poacher Sidious
2020-03-26 06:07:59

I think the test on thingiverse are better I believe and allow u to do different layer heights and use a lot less resin. If 7 was best at 0.05, I would use that. If I wanted to reduce layer height I would expect the exposure time to be less. But another test for that layer height would be best practice, I believe

Josh Berkley
2020-03-26 06:09:51

Anders Jens Ramm I totally understand we all learn new things every day

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-26 06:11:21

Josh Berkley if u have any good source of in depth theory you can share I would be happy, as I right now just kind of wing it ?‍♂️

Josh Berkley
2020-03-26 06:12:53

Anders Jens Ramm I'll be very honest I don't deviate from 8s/layer and 65s/bottom layer hardly at all. Almost never get failures unless I did a bad job supporting

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-26 15:36:13

Josh Berkley so I orientated it vertical, but I think maybe my supports are to small and exposure time to short. So I try again with heavy supports and exposure time of 10s. ?‍♂️

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-26 15:36:26

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-26 15:37:13

Josh Berkley
2020-03-27 14:17:45

Anders Jens Ramm looks like an exposure time problem to me. If I had a clear picture of the entire object (a pic if the stl) I could have a better idea of a good orientation



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