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ATOM 3D Printer Group 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Sébastien Pierre
2016-05-05 21:33:18

I just got a ZebraPlate, which means I have to adjust the z-offset so that it has an extra 5mm. The ATOM is on 2.0.6 but it seems that the z-offset setting in the menu does not work reliably. It works for small values (like 0.0 or 0.4) but when I tried bigger values (0.9, 1.5, 2.5) it seemed to stop at about 0.7cm from the bed. Did any of you had similar problems?

2016-05-09 14:46:54

try reduce height in the marlin??? should be fix that problem.

Birk Binnard
2016-05-09 16:08:36

Nope - I have done repeated switches between Zebra Plate and no Zebra Plate with no problem. And I have also used some large values of Z-Offset just to check how well the extruder & hotend were extruding.

原文網址 Sébastien Pierre
2016-04-14 19:59:47

Any recommendation for a heated bed that fits/works the Atom?


2016-04-14 21:30:00

ATOM heat bed

Timmy Chen
2016-04-15 19:53:08

原文網址 Sébastien Pierre
2016-03-08 01:21:49

I was looking into the DyzeXtruder, and wanted to know which stepper driver the Atom is using. Is it the DRV8825? It looks like so, but just wanted to be sure. http://dyzedesign.com/…/dyzextr…/stepper-driver-adjustment/…


Clarence Lee
2016-03-08 08:28:24

it's DRV8825 on ATOM2.0

Sébastien Pierre
2016-03-08 09:58:00


原文網址 Sébastien Pierre
2016-01-26 03:13:41

Anyone knows where to source a replacement PTFE tube for the hotend in USA/Canada, including the funnel? The triangular/funnel part broke a few weeks ago and since then I've not been able to complete a print :(


Clarence Lee
2016-01-26 09:17:51

What funnel? Could you take a picture?
The OD 3mm ID 2mm PTFE tube might hard to be found.
Birk Binnard got some experience on finding it in US.

原文網址 Sébastien Pierre
2015-12-18 23:14:58

Has anyone experienced issues where the layers don't stick to each other very well? I printed this carabiner this morning and the layers peel off very easily.


Clarence Lee
2015-12-19 01:31:04

temperature precise/stability
filament quality/condition

Dan Salvador
2015-12-19 02:56:26

All of the above ? ?

Sébastien Pierre
2015-12-19 05:38:03

Temperature control seems to be a bit problematic, it's still oscillating by -/+ 4C during print. Any tips on how to stabilize?

Clarence Lee
2015-12-19 09:34:14


And how about a photo to check your effector assembly around the hotend?

原文網址 Sébastien Pierre
2015-12-10 02:12:40

Newbie question: I printed the Atom Reelholder (sliced with KISSlicer), but the printed version has the arch filled with support filling, which I can't remove. I imagine that's a slicing issue, any advice on how to solve that? Thanks!


Clarence Lee
2015-12-10 02:16:11

the support is not required, try to turn off the support.

原文網址 Sébastien Pierre
2015-11-27 00:53:05

I've printed the universal filament holder ( http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:784199 ) but can't find where to buy the non-printable parts (in particular 8227 608 bearing and 40.585 extension spring). Any recommended place to source this in USA/Canada? Thanks!


2015-11-27 14:44:42

i think it's hard to find this in USA/Canada...
maybe u should try ebay....

2015-11-27 16:54:48

Birk Binnard
2015-11-28 02:37:38

原文網址 Sébastien Pierre
2015-10-17 02:33:26

Following-up on my previous question regarding the extruder not heating, is this the expected reading out of the ceramic heating element? The multimeter displays 1 all the time (which I guess means "infinite resistance").


Charlie Ting
2015-10-17 02:40:49

The ceramic heating element is a low ohms component to increase its power output. So change your multimeter to 200 ohms is better to investigate it properly.

原文網址 Sébastien Pierre
2015-10-16 04:51:52

Hi all! I finished assembling the Atom 3D printer, but never managed to get it to print. I had a few problems 1) the rear extruder fan was stuck, which I fixed by adjusting its position 2) during the first run, the extruder heated properly to 200C but did not print anything, because the extruder bearing was not getting enough grip on the filament 3) after fixing the fan and pulling part of the PFE tube on extruder to extract the filament, the extruder does not heat anymore. What can I do to fix the heating and extract the stuck filament?


Clarence Lee
2015-10-16 07:50:53

For 2. Is your extruder arm screw too tight? It should be movable by spring tension.

Clarence Lee
2015-10-16 07:52:32

Need a photo / video to know what's the problem on 3. Did you check the wire by multi meter?

Lawrence Lee
2015-10-16 10:35:41

clarence is correct on 2, the plunger arm needs to be able to move freely. As of 3, I think you might have loosen the wire for the heating ring, please check the integrity of the cables.

Sébastien Pierre
2015-10-16 19:57:06

For 3, I think there was a short-circuit due to the heating element wires chafing on the upper heat shield sharp edges. I saw a small spark, after which the heater would not heat anymore, while the thermometer still does. I'll use a multimeter to check the cables, but am worried about what could have been damaged? Would the board be damages, or the cermaic element?

原文網址 Sébastien Pierre
2015-10-07 22:46:20

Hi all! So as I mentioned yesterday, my wire collector is longer than the electric wires, as illustrated in the photo below. Should I cut the wire collector? any tips?


2015-10-07 23:02:16

no no. you don't have to cut it.

Coby Huang
2015-10-07 23:15:17

Don't cut it. The other part of wire will be connected with this part. Don't try anything that not mentioned in the manual.

Sébastien Pierre
2015-10-08 06:58:20

OK, but did you also have wires that are shorter than the wire collector? Seems weird to me :/

Eric Lee
2015-10-08 08:14:50

when this part connected with another wire, all the connection plug can be put in the wire collector, it will be more clean :)


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