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ATOM 3D Printer Group 造訪社團 » Neutron 話題

原文網址 Yohann Toutain
2019-09-19 18:00:31

Hello there,

Here is a bust of Darth Vader I have realised on my Atom Neutron printer.

Filament: Sunlu PLA+ Grey.

Layer heigh: 0.12

Infill: 7%

Scale: 70%

Total time for the body and base: 19h30

Link MyMiniFactory: https://www.myminifactory.com/…/3d-print-darth-vader-bust-8…


Stanley Chen
2019-09-19 20:04:32

nice works!

原文網址 Gabriel Aumar
2019-08-12 02:02:48

atom neutron fini


ATOM 3D Printers
2019-08-12 02:43:50

Mirror bed is really cool!

Syuan Fu
2019-08-12 18:43:26


Yohann Toutain
2019-09-19 18:53:02

Il faudra que tu fasse attention a l'encombrement de tes ventilos lorsque tu voudras imprimer sinon ça risque de toucher laux axes.

原文網址 Gabriel Aumar
2019-08-11 01:10:19

bonjour arduino 1.6.10 fonctionne pour proton mai pas pour neutron quel version doit je prendre . merci d avance


Yohann Toutain
2019-09-19 18:28:24

J'ai utilisé Arduino 1.5.8 pour flasher ma Neutron. ?

原文網址 Gabriel Aumar
2019-08-05 04:20:17

fan e3d v6 for delta neutron


原文網址 Gabriel Aumar
2019-07-31 00:32:17

bonjour. qui a monter l imprimante neutron? quel version d arduino utiliser ? car j ai des message d erreurs sur arduino 1.6.6 et 1.8.9

Hello. who has to mount the neutron printer? which version of Arduino to use? because i have error messages on arduino 1.6.6 and 1.8.9


原文網址 Gabriel Aumar
2019-07-23 21:50:31

bonjour merci pour l ajout . je suis de France je monte une "proton" et ensuite la "neutron" et l "électron"

hello thank you for the addition. I am from France I ride a "proton" and then the "neutron" and the "electron"


原文網址 Pascal van den Broek
2019-03-29 03:13:05

Hi all, I'm new here! Has anyone built a atom neutron delta printer? I would love to see what everyone has made, and how you did it! I would love to see your builds!


Todd Whetstone
2019-03-29 03:22:47

Still a work in progress, I'm having problems with the firmware and autoleveling. Hopefully I'll have it up and running soon.

Yohann Toutain
2019-03-29 07:51:31

I have finished mine. Here is the final result :

Yohann Toutain
2019-03-29 07:56:49

Neutron in work.

2019-03-29 17:43:36

Just joined the group buying here and assembled it with something homemade.

2019-03-31 03:21:21

This is my Neutron, you can refer my gallery for more detail. ^^

Алексей Ермаков
2019-04-06 08:18:12

вот мой принтер

Todd Whetstone
2019-04-06 08:27:43

I've tried and tried, but I cant get the firmware to work for me. I dont know what's going on. I've about given up.

Yinka Alade
2019-04-06 09:48:09

what is an Atom Neuron?

原文網址 Todd Whetstone
2019-03-23 14:48:19

When trying to auto level my Neutron, this is what I get. The effector wont go all the down to the build plate, it stays some where around 140-150mm above the plate, goes through all the motion of leveling, but does nothing. I increased my build height from 200mm to 220mm, but I'm not sure where to change it in the firmware. Any help would be very much appreciated. I'm excited to get printing.


James Lin
2019-03-23 14:58:59


Yohann Toutain
2019-03-23 18:27:10

First use the height by default (225 if i remember), then in your Marlin firmware, you should have this line: # define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT, increase the values on X, Y and Z until you can do the auto leveling properly. Then make some XYZ cubes test to verify if it respect the good tolerances and adjust if necessary. If you have problems of under or over extrusion you will have to do the same for the E.

Malak Ghorghi
2019-03-23 19:30:26

Hugo Lopez Uria here a nice conversation I saw maybe to be useful for you.

2019-03-25 04:33:43

# define DELTA_HEIGHT 230 // get this value from auto calibrate
in my case, to make sure the bed would be probable.

原文網址 Todd Whetstone
2019-03-23 12:50:51

Finishing up on my Neutron and I was wondering if anyone is using Simplify3d? What profile do I use and if someone has a profile to share with me? Any help would be much appreciated.


Yohann Toutain
2019-03-23 18:31:15

You use carbon rods on your machine?

原文網址 Yohann Toutain
2019-03-18 18:38:04


I have installed on my Neutron Delta printer an MK3 heatbed with an insulating plate to keep it warm. I have also bought a 13A power supply to have enough current to heat the bed.
The heatbed take time to reach 60°C but it will be ok for PLA.


2019-03-18 20:30:58


2019-03-19 10:38:04

look like perfect

Arif Darmawan
2020-02-10 13:47:31

how long it take to heat bed until 60 degree celcius? I just finished assembly but mine cant heat up the bed... :(


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