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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Samuli Salovaara
2020-03-02 00:20:45

I'm having trouble with the z-axis movement not working on my photon on some prints. During the first layers it sometimes gives a couple of beeps when it's supposed to lift off the bed and won't move before I shutdown the machine and restart it. With the same print it might fail randomly between the first 5 or 6 layers and then after numerous retries go through the whole print without issue. I originally thought it would be due to too high surface area on the first layers, but it's happened on prints with just a couple of square centimeters area and then be totally fine with a plate completely full. After a restart the z-axis always works without issue when I lift the plate through the settings.

Any ideas what I could try to remedy the issue? I have the 6A original power supply and thought that excess current needs might cause it to fail. Ordered a new 8A one, but would like to find a fix before that.


Samuli Salovaara
2020-03-02 00:22:54

原文網址 Samuli Salovaara
2019-06-04 01:53:02

Anyone have a problem with the prints failing due to z-axis stopping movement during the base layers? I've been printing for about a year now but lately my printer has started to suddenly beep when trying to raise the build platform and then just not move at all during the rest of the print.

The same print might be successful, but immediately on the next print it fails on the 4th layer. Then on the next one on the second and then on the fourth try it's successful again. The build platform always lifts after I reboot the unit.

I'm suspecting the PSU as it's the original 6A so with the base layers that have the strongest forces on the build platform it fails. But it seems pretty random with full platforms working fine and the next run it fails with something that has like a 2 x 2cm base layer...


Andrey Sabrev
2019-06-04 02:05:44

Chad Elstad
2019-06-05 23:38:32

原文網址 Samuli Salovaara
2019-03-13 00:20:45

Anyone else notice changes between different Anycubic Resin batches?

Jos opened up a new bottle of Anycubic Grey and the newer one is a far lighter grey colour as well as being a lot more fluid compared to the previous bottle.

Will be interesting to see how the print turns out if there's any difference in that as well.


Derek Reihe
2019-03-13 00:21:49

Samuli Salovaara
2019-03-13 00:22:49

原文網址 Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-09 23:38:13

Has anyone run into a problem that the z-axis is not moving when printing, but does move when you go through the menu to move it up and down?

I've tried running prints spliced both with Anycubic software and Chitubox. As well as rerunning the print that was succesful last evening. Today nothing works...

Any suggestions? Or should I just sacriface a goat to some god and hope they fix it?


John Stanford
2019-02-10 00:06:09

John Walter
2019-02-10 00:10:07

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-10 00:12:04

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-10 00:32:54

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-10 00:33:53

John Walter
2019-02-10 00:49:36

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-10 01:18:13

John Walter
2019-02-10 01:32:17

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-10 01:38:37

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-10 03:24:18

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-10 03:46:42

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-10 05:17:01

Sen Kun
2019-02-10 05:33:09

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-10 05:36:56

Sen Kun
2019-02-10 05:43:29

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-10 05:45:04

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-10 05:49:19

Sen Kun
2019-02-10 06:03:38

原文網址 Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-08 01:04:21

Changing my LCD and ran into the first puzzling point. This mirror like surface isn't there on the original screen? Is it some protective sheeting or what? This one is straight from Anycubic so you'd think it would be similar.

Judging from my searches here it's some polarizing sheet and should be left on?


Robert Maefs
2019-02-08 01:29:52

Sen Kun
2019-02-08 01:30:48

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-08 01:45:37

Paul Joseph
2019-02-08 09:06:00

Robert Maefs
2019-02-08 09:24:42

Brian Petersen
2019-02-08 18:41:46

Samuli Salovaara
2019-02-08 20:44:21

Sen Kun
2019-02-08 20:55:42

Sen Kun
2019-02-08 20:58:16

Brian Petersen
2019-02-08 22:24:12

原文網址 Samuli Salovaara
2019-01-20 02:46:10

What could be the cause for this? In my last print I had a glitch where it almost looks like the whole layer was printed like 10mm to one side and then returned to normal. When previewing the file nothing like this is apparent there. Could it be that one layer just didn't stick and floated off to the side only to be reattached later? If so what could I do to avoid this?


Richard Cooper
2019-01-20 07:23:45

Samuli Salovaara
2019-01-20 16:15:44

Samuli Salovaara
2019-01-20 22:40:26

Samuli Salovaara
2019-01-22 15:30:10

Sen Kun
2019-01-22 15:52:06

Samuli Salovaara
2019-01-22 15:53:17

Sen Kun
2019-01-22 15:57:43

Samuli Salovaara
2019-01-22 16:02:06

Sen Kun
2019-01-22 16:03:31

Samuli Salovaara
2019-01-22 16:04:56

Sen Kun
2019-01-22 16:07:47

原文網址 Samuli Salovaara
2018-12-05 04:32:29

Has anyone mixed Anycubic resin and Monocure Rapid together? It's looking like I might just run out of resin on a larger print and neither bottle has enough that it will clearly last for the whole print. Just wondering if I should wait to get more resin or can they be mixed


Benjamin Matthews
2018-12-05 04:48:15

Kyle Smaagard
2018-12-05 04:49:33

Samuli Salovaara
2018-12-05 04:55:59

原文網址 Samuli Salovaara
2018-07-13 04:19:38

Has anyone made comparisons of the mechanical properties of different resins? And would there happen to be some comparison excel sheet anywhere? Would help in planning supports etc. when trying new resins.

I've now used a few different Anycubic resins and Monocure Rapids. Monocure stuff seems to be far softer than the anycubic resins and even after postcuring for long times I have pieces that are pretty flexible. Downside is that especially for heavier items the supports seem to flex a lot and I need far heavier supports than with Anycubic resins. On the plus side pieces haven't cracked as easily.

One thing that I found interesting is that even though the parts can be fairly flexible I still have had a lot of cracks forming in my prints that have been done with Monocure Rapid. Seems to have a lot more shrinkage during final curing if it causes that. And it's not like I've printed massive chunks either as small 6mm tanks have had these issues. For example this tank has been cracking when printed as solid. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2784514 With Anycubic I've done prints with tens of times the volume without issue.


原文網址 Samuli Salovaara
2018-06-09 13:13:06

Anyone else had "Memory error code: M_11820" turn up mid print and managed to fix it somehow. Searches here didn't really turn up that many previous discussions and even less solutions. It seems to throw this error around randomly mid print.

I've tried two different USB-sticks and different files now. All cables inside seem to be in place.

Not a single issue in the 3 weeks I've been constantly printing with this thing. Hopefully this won't put it out of action for a long time...


Chi Wai Lam
2018-06-09 14:18:55

Stella-Terra Clemens
2018-06-09 14:27:13

Bo Nørgaard
2018-06-09 14:43:56

Nick Leijenhorst
2018-06-09 16:39:33

Samuli Salovaara
2018-06-09 16:47:15

Samuli Salovaara
2018-06-09 17:43:05

Devon Wasson
2018-06-09 18:42:30

Samuli Salovaara
2018-06-09 19:51:27

Nazmul Hoque
2018-06-09 21:10:05

Nazmul Hoque
2018-06-09 21:23:42

Samuli Salovaara
2018-06-09 21:26:12

Nazmul Hoque
2018-06-09 21:30:05

Samuli Salovaara
2018-06-09 21:31:53

Stella-Terra Clemens
2018-06-10 00:12:36

Samuli Salovaara
2018-06-10 00:15:56

Vinicius Silva
2018-06-10 01:49:35

Chris Cheung
2018-06-10 02:03:21

Samuli Salovaara
2018-06-10 23:49:09

Samuli Salovaara
2018-06-22 02:24:20

Lane Taylor
2019-04-03 23:37:52

Sen Kun
2019-04-04 00:20:43

Lane Taylor
2019-04-04 01:11:47

Sen Kun
2019-04-04 01:19:26

Lane Taylor
2019-04-04 02:02:20

原文網址 Samuli Salovaara
2018-05-30 05:42:53

Is there a Material Safety Data Sheet or Chemical Notification sheet for the Anycubic resins? It would be nice to see that to have some sort of knowledge what's included that is harmful to you and the environment (and have some proper disposal info etc.) I haven't found one anywhere. And at least in the EU they are required to have one so you'd expect to find at least some documentation as they are selling it here...




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