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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2019-05-03 00:58:47

Good afternoon photonsters
Quick reference question. Just want to make sure I'm getting the right hardware

Is this the correct lcd screen to have as a spare?


Winup McModels
2019-05-03 01:05:33

Andrey Sabrev
2019-05-03 01:08:08

Andrey Sabrev
2019-05-03 01:09:15

Winup McModels
2019-05-03 01:11:39

Andrey Sabrev
2019-05-03 01:13:01

Andrey Sabrev
2019-05-03 01:16:20

Vinicius Silva
2019-05-03 01:21:00

Andrey Sabrev
2019-05-03 01:34:28

Robert Silvers
2019-05-03 01:58:52

Jaime Cuéllar López
2019-05-03 02:35:00

Robert Silvers
2019-05-03 02:53:38

Sen Kun
2019-05-03 05:28:00

Michael Van Kesteren
2019-05-03 06:11:16

Robert Silvers
2019-05-03 09:20:52

原文網址 Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2019-04-02 21:14:16

Good morning everyone.
When I got my photon, I used a steel spatula to remove miniatures stuck in the plate. Unfortunately some of them were extremely difficult to remove and I ended up scratching the plate badly. Alas, I disregarded it because I kept having some degree of success on my prints and I changed the spatula to a blade cutter (?), making removal easier. I did a dead zone test and it turned out perfect, and the resin detector test works fine, so I assumed the scratches weren't interfering.

But now, months later I think it's time to take a look at the base plate and sand it flat, for real. I'm failing when doing multiple prints, specially around them edges, so I think taking care of it will help me solve it.

I'm not a knowledgeable person and I don't own power tools, so what type of grit should I use to sand the plate, and how can I make sure I'm doing it in a way that ensures flatness.

Thanks in advance.


Mike Roof
2019-04-02 22:23:44

Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2019-04-02 22:37:57

原文網址 Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2019-03-12 07:03:57

Hi everyone. I got a new laptop recently, and it didn't came with 3d builder (weird?), which I use to repair stls, as per the advice of this community.
I downloaded and installed it, and when I go to repair the first model, it doesn't. I click, and the error keeps appearing. A fast Googling didn't help much in the matter.

So I ask, does anybody know a fix to this problem?
Or better yet, is there a software that does the repair in the same fashion? I got meshmixer and b9creator already installed, if those help...


Chad Elstad
2019-03-12 07:06:48

Stefan Giudici
2019-03-12 07:30:17

Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2019-03-12 07:36:35

Adam Widdowson
2019-03-12 07:56:26

Marc Fischer
2019-03-12 13:53:10

Ulrich Rüstungjäger
2019-03-13 03:00:30

Paul Churchill
2019-03-13 05:29:15

原文網址 Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2019-02-27 02:26:04

Hello everyone. Quick question for those of you with an enclosure for your printer.
I will be moving soon to an apartment, and I might be able to secure the balcony for the printer. But sun rays will definitely be a problem.
Do any of you have an instructable on how to build a decent block for the printer, with incorporated ventilation? If it's DYI it'll probably be my hardest project to date, so I'd be very grateful for step by step solutions, or something that's already a proven solution and is for sale at some place.

Thanks in advance.


Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-02-27 02:27:28

Max Hancock
2019-02-27 02:30:47

Yelena Novikova
2019-02-27 04:17:49

原文網址 Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2019-01-21 07:50:16

Good evening everyone. I'd like to ask for advice on flexible resins.

Ive had plenty of success with the standard anycubic resin for miniatures, but I've found that they will become too brittle, sooner or later. I've read around your comments claiming that a mix of resins with flexible properties might give them more endurance.
As such, I'd like to know which two resins would be best for durable miniature printing, and at what ratio. Color is no concern, only quality: detail and durability.

Thanks in advance.


Kristian Domingo
2019-01-21 08:37:07

Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2019-01-21 08:37:45

Kristian Domingo
2019-01-21 08:43:59

原文網址 Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2018-10-27 01:25:03

Wanted to showcase my would-be Adult Red Dragon courtesy of Miguel Zavala. Unfortunately either I missed a support or my printer hated its right hand. You can kind of see that it flattened somewhat.
Not going to consider it a loss anyway, too much resin used to just throw it away. I'm considering reprinting the hand and chop the flattened one. Not sure If I'll l manage a clean cut and paste.


原文網址 Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2018-10-02 20:02:11

Good morning phontonsters. This is a pseudo update of this post


To put in better context, I recently changed the FEP film of my printer, and went back to anycubic green resin (there wasn't any gray available at the time). For reasons, all my tilted prints, at 40ish degree, showed bad prints on the base, as evidenced by the heroforge paladin (which was my 2nd attempt, my first attempt showed a dragged effect on its shield and some missprint on the base). That's when I decided a calibration test was due.

Printed both the test and the dead spots test (which showed a perfect print, thankfully), and after getting a razor blade and not a spatula, I ventured to print full vertical on the ranger print. I think I found the right settings this time, as its pretty much perfect, other than badly placed supports on my part.

Just wanted to showcase for the people reading around having problems. Keep at it.

(winged helm broke on fall, disregard)


原文網址 Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2018-10-01 02:22:15

Hey everyone, I wanted to give the calibration test a try, and would like confirmation.
Sweet spot would be 14 seconds?


原文網址 Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2018-09-25 20:06:06

Hello everybody. I have a question on position/rotation for miniatures with a base.
Lately I've been printing with a relative degree of success. However I haven't had a perfect print just yet, and I feel that most of the time the better prints are done vertically, with the base directly on the build plate.
Problem is, it's too difficult to remove the miniature from the base when I print like that, even with a steel spatula, and I end up damaging part of the base when scrapping/impacting.

So, to the question itself: is it possible to put a miniature perfectly vertical, and add supports to the base? I worry about the 90degree it forms between support and the miniature base, and that it won't print right.

Any suggestion and idea is welcome.


原文網址 Vicente Gonzalez Macqueen
2018-09-13 18:18:55

I'm looking for a skeletal crossbowman and armored skeletons to print. Does anybody know where can I find such files?


Mike Tongue
2019-03-16 06:18:00



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