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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2020-01-15 10:52:00

I'm having this odd sort of issue in Chitubox where supports where the bottom terminates on the model generates a support that digs -super deep- into the model, in this particular instance it comes out the opposite side. Additionally, the shaft and sphere contact point are always this diameter. No value I modify in the light/medium/heavy supports settings seems to affect these supports at all in any way. This has been happening on 1.6.1 and 1.6.2, but the old 1.4.whatever I was using before this had no such issue.

Also I can't seem to reposition any supports with the edit option in the 1.6.1 and .2 versions? I hit edit and drag the main column of a support but it won't move.


Ryan Shelvik
2020-01-15 12:08:26

Ryan Shelvik
2020-01-15 12:10:01

Brett Isaacs
2020-01-15 12:18:06

Richard Rush
2020-01-15 19:27:26

原文網址 Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2020-01-07 13:26:27

Does that metal...UV light cheese grater looking metal housing jam get too warm during prints? I am tryna replace my LCD and the ribbon cable is up against it. I put some of that double sided tape down, but there is still a little bitty that's touching the metal housing.


原文網址 Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2020-01-01 00:26:39

I've been having some on again off again shearing issues and I figured maybe it was about time I got around to updating all the things I've been neglecting to update, so I updated Chitubox and updated the firmware to...I believe...4.2.18. I heard .17 had shearing issues too and .19 was still kinda buggy.

But then this happened twice. I can't say I'm SURPRISED at it, since fiddling tends to beget more fiddling, but I am kinda stumped. Ran an exposure test and it seems like the LCD is still kicking. Might try a dry run just to see if it's exposing the actual model correctly.

I'm using ~60/40 Siraya Tenacious and Elegoo Gray

7 bottom layers

80s bottom exposure

15s regular exposure

Whatever the default lift distance/lift speed settings are? I'm not near my home desktop to look.

The first thing I noticed when I started the print was that I didn't hear that distinct popping sound that comes from peeling the bottom layers off the FEP. It didn't seem like the build plate was being lifted up enough to really rip it off of there. But I've seen other people post that they use default lift distance/speed settings w success, so I don't know. It looks like the bottom layers came in okay, but it borks up around the beginning of the supports. Even the Onepunch Man poster I put above the printer to threaten it to work properly isn't helping.


原文網址 Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-12-28 14:59:49

Whenever I print my minis, it seems like the area of the base closest to the build plate kinda deforms a bit before straightening itself out. It's not a -dealbreaker-, as the rest of the mini generally prints pretty well, but it is kind of annoying.

My current mix is about 50/50 Elegoo Gray and Siraya Tenacious

.05 layer height

7 bottom layers

12s exposure

80s bottom exposure

I know there's a video that has really good support settings (I've added it to a playlist for future viewing), but I usually only print things as I need them and rarely just to experiment, and I can't generally afford the time to fiddle much. But I've started getting to a point where people actually want the things I print for their campaigns, and I don't want to give them a sloppy product. Any advice?


Stevan Meisoll
2019-12-28 15:01:20

Jesse Mouré
2019-12-28 15:04:25

Mark Anderson
2019-12-28 15:08:10

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-12-28 15:16:36

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-12-28 15:17:14

Mark Anderson
2019-12-28 15:18:02

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-12-28 15:22:44

Jesse Mouré
2019-12-28 15:24:33

Pierre Gallois
2019-12-28 18:05:05

Michael Pescuma
2019-12-28 22:05:38

原文網址 Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-10-31 08:58:31

So I was getting along fine for a while w some minor warping, but I'm starting to get some more wild wibblewobbles and I'm not sure how to fix this one. Is this just a leveling issue or am I gunna have to sigh real loud and buy another screen or something?

Edit: I printed a few other parts for this model and it seems like it's having similar layer issues? Actually now that I think about it, other models that I printed that reached a certain height also showed similar distorting. Could it be a loose Z axis or something?


Stefan Giudici
2019-10-31 09:15:34

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-10-31 09:19:04

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-10-31 09:19:55

Robson Scerri
2019-10-31 11:33:00

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-10-31 11:36:01

Rich James Berryman
2019-10-31 23:03:48

原文網址 Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-10-16 12:04:44

Boy howdy was this one a pain in the ollllll ahnoos. Thank God fb screws picture quality because you'd see more of the glue residue (the gluesidue if you will) otherwise. Still love it thoooough eyyyyyyyy. From the Cast n Play Patreon (technically the Parking Lot, but Parking Lot has shut down and Cast n Play is the same people)


Lee Perry
2019-10-16 12:29:03

原文網址 Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-09-11 04:41:02

Still gotta work on removing those support nubs.

Dunby Moonpuncher, Halfling bard

Kag, Drow Druid

Shadowfight, Elven Ranger

Farmer, Halfling Monk

And a Tabaxi Rogue because I found it on Thingiverse and dang I love it.

All the models besides the Tabaxi were made in Heroforge, printed in Elegoo Gray and Siraya Blu, then primed with Tamiya Gray.


Nick Middleton
2019-09-11 04:50:48

Ben Cox
2019-09-11 04:52:40

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-09-11 04:52:47

Ben Cox
2019-09-11 04:53:04

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-09-11 04:53:21

Ben Cox
2019-09-11 04:53:34

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-09-11 04:54:43

Ben Cox
2019-09-11 04:59:04

Nick Middleton
2019-09-11 05:00:28

Ben Cox
2019-09-11 05:01:20

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-09-11 05:02:26

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-09-11 05:03:24

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-09-11 05:04:25

Ben Cox
2019-09-11 05:04:42

Ben Cox
2019-09-11 05:05:44

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-09-11 05:07:24

Ben Cox
2019-09-11 05:17:50

Mikko Meriläinen
2019-09-11 05:45:08

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-09-11 05:47:24

Mikko Meriläinen
2019-09-11 05:49:52

Paul West
2019-09-12 00:15:51

原文網址 Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-08-28 23:55:13

Still gotta get a black wash on it, but I'm pretty happy w the results. The wings were a pain in the ol patoot to glue in, so I used that resin pen thing someone here suggested to keep it in place while the epoxy cured.


Falcon Tom
2019-08-28 23:58:00

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-08-29 00:00:14

原文網址 Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-08-19 12:13:36

Okay so the file validator is a thing of beauty. Thanks to the folks that I've been bothering for advice xD.


Jason Cartwright
2019-08-19 12:16:48

Douglas J. Behringer
2019-08-19 12:16:52

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-08-19 12:20:57

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-08-19 12:21:32

Jason Cartwright
2019-08-19 12:25:41

Michael Horn
2019-08-19 12:29:50

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-08-19 12:31:37

Michael Horn
2019-08-19 12:38:28

Michael Horn
2019-08-19 12:38:31

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-08-19 12:41:21

Caleb Wise Gray
2019-08-19 12:47:19

Michael Horn
2019-08-19 12:55:59

Stefan Giudici
2019-08-19 13:55:14

Lucas Miguel
2019-08-19 16:28:54

原文網址 Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-08-18 12:33:44

So I've asked around a few times and gotten some helpful responses, but I've been trying to figure out the most effective method for placing supports on models with complicated topology. I wanted to share a method that I'm trying that I hope will prove effective and useful for others. If this way is too cumbersome, clunky, inefficient, or if this is already how most folks are doing it, my bad! I'm a lazy boy and used to rely on auto supports for most, then manual supports for whatever it missed, but even that wasn't usually accurate, so I may have missed the train when folks were handing out support instructions.

My issue is that some models have too many densely packed islands, and my instinct is to put supports on them all. I struggle with understanding just how small these models will print while I'm zoomed in to each layer trying to fit what is visually a large support on a large island, only to have it print and remind me that what I was trying to support was no wider than a needle or something. Now every single thing is supported, but all the support columns are so tightly fused that it forms one big column that's a pain to remove cleanly.

What I'm trying now is taking the model, angling it the way I want, slicing it with no supports, then using the sliced layer as a reference point when I open the same model up in another Chitubox window to place the supports. The sliced model shows me what the Photon will actually print (pictured on the right) vs. what my mind brain tells me I should support (pictured left).

Is this sound? Did I just make a post about something super obvious or already widely practiced?


Luke Mason
2019-08-18 14:04:19

Chad Elstad
2019-08-19 00:26:05

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-08-19 00:58:26



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