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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Martin Kutny
2018-12-11 17:30:03

Hi folks. I would like to ask if anyone ever tried 3dm resins like 3DM-impact or 3DM-pro on a resin printer like photon/shuffle/wanhao etc. (From https://www.3dm-shop.com ) For my needs of small cases and functional parts most of resins are very brittle on thin walls and I need something stronger. I had also ordered printing my part by weerg.com from pa-12 nylon with SLS and it is something absolutely different. That material is very strong and does not break so easily as resin prints... Looks like those above 3DM resins are my last chance to get satisfying results on resin printer, however they cost fortune (165eur + 20%VAT w/o shipping for a 1kg bottle). I exchanged few emails with 3dp people and they confirmed that resin is compatible with lcd printers like photon etc, however on my question regards to the exposure times they say “We can recommend you the exposure times at 50 and 100 microns layer thickness at 0.5 mW/cm2 and also at 1.0 mW/cm2.”
Anyone can translate this into times??
Please whoever had tried these resins on any LCD printer, pls share your experience.


Sen Kun
2018-12-11 18:13:17

原文網址 Martin Kutny
2018-10-05 16:14:52

Need your suggestion...
Well so I got the anycubic photon three days ago from anycubic ebay store. I could not wait until to try it.... watched tons of videos praising it. But what is the reality? First print failed from unknown reason and z-axis motor stoped working.... contacted support and i have to say the reply fast. I was asked to try to update the firmware. That did not help... then I was asked to disassemble the thing and remove stepper motor to measure it according to the provided video. Motor showed up to be ok but z-axis is still dead. Well, after that i have packed everything back into to the box intending to ship it back and requested seller either to provide replacement machine or refund this one. They contacted me again, sending some another file and asked me to run it. And said that if this won’t help, they will send replacement mainboard to me. I am bored of this... i paid for a 3d printer I needed to use immediately, and instead of this I am faced to various challenges in order to fix a new out-of-the-box thing.... what would you do folks?

....browsed this photon group fb page a bit more yesterday evening, what i see, most of inputs are due to various problems from people actually having them. Really most of them..... is here anyone who has been using photon for longer period and can say he is happy and had no issues? Somehow i am losing my belief.... Because i am not a freak into 3d printing, I do not want to solve various issues and dedicate my time, go deep into, reading blogs about problems, fixing the printer if it is faulty...looking for solutions...I have other things to do..... Simply I need painless output, load a model and print it... is it worth to continue with photon? Or should I wait for 4x more expensive prusa sl1 until becomes available? Is anyone who can confirm he has been using photon for longer time and is happy with results with minimim problems? I just need to confirm going this way may be ok or is it a wrong way? Maybe these people having painless life with photon won’t drop a line here and only problems are reported... i would be happy for your opinions!


Stefan Giudici
2018-10-05 16:18:18

William Bassett
2018-10-05 16:46:11

Stephen Burrows
2018-10-05 17:10:39

Sen Kun
2018-10-05 17:25:17

William Bassett
2018-10-05 17:28:05

Chad Elstad
2018-10-05 23:50:14

Jakub Wysocki
2018-10-05 23:58:39

Keith Barnett
2018-10-06 06:00:40

Frank Shelby
2018-10-06 08:11:01

Keith Barnett
2018-10-06 10:16:34

Martin Kutny
2018-10-11 00:37:57

Sen Kun
2018-10-11 02:29:16

Richard Burrell
2018-10-11 05:46:30

原文網址 Martin Kutny
2018-10-04 16:04:29

Hi. Just bought photon and got it yesterday. My first print failed since somehow I have entered “0” to exposure time instead of wanted value. So I only got printed base layers.... my bad... however, after process was “finished”, z-axis totally stopped working... absolutely no movement, not any buzzing sound of motor either. Contacted seller (anycubic store at ebay) and they suggest to try to update the software, and if won’t help, open printer and measure motor windings according to youtube video they got. Great solution to do on brand new printer out of the box..... however I will have to try.... just investigating if anyone had such an issue with z-axis stepper motor?


Chris Hunt
2018-10-04 16:05:37

Chris Hunt
2018-10-04 16:06:40

Martin Kutny
2018-10-04 16:09:06

Martin Kutny
2018-10-05 00:52:34

Martin Kutny
2018-10-05 00:53:39



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