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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Guti Gutmann
2019-06-26 21:39:42

hey guys,

got a new computer and i can not find the slicer software on anycubic website ?! where can i find it?


Chayanin Somton
2019-06-26 21:43:19

Guti Gutmann
2019-06-26 21:50:57

Bob Deblier
2019-06-26 21:52:47

Guti Gutmann
2019-06-26 21:54:14

原文網址 Guti Gutmann
2019-05-03 21:48:14

Someone knows resin from them?


Terry Reed
2019-05-04 03:18:04

Michael Van Kesteren
2019-05-04 06:57:04

Thanh Duy
2019-05-05 09:03:18

Guti Gutmann
2019-05-05 22:20:03

Thanh Duy
2019-05-05 22:33:37

Guti Gutmann
2019-05-05 23:39:34

原文網址 Guti Gutmann
2019-04-25 23:48:37

Hey Guys,
So my fep got fkt and I needed to change it. Because I was curious I took the epax non fep. The installation was exactly the same, everything like I would do with anycubic fep. So now I was running a testcube and It came out fine. I just heard no click from the fep anymore. Not at all! Also the cube was super easy to be removed. I think with a normal fep it would have sticked already on the fep... But I am not sure... I will now continue printing and let's see!

Wish you a nice printing :)


Guti Gutmann
2019-04-26 00:39:16

Ken Lim
2019-04-26 04:20:34

Ken Lim
2019-04-26 04:24:39

Jose León
2019-04-26 07:13:20

Guti Gutmann
2019-04-26 15:05:25

Jose León
2019-04-26 15:06:23

原文網址 Guti Gutmann
2019-02-01 22:39:59

Hi guys,

I was thinking about the z move after every exposure phase... So the photon needs 6.5 or 4.2 seconds after every layer... Can some one tell me what are the reasons for this?

I am thinking of a method which could avoid that ....

Pleas let me know what you think about it!
Wish a nice weekend


Derek Reihe
2019-02-01 22:42:06

Guti Gutmann
2019-02-01 22:43:16

Derek Reihe
2019-02-01 22:43:52

Guti Gutmann
2019-02-01 22:44:36

Chad Elstad
2019-02-01 22:49:26

Manuel Galán
2019-02-01 23:16:21

Rene Hellemons
2019-02-01 23:39:46

Guti Gutmann
2019-02-02 01:56:30

Sen Kun
2019-02-02 04:32:59

Guti Gutmann
2019-02-02 05:31:32

Sen Kun
2019-02-02 06:22:55

原文網址 Guti Gutmann
2019-01-27 18:36:17

Hey leute,
ich glaub meine lampe ist schwächer als in andere photons.... weiß jemand wo man eine ersatzlampe kaufen kann?


John Partington
2019-01-27 18:44:39

Edd von Schleck
2019-01-27 19:06:02

Sen Kun
2019-01-27 19:23:29

Edd von Schleck
2019-01-27 19:25:03

Sen Kun
2019-01-27 19:26:48

Edd von Schleck
2019-01-27 19:28:06

Guti Gutmann
2019-01-27 19:58:20

Sen Kun
2019-01-28 00:32:34

Guti Gutmann
2019-01-28 02:10:53

原文網址 Guti Gutmann
2019-01-22 20:03:18

Hey guys,
Did someone of you used a ceramic resin already?
Does someone know if there is one for photon?


Vinicius Silva
2019-01-22 20:14:22

Guti Gutmann
2019-01-22 20:16:59

Philippe Maegerman
2019-01-22 20:21:41

Guti Gutmann
2019-01-22 20:27:51

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-22 20:33:22

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-22 20:34:15

Philippe Maegerman
2019-01-22 20:36:51

Philippe Maegerman
2019-01-22 20:38:25

Philippe Maegerman
2019-01-22 20:40:50

Philippe Maegerman
2019-01-22 20:55:48

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-22 20:56:38

Philippe Maegerman
2019-01-22 20:57:52

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-22 21:00:27

Philippe Maegerman
2019-01-22 21:00:57

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-22 21:01:26

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-22 21:08:46

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-22 21:13:15

Guti Gutmann
2019-01-22 21:13:53

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-22 21:15:55

Guti Gutmann
2019-01-22 21:17:23

Guti Gutmann
2019-01-22 21:17:50

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-22 21:18:15

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-22 22:48:23

Philippe Maegerman
2019-01-29 22:48:39



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