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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Ryan Haynes
2019-06-23 15:38:38

Hi all,

I just swapped to Chitubox and I'm having a couple of issues getting the support settings right. Had a few failed prints due to supports breaking or only partially completing. Was wondering if some people wouldn't mind sharing screen shots of their support settings for me. Or pointing me in the direction of some good settings :)




Tim Moulton
2019-06-23 15:50:38

Zena Andreou
2019-06-23 15:51:11

Ryan Haynes
2019-06-23 22:32:56

Ryan Haynes
2019-06-23 22:34:07

Zena Andreou
2019-06-23 22:48:52

Ryan Haynes
2019-06-23 23:37:20

Zena Andreou
2019-06-24 01:27:58

Tim Moulton
2019-06-24 09:19:15

Ryan Haynes
2019-06-24 11:57:41

原文網址 Ryan Haynes
2019-04-10 23:13:37

Looks like the S still has a few kinks in it. Just over a week old and got half a dead screen. Tis unfortunate and now it's time to find a solution.


Guti Gutmann
2019-04-10 23:16:15

Matt Mason
2019-04-10 23:17:14

Stefan Lukus
2019-04-10 23:17:45

Jake Larson
2019-04-10 23:23:56

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-10 23:32:55

Mark Wardle
2019-04-10 23:38:11

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-10 23:44:31

Mark Wardle
2019-04-10 23:52:14

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-10 23:54:47

Sergio de Diego
2019-04-11 00:10:51

Simon Söderberg
2019-04-11 00:34:22

Jonathan Hall
2019-04-11 03:47:49

Simon Söderberg
2019-04-11 04:24:50

Jonathan Hall
2019-04-11 04:50:39

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-11 07:17:04

Sen Kun
2019-04-11 16:14:18

Vinicius Silva
2019-04-11 17:56:01

Vinicius Silva
2019-04-11 18:01:07

Sergio de Diego
2019-04-11 18:21:13

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-11 18:42:25

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-11 21:53:52

Vinicius Silva
2019-04-11 22:00:02

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-11 22:02:20

Stefan Lukus
2019-04-11 22:30:54

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-11 23:05:21

Richard Thomas
2019-04-12 17:53:28

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-12 18:17:23

Sen Kun
2019-04-30 02:15:30

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-30 07:29:28

Sen Kun
2019-04-30 12:08:34

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-30 12:44:28

Vinicius Silva
2019-04-30 21:16:41

Ryan Haynes
2019-05-06 17:34:25

Ryan Haynes
2019-05-06 17:43:20

Sen Kun
2019-05-06 18:08:45

Ryan Haynes
2019-05-06 20:15:14

原文網址 Ryan Haynes
2019-04-03 22:02:02

First print with the Photon S. Very impressed with the results.


Karol Karczewski
2019-04-03 22:17:25

原文網址 Ryan Haynes
2019-04-02 18:13:47

Just got my Photon S set up. Printing the test cube right now :) Hopefully it's nicely leveled.


Eric M Boyd
2019-04-03 04:15:18

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-03 06:44:36

Ryan Haynes
2019-04-03 07:31:05

Patrick Vida
2019-04-03 20:16:41

原文網址 Ryan Haynes
2019-02-15 09:53:23

I'm having a problem with supports coming away from the base causing the print to become warped.
What's happening is the base of the support works fine and sticks to the build plate perfect. Then as soon as it starts the long, thin supports they appear to break away/not start and then start again part way through the print.
The prints have been about 70mm to 90mm in height and have been using medium sized supports.
The FEP has only been in use for a week or so.

The settings I'm using are:
Resin - Monocure Rapid Clear
Base layers - 16
Base exposure - 60
Layer size - 0.02
Layer exposure - 9
Off time - 4.5

I tend to use auto support at 25% density and add/ edit as needed.

Sorry I don't have any photos at this time to show the problem.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Richard Shapiro
2019-02-15 10:13:44

原文網址 Ryan Haynes
2019-02-04 16:55:33

Is it ok to bend the FEP before installing it? I ordered some new sheets and the package they were delivered in looked like this.
The sheets look ok, no creases or breaks in them from what I can see.
There was a piece of cardboard in the package that may have saved them.


Brayden Funk
2019-02-04 16:57:56

Vincent Lacroix-martin
2019-02-04 16:59:30

Obe Bradford
2019-02-04 17:00:37

Per Bekker-Madsen
2019-02-04 17:10:10

Colin Caynes
2019-02-04 17:18:21

Sen Kun
2019-02-04 17:19:09

Tim Perry
2019-02-04 21:22:11

Marshall Tearle
2019-02-04 21:34:06

Robert O'Callaghan
2019-02-04 21:40:00

Jarrod Smith
2019-02-04 22:37:02

Richard Shapiro
2019-02-04 22:48:20

Sen Kun
2019-02-04 22:55:34

Joseph Faust
2019-02-05 01:00:32

Sen Kun
2019-02-05 01:52:58

Tom Anyz
2019-02-05 07:06:59

原文網址 Ryan Haynes
2019-02-04 06:25:46

I got away with it but some of the supports seem to have failed. Why would this be? The resin is Monocure rapid red and the settings were:
Exposure - 11s
Bottom layers - 8
Bottom layers exposure - 60s
Off time - 4.5
I did this overnight so I wasn't able to monitor the room temperature at the time but it was a warm day of 30C and a cool night of 17C.


Nick Williams
2019-02-04 06:37:37

Tim Grünewald
2019-02-04 06:37:56

Ryan Haynes
2019-02-04 06:56:13

Fred Breton
2019-02-04 06:57:06

Nick Williams
2019-02-04 06:57:22

Ryan Haynes
2019-02-04 06:58:22

Nick Williams
2019-02-04 07:25:59

原文網址 Ryan Haynes
2019-02-01 18:02:38

Stay back pesky natural UV light. You shall not attack the juicy resin inside my printer and ruin my hard work.


Richard Thomas
2019-02-01 18:39:19

Ryan Haynes
2019-02-01 18:51:30

Richard Thomas
2019-02-01 18:59:53

Federico Riscaio
2019-02-01 19:16:17

Tero Konttila
2019-02-01 20:35:24

Jonathan King
2019-02-01 20:53:02

William David Cunningham
2019-02-01 23:05:42

Ryan Haynes
2019-02-01 23:29:28

Mark Wardle
2019-02-02 03:47:06

Richard Shapiro
2019-02-02 07:18:38

Ryan Lamvohee
2019-02-02 10:06:02

Federico Riscaio
2019-02-02 18:13:37

原文網址 Ryan Haynes
2019-01-25 10:04:34

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for welcoming me to the group. I have had my anycubic photon for a couple of days now and am loving it. Using the rapid resins from monocure and the results are better then I could have hoped.

I am having 1 issue that I hope someone may be able to help with. So on a couple of prints the build plate has just sat almost still, moving just a tiny amount. This caused a hilarious print failure to occur and I now have half a succubus. The print was still stuck to the build plate and still completed, just with the top half of the succubus in about a 2mm area. Nothing was left at the bottom of the resin vat. Just wondering if anyone has run into a similar issue and what your solution was. It could be as simple as I need to grease the Z shaft more but I am considering taking the unit apart to make sure its aligned properly.

Thank you all.


Ryan Haynes
2019-01-25 10:05:43

Richard Shapiro
2019-01-25 10:06:09

Jim Leenan
2019-01-25 10:08:57

Richard Shapiro
2019-01-25 10:10:07

Ryan Haynes
2019-01-25 10:12:59



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