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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 James Cameron
2019-03-27 08:30:53

Hi guys,

Which resins would you say are the strongest.

I've read great things about Siraya Blu, but I can't get that in the UK.

I know I won't be able to match Nylon, but I'd like to get as close as possible.



Israel Rodriguez-Rios
2019-03-27 08:33:28

Jeremy Wolff
2019-03-27 08:36:18

Julian Braun
2019-03-27 08:37:36

James Cameron
2019-03-27 08:45:03

Robert Silvers
2019-03-27 08:47:09

James Cameron
2019-03-27 09:09:56

Tim Allen
2019-03-28 10:40:53

Tim Allen
2019-03-28 10:46:10

原文網址 James Cameron
2019-03-11 04:26:16

EPAX 1X or Photon-S

Which one is the best?


Stefan Lindström
2019-03-11 04:33:08

Matt Solomon
2019-03-11 04:35:16

James Cameron
2019-03-11 04:36:17

Matt Solomon
2019-03-11 04:37:53

Matt Solomon
2019-03-11 04:37:59

Matt Solomon
2019-03-11 04:39:45

Björn Ståhlnacke
2019-03-11 04:44:20

Stefan Lindström
2019-03-11 04:45:17

James Cameron
2019-03-11 04:47:30

James Cameron
2019-03-11 04:47:48

James Cameron
2019-03-11 04:48:24

James Cameron
2019-03-11 04:49:03

Stefan Lindström
2019-03-11 04:49:50

James Cameron
2019-03-11 04:51:11

Stefan Lindström
2019-03-11 04:52:16

Björn Ståhlnacke
2019-03-11 04:54:14

Mattias Fb-konto
2019-03-11 05:00:46

James Cameron
2019-03-11 05:05:15

Yelena Novikova
2019-03-11 05:05:30

Mattias Fb-konto
2019-03-11 05:07:49

Michael Barfus
2019-03-11 07:54:37

James Cameron
2019-03-11 07:55:43

Michael Barfus
2019-03-11 08:26:24

Richard Shapiro
2019-03-11 08:28:45

Michael Barfus
2019-03-11 08:29:48

Richard Shapiro
2019-03-11 08:31:34

James Cameron
2019-03-11 09:05:17

Robert Silvers
2019-03-11 11:21:47

Björn Ståhlnacke
2019-03-11 14:45:45

Steve Landry
2019-03-11 15:00:58

Kieran Winsper
2019-03-12 01:03:31

Robert Silvers
2019-03-12 01:05:59

Stefan Lindström
2019-03-12 01:10:28

Robert Silvers
2019-03-12 01:16:11

Stefan Lindström
2019-03-12 01:18:04

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-03-12 01:19:02

Lehe Born
2019-03-12 02:54:37

Andrew Jorgensen
2019-03-12 03:40:32

Andrew Jorgensen
2019-03-12 03:53:41

Jacopo Montalenti
2019-03-12 04:50:01

James Cameron
2019-03-12 05:13:40

Kieran Winsper
2019-03-12 05:37:42

Robert Silvers
2019-03-12 05:41:00

Seum Jeong
2019-03-12 09:27:22

Andrew Jorgensen
2019-03-12 09:38:47

Andrew Jorgensen
2019-03-12 09:42:25

Yelena Novikova
2019-03-14 02:26:55

原文網址 James Cameron
2019-03-03 22:12:41

Howdy y'all,

Last questions of the day! :D

1. Why can I not find any information about the Photo-S, except for on AliExpress, is it because it has not been officially released yet? I cannot find any reviews etc, which would be helpful in the buying process.

2. If you had to buy one now, which would you go for, the Photon or the Photon-S?

Looking to buy one at the end of the day, so any information would be much appreciated!



Sen Kun
2019-03-03 22:20:02

Michael Barfus
2019-03-03 23:14:59

原文網址 James Cameron
2019-03-03 19:42:51

Hi guys, me again!

I'm paranoid about the healthy & safety issues around working with the different types of resins.

What type of face mask would people suggest using to guarantee nothing toxic is inhaled?

I don't mind spending a bit more money if it adds an extra degree of safety.



Ryan Cook
2019-03-03 19:45:49

Christopher Ashworth
2019-03-03 19:50:27

Marco Zannini
2019-03-03 19:53:53

Robert Maefs
2019-03-03 19:56:27

James Cameron
2019-03-03 19:56:56

Marco Zannini
2019-03-03 19:58:16

Marco Zannini
2019-03-03 19:59:54

Marco Zannini
2019-03-03 20:02:04

Mike Roof
2019-03-04 00:53:02

James Cameron
2019-03-04 01:08:21

Mike Roof
2019-03-04 01:21:29

Mike Roof
2019-03-04 01:32:34

Dave Smith
2019-03-04 01:43:22

James Mallard
2019-03-04 16:57:16

原文網址 James Cameron
2019-03-03 08:40:17

2 questions:

1. How difficult is it to make solid prints (100%) infill.

2. What is the difference between the Photon and the Photon S?



Alex Vee
2019-03-03 08:43:53

Timothy Purcell
2019-03-03 08:44:44

James Cameron
2019-03-03 08:44:51

Alex Vee
2019-03-03 08:45:24

James Cameron
2019-03-03 08:45:30

Alex Vee
2019-03-03 08:45:44

Timothy Purcell
2019-03-03 08:46:25

James Cameron
2019-03-03 08:46:59

Alex Vee
2019-03-03 08:48:43

Sebastian Finke
2019-03-03 08:53:16

James Cameron
2019-03-03 08:59:44

Timothy Purcell
2019-03-03 09:01:03

Alex Vee
2019-03-03 09:01:11

Alex Vee
2019-03-03 09:02:03

Stefan Giudici
2019-03-03 09:06:07

James Cameron
2019-03-03 09:06:24

Alex Vee
2019-03-03 09:06:52

Scott Young
2019-03-03 17:10:07

Neil Hake
2019-03-04 05:59:28

原文網址 James Cameron
2019-02-22 01:05:22

Hi guys, new to here!

4 quick questions:

1. Can you get flexible resins e.g. like TPU filament?

2. How does the resin strength compare to e.g. PLA, ABS etc?

3. Outside of figurines, what practical uses can you get from resin e.g. are they good/ bad for outdoor use, are they heat resistant etc?

4. How long do the prints take to do in mm, e.g. 1 hour per 20mm in height?

Apologies if these questions have been asked before, but I couldn't find any information. Cheers!


Mark Wardle
2019-02-22 01:23:17

Mark Wardle
2019-02-22 01:24:25

Mark Wardle
2019-02-22 01:24:36

Mark Wardle
2019-02-22 01:27:27

Mark Wardle
2019-02-22 01:29:54



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