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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-05-09 09:42:44

I love this printer. Please excuse the shit paint job.

Edit: for the stl seagulls


Chad Freeburg
2019-05-09 10:34:52

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-05-09 10:37:19

Jay Gustavo Mclean
2019-05-09 11:34:09

原文網址 Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-15 23:31:59

The reputable SanDisk company is on Deal of the Day for Amazon Prime US... might be a good time to replace your USB memory stick if you haven’t yet!

I still think about AprilFools SamDisk every time I see this company’s name.


John Boyington
2019-04-15 23:39:40

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-15 23:43:55

John Boyington
2019-04-15 23:48:48

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-15 23:53:12

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-15 23:53:48

John Boyington
2019-04-16 00:13:37

Alwin Chan
2019-04-16 01:40:10

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-16 01:40:50

Scott Hurd
2019-04-16 04:36:31

Sen Kun
2019-04-16 13:46:23

Sen Kun
2019-04-16 13:47:10

Scott Hurd
2019-04-16 14:02:19

Gary Houser
2019-04-18 21:12:48

原文網址 Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-14 10:35:40

I’ve been busy, and this is about half of the included bottle.


Chad Freeburg
2019-04-14 11:07:11

原文網址 Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-13 22:04:22

Helio Queiroz - have you tried mixing down Siraya Tenacious like we do with Monocure Flex?


Siraya Tech
2019-04-14 09:02:26

原文網址 Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-07 03:30:02

EDIT 2: Somehow the x-y size of the printer was wrong in Chitubox... make sure you all check the machine size in the slicer! :-\

EDIT: welp something messed up.. I think xy resolution is way off. Everything is about as tall as expected, but very skinny... Ideas? I'm gonna poke around in the slicer options now..

Chitubox generated .photon file is showing up really oddly in 3D view in Validator... everything is super stretched out.. is this normal? Print is an hour from finishing and now I'm a little concerned...


Роман Хариков
2019-04-07 03:35:26

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-07 03:36:11

Роман Хариков
2019-04-07 03:38:20

原文網址 Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-06 21:30:33

That was surprisingly easy.. ? <3


原文網址 Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-04 11:25:13

Heater electrical done... gotta reprint housing now. :)


Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-04 11:38:32

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-04 11:39:28

Robert Silvers
2019-04-04 12:33:59

Alex Varley
2019-04-04 16:09:35

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-04 19:53:05

原文網址 Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-03 00:23:32

Form 3 just announced...


Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-03 00:25:30

Marcin Kudzia
2019-04-03 00:28:10

Max Dercum
2019-04-03 00:29:01

Blaine Tsukayama
2019-04-03 00:34:31

Vinicius Silva
2019-04-03 00:38:00

Robert Silvers
2019-04-03 00:40:06

Antonio Robbins
2019-04-03 00:40:37

Marat Bedoev
2019-04-03 00:51:43

Sen Kun
2019-04-03 00:53:00

Stuart Radmore
2019-04-03 00:57:04

Joseph Faust
2019-04-03 01:02:30

Alex Villareal
2019-04-03 01:11:52

Robert Silvers
2019-04-03 01:17:24

Marcin Kudzia
2019-04-03 01:19:30

Robert Silvers
2019-04-03 01:20:15

Robert Silvers
2019-04-03 01:23:38

Toni Israel
2019-04-03 01:25:43

Jerry Barnes
2019-04-03 01:39:43

Simon Powell
2019-04-03 02:00:32

Ocie Ward
2019-04-03 02:04:59

Robert Silvers
2019-04-03 02:13:20

Andrew Beaton
2019-04-03 02:15:25

David Johnson
2019-04-03 02:22:56

Brad Ruprecht
2019-04-03 02:24:19

Savio Ku
2019-04-03 02:53:48

David Hargrove
2019-04-03 03:36:12

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-03 03:37:32

David Hargrove
2019-04-03 03:37:53

Greg Deboer
2019-04-03 03:47:12

Glenn Mcfadden
2019-04-03 03:52:05

Khoa Truong
2019-04-03 04:27:59

Bill Gergis
2019-04-03 08:33:37

Zachary Koterba
2019-04-03 08:42:49

Paolo Fearnley
2019-04-04 06:05:37

Robert Silvers
2019-04-04 06:12:02

Erik Mendelsohn
2019-04-05 18:42:47

原文網址 Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-01 09:50:26

EDIT: downloaded an audio analyzer app and this is centered around ~314Hz, so I think it’s pretty good.

Recorded the stock tension of the FEP upon arrival for future reference and was thinking the sound would be good for others to hear as well. I’ve not read anything about retightening on arrival, so here’s what Anycubic sent me. It does sound like a snare drum with the brushes off. ?

Let me know if this is a duplicate post... tried searching the group first but didn’t find any stock video recordings for sound.


Stefan Giudici
2019-04-01 10:34:26

Paolo Angelo Bonafe
2019-04-01 11:16:40

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-01 11:30:06

Andy Eakin
2019-04-01 11:35:27

Jeremy Gardner
2019-04-01 15:53:42

Xevi Colomer
2019-04-02 01:08:24

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-02 01:10:06

Beren Erchamion Gl
2019-04-02 18:31:40

Matt Mason
2019-04-02 22:44:14

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-02 22:51:06

Matt Mason
2019-04-02 22:53:13

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-02 22:53:37

Matt Mason
2019-04-02 22:53:59

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-02 22:54:33

Matt Mason
2019-04-02 22:55:07

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-04-02 22:55:36

Jerry Barnes
2019-04-03 02:31:37

Jerry Barnes
2019-04-03 02:34:10

David Howlett
2019-04-03 03:57:12

Bob Mack
2019-04-05 05:25:48

原文網址 Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-03-28 19:58:22

Joining the actual in-hand “owners” club on Friday! Thanks for putting up with my questions for so long - it’s about to get much worse! ;)


Sen Kun
2019-03-28 20:07:46

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-03-28 20:23:08

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-03-28 20:24:15

Sen Kun
2019-03-28 21:38:50

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-03-28 21:51:29

Gavin Mccool-Solis
2019-03-29 08:54:36

Gavin Mccool-Solis
2019-03-29 08:55:09

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-03-29 09:40:52

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-03-29 09:41:12

Gavin Mccool-Solis
2019-03-31 12:37:12



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