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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Josh Gerrietts
2020-03-13 01:53:46

What ultrasconic cleaner does everyone use?


Chris Armstrong
2020-03-13 01:56:45

David Sea
2020-03-13 01:57:44

Jamie White
2020-03-13 01:59:14

John Garrett
2020-03-13 02:01:59

Dan Andersson
2020-03-13 02:39:59

Taylor Swartz
2020-03-13 02:50:44

Keith Yinger
2020-03-13 03:43:11

Neil Perry
2020-03-13 04:06:12

Jim Nelson
2020-03-13 04:25:25

Gary Slovinsky
2020-03-13 07:15:17

Zhiyang Zhang
2020-03-13 09:45:02

Barry Rosher
2020-03-13 10:38:05

Gary Slovinsky
2020-03-13 10:39:32

Rob Walker
2020-03-13 16:16:05

Riika Magnus
2020-03-13 16:21:26

Adam Zed
2020-03-13 16:29:28

John Henry
2020-03-14 01:12:56

Riika Magnus
2020-03-14 02:48:51

Riika Magnus
2020-03-14 04:31:19

Per Bekker-Madsen
2020-03-14 06:46:13

Riika Magnus
2020-03-14 07:25:47

原文網址 Josh Gerrietts
2019-12-11 09:41:49

So I downloaded chitubox and it randomly closes the program on me after a bit.. maybe an hr. Does this happen to anyone else?


Randy Shepherd
2019-12-11 09:45:17

Matt Hooton
2019-12-11 09:49:23

原文網址 Josh Gerrietts
2019-12-10 02:34:47

After using a clear resin to make a print what is the best way to keep the part clear? I was thinking of using a clear spray coat. If that's the best solution what type should be used for best results and does it being gloss, semi gloss, matte for a finish make a difference?


Mark Wardle
2019-12-10 02:55:48

Scott Pavlich
2019-12-10 02:59:58

原文網址 Josh Gerrietts
2019-12-09 23:06:34

Those that have used Siraya Blu resin any tips that I should have before starting a print with it? I've read that having the room warm or a heater by it helps but anything else I should look out for?


Mike Ratcliffe
2019-12-09 23:08:35

Josh Gerrietts
2019-12-09 23:11:01

Mike Ratcliffe
2019-12-09 23:13:17

原文網址 Josh Gerrietts
2019-07-04 00:06:35

What precentages do people use to mix monocure flex with other resins? What do you use to measure out and where do you put the resin after running your prints?


Scott Pavlich
2019-07-04 00:15:17

Travis McGeathy
2019-07-04 00:22:31

Jarrod Smith
2019-07-04 00:38:09

Ivan N. Potocnik
2019-07-04 00:39:42

Ivan N. Potocnik
2019-07-04 00:42:33

Kevin Delger
2019-07-04 09:46:23

原文網址 Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-30 02:30:08

What site should I go to to replace the motherboard/ usb cable? Best I can tell it is causing my printer to run 1-3% of the print and restarting the printer. Google gave me those as the main causes.. also the connection between the 2 seems loose and is easy to move around while connected...


Maurice Criddle
2019-06-30 03:45:31

Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-30 03:48:37

Maurice Criddle
2019-06-30 03:55:53

Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-30 04:05:54

Maurice Criddle
2019-06-30 04:07:38

Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-30 04:15:17

Niall Forrester
2019-07-01 11:55:53

Josh Gerrietts
2019-07-01 20:42:42

原文網址 Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-28 05:57:02

What seems to be everyone's go to for clear resin? I'm looking right now at monocure rapid but was wondering if there are better ones out there


Daryl Allman
2019-06-28 06:09:36

Ethan Brown
2019-06-28 06:32:16

Kevin Boogaard
2019-06-28 07:01:38

原文網址 Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-27 22:55:54

So if I start a print and let it run overnight will it be fine to leave it for that long? Say it's a 4hr print and I'll be sleeping for 8hrs... cause I usually only print stuff if I'm awake and at home at the time.


Paul Silvester
2019-06-27 22:58:20

Bob Deblier
2019-06-27 23:02:25

Craig Tinerella
2019-06-27 23:02:26

Niall Forrester
2019-06-27 23:14:08

Kevin Boogaard
2019-06-28 06:46:02

原文網址 Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-26 00:20:23

Why is my printer only printing a few layers then stopping and going back to the start up page. I go into the file to print again and its red. What do I need to fix?


Paul Mabbott
2019-06-26 00:22:29

Will Koehler
2019-06-26 00:32:19

Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-26 00:39:07

Will Koehler
2019-06-26 00:39:40

Te Chiangmai
2019-06-26 01:01:05

William Karnesky
2019-06-26 01:02:49

Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-26 04:27:22

原文網址 Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-07 02:51:33

What is causing this? It's a new flash drive... put its formatted correctly


Michel Bondo Hansen
2019-06-07 03:06:27

Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-07 03:07:53

Jean-François Meloche
2019-06-07 03:13:35

Richard Humble
2019-06-07 03:17:14

Eric Jorgensen
2019-06-07 03:24:37

Eric Jorgensen
2019-06-07 03:25:17

Antonio Robbins
2019-06-07 03:38:57

Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-07 03:39:44

Chad Elstad
2019-06-07 04:43:13

Sen Kun
2019-06-07 05:05:57

Josh Gerrietts
2019-06-07 05:08:49

Jay Kay
2019-06-07 07:41:19

Ryan Turner
2019-06-07 12:21:19



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