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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Lexus Garret
2019-10-17 13:07:28

Hi Guys, I just got some Mococure clear and it looks amazingly clear before I clean and cure it but then it goes all foggy, I would like it to stay crystal clear. Any tips?



Stefan J Simons
2019-10-17 13:08:24

Ray A. Smith Jr.
2019-10-17 13:09:07

Stefan J Simons
2019-10-17 13:09:40

Stefan J Simons
2019-10-17 13:14:55

Hugh Jeriolas
2019-10-17 13:37:39

原文網址 Lexus Garret
2019-09-29 12:07:20

Hi guys. I’m trying to print a dragon that is sliced and the flat joining edges are coming out warped and I’m just wondering how you go printing flat sides. My 28mm mini bases also come out all warped too. Hopefully this is an easy fix. Thanks all Hi guys. I’m trying to print a dragon that is sliced and the flat joining edges are coming out warped and I’m just wondering how you go printing flat sides. My 28mm mini bases also come out all warped too. Hopefully this is an easy fix. Thanks all 翻譯年糕

Greg Chapman
2019-09-29 12:37:47

Lexus Garret
2019-09-29 12:40:43

Greg Chapman
2019-09-29 12:42:17

Jeremy Lauzon
2019-09-29 13:10:06

原文網址 Lexus Garret
2019-08-11 17:42:22

How bad do you let your FEP get before replacing it? Mine is slightly cloudy from cleaning it with iso alcohol after a failed print but I don't know if it needs replacing or not. Photos would be good so I have something to compare it against. Cheers everyone!


Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-08-11 18:08:28

Greg Chapman
2019-08-11 18:18:12

Caleb Custer
2019-08-11 19:19:52

原文網址 Lexus Garret
2019-08-08 11:48:54

Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone on here. I've never posted before but I've done hours upon hours of research and reading and yesterday set up my Photon and my first print was more than a success! Everything went perfectly. Literally every question I had was easily answered in the search menu.


Sen Kun
2019-08-08 11:57:07

Azam Idris
2019-08-08 12:04:41

Lexus Garret
2019-08-08 12:06:04

Sen Kun
2019-08-08 12:09:08

Lexus Garret
2019-08-08 12:32:23

Hugh Jeriolas
2019-08-08 12:35:25

Chasen Harris
2019-08-08 12:46:30

Lexus Garret
2019-08-08 15:15:20

Sen Kun
2019-08-08 16:49:19

Sen Kun
2019-08-08 16:57:27

原文網址 Lexus Garret
2019-08-02 14:23:38

Hi all, I just pulled the trigger on a photon and I was wondering if anybody prints Rocket Pig Games miniatures from their patreon? They advertise to be support free but I am guessing that it is only FDM printers that is support needed with resin. Just wondering how people print them on a Photon. Cheers!!!


Scott Weldon
2019-08-02 14:37:39

Dan Cannon
2019-08-02 14:44:50

Ian Golden Krasser
2019-08-02 18:53:46

Lexus Garret
2019-08-02 19:27:53

Ian Golden Krasser
2019-08-02 19:45:47

Chad Elstad
2019-08-02 20:55:54

Cale Milligan
2019-08-02 23:18:41



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