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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Caleb Custer
2019-08-20 07:06:39

Can someone help me troubleshoot this noise ? I am pretty sure it's the fan. If I power cycle a few times it goes away but I dont like powering off and on electronics a bunch of times.

What can I do ? Is the fan necessary? I bought it off amazon about 20 days ago is this something that I should return ?


Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-08-20 07:23:11

George Bulte
2019-08-20 07:31:19

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-08-20 08:10:09

Joel Reid
2019-08-20 10:20:28

Juan Pablo Bagnon
2019-08-20 12:28:11

Raymond Sylvester
2019-08-22 18:29:45

原文網址 Caleb Custer
2019-08-17 06:55:14

Does anyone else get a bug in ChiTuBox where you cannot add holes to models?
I am not too sure how I trigger it but consistently I am unable to add holes and have to save the project and reload then I am able to add holes.
Just curious so I can avoid doing it in the future


Jesse Mouré
2019-08-17 06:58:59

Hosung Kim
2019-08-17 06:59:04

Rigo Arevalo
2019-08-17 07:01:43

Caleb Custer
2019-08-17 07:12:27

Jeff Johnson
2019-08-17 07:44:52

Andrew McKay
2019-08-17 12:06:42

原文網址 Caleb Custer
2019-08-12 06:37:36

Anyone have any resin settings for AnyCubic Clear other than whats on the community one? The community one only has .02, .025, and .1; I am looking for anything between .025 and .05 as thats where I get a good result/print time ratio. Thanks


Stefan Giudici
2019-08-12 06:49:09

Heath Ferguson
2019-08-12 19:22:59

Heath Ferguson
2019-08-12 19:23:03

Kevin Boogaard
2019-08-12 20:19:19

Kevin Boogaard
2019-08-12 20:19:53

原文網址 Caleb Custer
2019-08-10 05:49:46

Hey guys, twice now as soon as I turn on my Photon it makes this loud noise, almost like its trying to move the build plate up or down but there is no movement. Whenever I restart the Photon the problem goes away. Any idea what this could be? I also had my Photon stop mid print for the first time. No error codes or anything it just stopped halfway through building.

I'll try recording the noise next time it happens. Have only had my unit for about 3 weeks.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Ofek Samsonov
2019-08-10 05:54:39

Aaron Wiggins
2019-08-10 10:14:27

原文網址 Caleb Custer
2019-08-07 04:02:19

I recently bought some Kapton for my LCD after I saw a post a few days ago where someone taped the edges of their LCD screen in case the FEP broke and leaked resin into the LCD screen. I just want to make sure that this is something I can do and will not effect my prints. Any thoughts?


Robert Maefs
2019-08-07 04:04:00

Cam Erasmus
2019-08-07 04:10:23

Jeff Wand
2019-08-07 05:54:28

Garret Bertrand
2019-08-07 06:04:13

Adam Musgrove
2019-08-07 11:14:36

原文網址 Caleb Custer
2019-08-06 01:34:50

Hey guys noob-y question here. I am about to change my FEP film for the first time today as it is pretty beat up. Any good videos for me to follow?

Also will I need to relevel after replacing the film?



James Hendrix
2019-08-06 01:42:13

Caleb Custer
2019-08-06 01:46:17

Caleb Custer
2019-08-06 01:46:48

Stefan Giudici
2019-08-06 01:58:43

Caleb Custer
2019-08-06 02:03:56

Lance Fulfer
2019-08-06 02:07:45

Caleb Custer
2019-08-06 02:11:13

Will Shawcross
2019-08-06 02:29:45

Stefan Giudici
2019-08-06 02:34:03

Chad Elstad
2019-08-06 02:34:53

Chad Elstad
2019-08-06 02:39:08

Klaus Hoffegger
2019-08-07 02:31:37



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