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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Dat Chau
2019-10-06 15:26:28

Hi guys, i’ve been getting this problem while printing box shapes. Here is an example of a mold box for name tag. I always get a deformed (curve) bottom as shown in pic 1. Printed with photon s. Supported in chitu and slice with settings in photon slice. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?


Jeremy LaPlace
2019-10-06 15:30:01

Elle Heilig
2019-10-06 15:30:25

Savio Ku
2019-10-06 15:56:51

Robert Maefs
2019-10-06 16:01:57

Joshua King
2019-10-07 15:30:19

John Leonard
2019-10-07 19:43:33

Dan Andersson
2019-10-08 01:11:24

Chế Thị Diễm Thúy
2019-10-08 20:32:51

Louis Siciliano
2019-10-08 22:42:34

Dat Chau
2019-10-09 09:08:07

原文網址 Dat Chau
2019-09-27 14:03:13

Hi everyone, got a photon s for few weeks now. Is there a resin exposure test for photon s. I found the test on photonster only works for photon ? . I printed minis which is fine. But when I tried to print something need higher precision, the cavity became small. Found out it’s overexposed. I’m using Anycubic aqua blue and grey. Slice files with chitubox. BET is 80, 8 layers, ET is 12 for 0.05mm. Off time is 3 sec


Nekomi Lex
2019-09-27 14:17:11

Zal Daf
2019-09-27 14:18:46

Dat Chau
2019-09-27 14:36:04

Nekomi Lex
2019-09-27 14:36:38

Eran Riesenfeld
2019-09-27 14:38:32

Dat Chau
2019-09-27 14:42:08

Dat Chau
2019-09-27 14:42:20

Nekomi Lex
2019-09-27 14:46:13

Dat Chau
2019-09-27 14:58:04

Zach J Hill
2019-09-27 15:16:01

Jon Carroll
2019-09-27 18:58:57

Eran Riesenfeld
2019-09-27 20:06:07

Hannarong Kittisuban
2019-09-27 23:01:35

Mitchell Knight
2019-09-27 23:47:42

Adrian Li
2019-09-28 08:16:54

Minghua Kao
2019-09-28 08:24:40

Leo Lee
2019-09-28 10:04:07

Chế Thị Diễm Thúy
2019-10-02 01:07:33



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