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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Terry Allison
2019-09-25 09:02:07

Thought I'd post a photo of my anycubic photon S "in action."


Jlee Usn
2019-09-25 09:21:00

原文網址 Terry Allison
2019-09-25 07:33:12

Question: I have a part that was designed in Rhino 6. It is a thick part with a curved bottom. It printed correctly previously, but now all attempts are fails due to the supports being completely solid and honeycomb shapes being filled. It shows as normal in Rhino. It shows as normal in the anycubic slicing software. The supports look good. I just paused to check it (using black resin), and the supports are solid... they are the same shape is the part being built. Basically, it is like the part has been scaled taller. Oh and holes are also filled. It' s like there is an invisible surface extending on all sides of my part down to the table (build plate/bed). Anybody have an idea what's going on? Thanks.


Terry Allison
2019-09-25 09:27:34

原文網址 Terry Allison
2019-09-25 04:25:03

Question about anycubic red resin.... The resin I bought is not marked as translucent, but it is definitely translucent. Having printing issues with it. The supports are all blended together and the honeycombs are all one solid surface. It prints properly in black. So... Should my red resin be translucent or is it a bad batch/mis-labeled? And the red resin settings on the spreadsheet seemed to make the problem worse... I had an exposure time of 8 and then found the spreadsheet and adjusted it to 16 with off time at 1. Should the exposure time be cut down to maybe 4 or 6 or something? I was hoping for solid red, but the translucent looks pretty cool. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.


Hugh Jeriolas
2019-09-25 04:29:03

Joel Mendoza
2019-09-25 04:33:45

Mike Tongue
2019-09-25 04:38:37

Jarrod Smith
2019-09-25 05:57:08

Quinn Mehling
2019-09-25 07:06:55

原文網址 Terry Allison
2019-09-25 04:19:16

New to the group. Have a tip. When using Rhino 6 to make models for anycubic photon s, if you have mirrored something, the mirrored part (not the original) will show as black in the slicing program and you will not be able to add supports to it. After 28 attempts, I finally decided to simply copy and paste the part and rotated it 180 degrees and put it where it needed to go. Problem solved. Hopefully this helps someone who has run into this issue or will run into this issue in the future.


Ed Tackett
2019-09-25 04:21:25

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-09-25 04:24:37



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