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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Robert Mako Sharkey
2020-02-07 04:23:28

Whats this silly Yodababy all about ? Guess there is way better stuff to be seen. Begin to feel a bit in Kindergarden !


Mikel Deiman
2020-02-07 04:28:09

Wayne Wilson
2020-02-07 04:29:08

Caio Donini
2020-02-07 04:31:28

Keith O'Donnell
2020-02-07 04:33:18

Zach Kirk
2020-02-07 04:33:30

Brett Isaacs
2020-02-07 04:34:11

Zach Kirk
2020-02-07 04:34:27

Neil Forster
2020-02-07 04:35:54

Sean Smith
2020-02-07 04:45:56

Garret Bertrand
2020-02-07 04:46:39

Jeff Surma Jr.
2020-02-07 04:52:42

Jeff Surma Jr.
2020-02-07 04:53:05

Garret Bertrand
2020-02-07 04:54:46

John Aldred
2020-02-07 05:08:28

Jeff Surma Jr.
2020-02-07 06:01:57

Matman Brauchli
2020-02-07 06:45:30

Elly Madrigal
2020-02-07 08:50:15

Coral Night
2020-02-07 10:04:45

Gary Houser
2020-02-07 23:45:16

原文網址 Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-27 15:04:50

Lately i changed my FEP.
Since then i get this floating layers.
Temperature cant be the case as i preheated.

Can it be the tension of the FEP is too high/low !


Mattia De Maio
2019-11-27 15:09:20

Robert James
2019-11-27 15:11:42

Joel Reid
2019-11-27 15:51:07

Mikko Asikainen
2019-11-27 16:08:36

Richard Humble
2019-11-27 16:18:00

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-27 18:14:12

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-27 18:16:28

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-27 18:17:52

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-27 18:19:14

Thomassen Ølf
2019-11-27 18:50:23

Joel Reid
2019-11-27 18:53:20

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-27 19:07:12

Richard Humble
2019-11-27 19:22:59

Joe Broggio
2019-11-27 19:46:01

Lehe Born
2019-11-27 19:52:23

Lehe Born
2019-11-27 19:58:46

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-27 20:07:01

Lehe Born
2019-11-27 20:11:19

Joel Reid
2019-11-27 20:36:41

Paul West
2019-11-27 21:09:53

Lehe Born
2019-11-27 21:10:34

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-27 21:33:46

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-27 22:37:08

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-27 22:38:24

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-28 01:47:52

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-28 07:27:04

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-28 07:28:07

原文網址 Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-14 05:13:21

Does somebody have experience with
PRIMA Creator Value Skin resin ?
Maybe some sttings for 0.02 ?

Had to purchase some FEP foil and stumbled over this resin and purchased a liter.


Niall Forrester
2019-11-14 21:19:47

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-14 22:11:29

原文網址 Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-09 02:29:54

Modelled myself a Eldar Henlock Wraightfighter.
Just for fun as i like the design but dont want to spend the high bucks to purchase one.

The model is allready cutted up.
What remains is to model the cockpit.

Tomorrow will start with printing the fighter parts.
Hope till sunday get the cockpit done.


Corey Morrison
2019-11-09 02:31:38

Corey Morrison
2019-11-09 02:31:56

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-09 02:37:55

Glenn Lambert
2019-11-09 02:40:08

Corey Morrison
2019-11-09 02:40:20

Glenn Lambert
2019-11-09 02:42:16

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-09 05:41:20

Dale Johnson
2019-11-09 13:06:37

Warren Cooper
2019-11-09 16:28:56

Mark Markleson
2019-11-09 16:53:45

Dieter Bürgy
2019-11-09 18:10:28

A.J. Neale
2019-11-09 20:13:38

A.J. Neale
2019-11-09 20:14:45

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-09 20:25:58

A.J. Neale
2019-11-10 05:57:35

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-10 06:20:04

Kelly Filgo
2019-11-10 06:42:43

A.J. Neale
2019-11-10 07:06:29

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-15 19:20:13

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-15 19:20:37

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-15 19:21:00

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-15 19:21:23

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-15 19:22:07

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-15 20:28:03

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-11-18 15:42:52

原文網址 Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-09-10 18:29:46

Hi all,
I have somewhat a technical problem and hope some of you have some experience.

I modelled a medal/order with quite difficult forms.
I know i can print it vertical, but there will remain uggly dimples on the surface.
Now was thinking to split it in two sides and print them flat.
That would be perfect surfaces on visible side and very flat were the pieces get glued together.

To minimize overbleeding on the borders i thought to go with 1 baselayer !
Anybody tryed this ?

Used resin will be Anycubic black with
80 sec exposer at 1 baselayer
8 sec exposure on the layers.


原文網址 Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-06-08 01:34:30

The Photon rocks and amazes me over and over again.
Did some pieces to convert a 28 milimeter wargame figure from Raging Heroes .

Just look a the tiny hand !

To realize the scale, the white grid is 10 milimeter.


原文網址 Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-05-02 02:24:31

Today i dismanteled my printer to clean out spilled resin. Happened accidentally 2 weeks ago while i felt to check after a saturday nightout how the print went.
Lesson: stay away from the printer when alcohol is in the game !

After cleaning i did a testprint, without resin and buildplate.
After a while the stepmotor made like in the last 2 weeks, before cleaning, some strange noise. Like grinding.
Could it somoehow be resin went into the stepmotor.
Strange thing is when i manually move z-axis up no strange noises.
Is it possible to disasemble the stepmotor just in case to clean it out ?

Hope somebody has a technical fiable solution.


Thomas 'Noodle' Didcote
2019-05-02 02:41:10

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-05-02 03:43:07

Rob Jansen
2019-05-02 03:51:03

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-05-02 04:57:18

Samuel Kirst
2019-05-02 20:24:17

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-05-02 22:24:49

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-05-03 02:41:45

原文網址 Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-05-01 02:34:57

Had to change my FEP lately.
Since then only trouble.

Failed prints, means layers floating.
Realized that maybe a tensioned the FEP too much.
So loosened it.
Again failure, so tightened back 1/4 screw winding.
This afternoon heard somehow how the motor tried to wind up and couldnt. Quickly stopped the print.

No big print or a lot on buildplate.
Can it be still the FEP is too tight ?

Used the coke bottle cap.

Is there a way to measure the tension ?
Online tool, no app.
And if so what is the correct parameter ?

I know the problem is the tension as the plate is perfect flat and leveled.
Also the file is ok.
What prints looks fine as those pieces i printed before FEP-change.


Tom Franco
2019-05-01 02:36:15

Sen Kun
2019-05-01 03:46:36

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-05-01 16:27:24

原文網址 Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-04-24 05:30:12

Lately i ran in some trouble.

1. On saturday night after coming home late i managed to almost toggle the printer. Resin spilled over the VAT into the printer, cleaned as quick as possible. Still seems some resin flew betwween red aluminum plate down the case. Found in the morning some resin under the printer. Hope electronic wont get affected.

2. Today managed to make a tiny hole in the FEP.Luckily i checked with my finger and had the impression theirs a little hole.
Took out the VAT, allready a very small drop was on the LCD. Changed the FEP and seemes all is working proper.

3. This is the one which gives me headaches.
I use the standard Anycubic slicer.
Loaded a 24mb file, not really big. Started slicing and at exactly 77% the slicer shut down without any warning.
Tried it several times with same result.
Then loaded another file with approximately same filesize. With this the slicer had zero problems and went till the end.
Anybody had such weird things happen with the slicer ?
Have to mention i did not use the usb-stick, loaded the files direct from the computer.
Is it possible the stl has some problems even in the 3d software and slicer shows no anormality?


Bob Deblier
2019-04-24 12:57:35

Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-04-24 13:03:58

Bob Deblier
2019-04-24 13:07:59

原文網址 Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-04-21 23:40:25

Latest piece in Anycubic black.
Never ever an issue with this resin.

Printed in 0.02 layerhight at 8 seconds exposure.

It's a multipart Romanian order of Michael the brave (Mihai Viteazul) 3rd class with swords.


Robert Mako Sharkey
2019-04-21 23:45:11



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