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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Stu Humphreys
2020-01-08 06:47:11

Hey all. I'm looking to try a print for the first time at 0.02 layers rather than 0.05 to get an idea of the difference in detail. Has anyone tried this with any of the Anycubic transparent resins at all and if so could I ask what exposure settings you've used as a starting point please?


Aaron Maynard
2020-01-08 07:04:55

Stu Humphreys
2020-01-08 07:05:39

Stu Humphreys
2020-01-08 07:05:51

Aaron Maynard
2020-01-08 07:07:04

Ben Brooks
2020-01-08 07:19:29

Stu Humphreys
2020-01-08 07:20:24

原文網址 Stu Humphreys
2020-01-04 04:09:09

Hey all hoping someone else has come up against this one. Just updated to chitubox 1.6.1 from 1.5 and stupidly I didn’t realise that you could export your support settings until after the event. After upgrading all my settings in 1.6 seem to have reverted back to the default out of the box values.

“No worries” thought I, “I’ll just copy them over from 1.5”.

Opened 1.5 back up, looks like all those settings have been reset also ?

Does anyone know if there’s a way to reverse/recover the settings or is it just a case of chalk that one up to experience and start again?


原文網址 Stu Humphreys
2019-11-30 20:36:10

Hey all, looking for some advice from the hive mind please...

Set a print running last night, nothing unusual about the slice etc, followed all the usual steps in chitu that I’ve done for months, headed off to bed.
Came to the printer this morning expecting to see the usual completion screen only to find it back at the home screen and the bed still in the vat.
First though was “you prat you forgot to hit start” but on closer inspection it appears that around 5-8mm had printed then everything appeared to stop.

Has anyone had this happen to them? I’m a bit lost where to start with this one as there were no clues / errors.

? ? ?


Michael Beal
2019-11-30 20:38:38

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-11-30 20:40:18

Carla Birch
2019-11-30 20:47:10

Neil Ramsay
2019-11-30 21:25:18

Jim Nelson
2019-11-30 21:37:54

Stu Humphreys
2019-11-30 23:00:57

Jeff Greenfield
2019-12-01 00:22:20

Stu Humphreys
2019-12-01 00:43:41

原文網址 Stu Humphreys
2019-11-02 01:59:46

Hey all, looking for some recommendations on resin please?

I’ve been printing exclusively with the anycubic transparent yellow so far after getting a photon about 2 months ago. I’m now looking to start printing some large models that should fill about 80 - 90% of the build volume each time, filled with quite intricate detail.

Is there a manufacturer or particular resin that the group would recommend based on cost / experiences?


Jason MeGahee
2019-11-02 03:08:24

Evan Miller
2019-11-02 04:31:37

原文網址 Stu Humphreys
2019-10-21 01:33:49

Hey all, another newbie photon question I’m afraid. Is it normal to experience a ‘cracking’ sound when the bed lifts after exposure? Coming from a sparkmaker background and never noticed this before. Tried to relieve the bed and reset with the paper method several times but still seem to be experiencing the failed print demons.
Any hints on what to look into next would be very gratefully received! ? ? ?


Zena Andreou
2019-10-21 01:35:43

Stu Humphreys
2019-10-21 02:22:04

Zena Andreou
2019-10-21 02:33:20

Stu Humphreys
2019-10-21 02:37:17

Patrick Haeflinger
2019-10-21 02:42:26

Zena Andreou
2019-10-21 02:49:46

Stu Humphreys
2019-10-21 03:20:16

Zena Andreou
2019-10-21 03:23:08

原文網址 Stu Humphreys
2019-10-20 00:34:36

Hey all thanks for the add to the group. I’ve recently upgraded to the photon from a spark maker which has served its purpose up till now. Are there any tips and tricks that you vets would recommend? I’m still in the wonderful dialling in phase at the mo, 3 failed prints that have darn near welded themselves to the film instead of the bed but I’m hopeful for the 4th ? ? ?


Zena Andreou
2019-10-20 00:37:26

Stu Humphreys
2019-10-20 00:39:18

Zena Andreou
2019-10-20 00:40:49

Hein Htet Aung
2019-10-20 00:50:18

Stu Humphreys
2019-10-20 00:54:08

Darron Rodrigues
2019-10-20 01:09:38



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