原文網址 Stephen Mitchell 2020-04-01 07:30:21
So I'm printing some large and complex prints. Having an issue where some of the parts do not cure proper. Wondering what is happening?
Using standard egeloo grey resin at manufacturers suggested settings. 9 second exposure, 3 layers at 90 seconds initial exposure.
Yessik Ziiq 2020-04-01 07:33:10
Try a slightly higher exposure, underexposure seems popular, but it also looses details and causes failures. I would boost that all the way up to 12s exposure, then dial it down if you don't like the look.
Brendan Wood 2020-04-01 09:00:53
More supports or heavier supports.
Mario Hippmann 2020-04-01 12:02:43
Use exposure Test Tool to find optimal exposure I use 11s normal, 90s bottom and 8 bottom layers für elegoo Grey
Mike Foreman 2020-04-01 16:39:22
I would say definitely more bottom layers. I think from memory I also use 8 bottom layers.
Tauri Icenogle 2020-04-01 17:32:58
Looks like your supports failed. I also agree that you should have some extra bottom layers and maybe slightly higher exposure time.
Darko Miljak 2020-04-01 19:54:41
Increase support contact depth
原文網址 Stephen Mitchell 2020-03-29 15:31:46
so, how does one make drainage holes in chitubox? hollowed my model and trying to put them on the underside but it tells me it's too deep or not hollow? even though i know im going into the cavity! running the most current version of chitubox
Brendan Wood 2020-03-29 15:35:20
Likely the file is broken in some way and it won't let you cut across a bunch of "layers" inside the wall. It's easier to use 3D Builder to repair files and cut holes in things.
Brendan Wood 2020-03-29 15:39:26
Reference: https://youtu.be/R7mFeK47pAI
John Chrapkowski 2020-03-29 15:44:32
Hollow in meshmixer.
Stephen Mitchell 2020-03-29 16:23:17
that helps a ton!
Aaron DeWoskin 2020-03-29 16:27:45
Tc here is a button for it nearby the top tool bar right.
Aaron DeWoskin 2020-03-29 16:27:54
Make hole command.
Jacob Palmer 2020-03-29 18:18:08
Sometimes it's a bit choosy about where the hole goes, just fiddle with sizes and depths till it works
原文網址 Stephen Mitchell 2020-03-29 11:45:29
so chitubox is messing up for some reason, giving me bad estimates on times, it says 48 minutes for the print when it says 7hr's on my desktop (I am on my laptop when im slicing currently) any idea whY?
trying to make a melody model. https://www.myminifactory.com/…/3d-print-projekt-melody-fan…
settings are .05 layer height 8 second exposure time and 60 second initial exposure.
have to redo my fep now as I think it's been compromised, prints are sticking to the fep even after a flint read method, it comes out partially done. gonna try replacing the fep and see if that works. any suggestions are appreciated.
Kempster Kevin 2020-03-29 11:53:10
Check and make sure you the same exact settings on each version of chitu
Stephen Mitchell 2020-03-29 13:04:40
Well I think I found the problem! Resin leaked all over my screen. Soaked in denatured alcohol for a few minutes then took a razor scraper to it carefully. Fep didn't show signs of leaking through a water test but I'm not taking chances. Replaced It.
Ryan Walmsley 2020-03-29 22:23:03
I had similar this week. Prints started sticking suddenly and found resin had creeped under. Cleaned it all and retried but had the same issue. Got new FEP, tried that and resolved it straight away.
Stephen Mitchell 2020-03-30 07:57:43
Ya my prints came out a ton better. Print failed today. Gonna post about it. Supported elbow didn't print propperly
原文網址 Stephen Mitchell 2020-03-27 09:34:20
Hey guys. Using eegloos standard grey Resin on their reccomended settings. Anyone got an alternative set up that is better?
Mostly printing small things but soon need to print some big tanks. Hoping there are faster settings out there people have tried.
Sam Applegarth 2020-03-27 09:38:29
I use elegoo grey for everything. Settings: 8 base layers with 60 second exposure; 9 second normal exposure; 0.4 layer height. Printers vary, so you may need to do some additional tweaking depending on how your prints come out; feel free to post pictures and people can help you determine if you need more/less exposure, layer height adjustment, etc.
Stephen Mitchell 2020-03-27 09:44:10
I've been printing for a while and my prints recently have been coming out poor. Seeing if tweaking my settings will help.
Jon Hammersley 2020-03-27 09:52:16
I use 3 base layers at 60 seconds with 8 second layers after that. .05 mm layer heights
Jacob Palmer 2020-03-27 17:17:20
Unfortunately there isn't a "hack" to make prints go faster. I would say 8s is the minimum before prints start failing
TJ Robichaux 2020-03-27 18:17:48
Orientation can speed it up. Figure out your supports for laying the parts or print more vertical to reduce time. The taller it is the longer it takes to print. You can also shave a bit off time by increasing lift and/or lower speeds of your plate. At the cost of detail quality you can also increase your layer height slightly but sometimes layer height vs layer exposure time doesnt save much time.
Ciprian Grecea 2020-03-28 01:58:26
Cool print. What model is that ?
Jon Hammersley 2020-03-28 04:08:30
Ciprian Grecea https://www.myminifactory.com/....../3d-print-delani......
Jon Hammersley 2020-03-28 04:16:01
Ciprian Grecea
Ciprian Grecea 2020-03-28 04:49:38
Jon Hammersley That looks awesome
原文網址 Stephen Mitchell 2020-03-03 06:32:31
So I had some long tank barrels come out of center and mis printed.
Wondering if this is z axis wobble and how do I correct it?
Ian Gill 2020-03-03 06:38:46
Stephen Mitchell 2020-03-03 06:43:11
原文網址 Stephen Mitchell 2020-02-28 08:37:11
How do you guys print thin objects? Got a stencil I want to use to paint ony switch and last time I tried it fell apart mid print. Put it on a 45 degree angle and put at least 70% of it with supports (mind you auto supports but I thought I would work).
Jarin Udom 2020-02-28 08:57:32
Ryan Tudor 2020-02-28 08:59:28
Vinicius Silva 2020-02-28 09:23:14
原文網址 Stephen Mitchell 2020-02-22 11:14:14
so chitubox is not digging holes in my hollowed models, it says that its not hollow or is too deep to dig. can anyone help?
John Giardino 2020-02-22 11:19:20
Trung Mi 2020-02-22 11:40:03
Dan Blea 2020-02-22 11:45:07
Rigo Arevalo 2020-02-22 12:46:56
原文網址 Stephen Mitchell 2020-01-19 10:15:39
ok gentlemen and ladies, I need a favor, don't question it but I need a globglogabalab (the weird flesh slug thing froma bootleg kids movie that became a meme in 2018) and I can't find an stl flie for it. anyone able to help me out? yeggi can't find anything
原文網址 Stephen Mitchell 2020-01-18 06:34:10
Hey guys. Changed my fep recently and have been having a problem of half of my prints not sticking to build plate. Like one half will print fine but then the other half won't stick. What should I do? Saw I may need to update my firmware. Can anyone give me a how to on that? Thanks!
Patrick Harland 2020-01-18 06:43:35
Stephen Mitchell 2020-01-18 07:04:15
Jarin Udom 2020-01-18 07:20:38
Clint B. Kauffman 2020-01-18 09:25:47
原文網址 Stephen Mitchell 2020-01-17 08:54:45
hey guys, update to the new Chitubox, it has fixed the issues with integrated graphics cards not displaying models!
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