Hi, I need a little help with prints sagging.
First picture is my product so you know what you're looking at. In the 2nd picture with the scale you can see the corners closest to the scale kinda bow away from the scale. When you look at the anycubic supports picture, I circled the corners where this sagging occurs so you can get a better visualization (picture upside down to simulate how it's hanging off the print table). Also i'm seeing the lines across the print and the end view of the rail car shows this. also the entire car is sorta skewed because of the sagging. I posted my settings as well. I ran the exposure test for the 2-20 second tests to determine the best exposure for this anycubic gray. The test came out between 14-16s per layer looked the best. Any help is appreciated. I"m almost thinking i might have to divide this thing up into pieces and assemble at the end. I'm potentially going to print 15-20 of these if I can get them to come out better. Thanks!
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