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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Brett Isaacs
2020-03-09 21:26:48

am i seeing z wobble on the curved surface? photon w/ twin rail

printed vertically. there doesn’t appear to be any wavvy lines on any extruded faces

i see sag on my base and lettering. easy fix with heavies under and more island supports

ill try next one at an angle as well

我是否看到z在彎曲面搖擺? 光子w /雙胞胎軌

垂直列印. 任何被擠出的臉孔上似乎都沒有任何波浪線條

我在我的基地上看到sag和字母. 在島嶼下面和更多的島嶼支援下輕鬆修補


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Prince Chayanin
2020-03-09 21:28:28

Chad Elstad
2020-03-09 21:33:21

Brett Isaacs
2020-03-09 22:17:32

Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-03-09 22:58:42

Merv Hinton
2020-03-10 06:58:44

原文網址 Brett Isaacs
2020-03-04 02:55:15

My photon started acting weird again. Not sure what to do. Been printing 24hrs a day for months and months now. it sat idle for weekend, came back started up prints again and whammy!

the fails are on every print now depsite what file im printing. the fails are not isolated to a specific spot on the plate. not sure how to check the UV source other than the test on the main display. i have a nice rectangle test.

ive put in a new fep, even though it was barely cloudy and still seem very tight. re-leveled like 10x. no other changes.

I do hear some new noises or its just because the fails are triggering my brain. it seems like one of the fans has a different running freq now, than what im used to hearing.

Z axis screw was fairly black, i cleaned it up good and re-greased with the stuff from the upgrade kit.


Brett Isaacs
2020-03-04 07:54:44

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-05 13:17:52

Brett Isaacs
2020-03-05 23:14:23

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-05 23:38:20

原文網址 Brett Isaacs
2020-01-26 00:08:21

Having some issues with wavvy lengths, if thats the word.

Doesn't happen on all my prints, but i suspect its related to the angle. this was 20 deg, others have been 30-46. Was trying to save some time :(

N scale in size if that matters. Med supports used only on the spine. they were at the cross support locations.

Im wondering if placing a support on the "low spots" would help or just raise the angle to 46 and not worry about it. its easy to sand down, but would like to save some working time during print and post cleanup.



Jason Pedersen
2020-01-26 00:15:16

Brett Isaacs
2020-01-26 00:23:23

Brett Isaacs
2020-01-26 09:02:53

原文網址 Brett Isaacs
2020-01-21 00:30:09

CHITU 1.6.3 Reviews/Feedback

1. I'll kick it off with the short keys. AWESOME TY Chitu

2. Manual changing to support tab when clicked, great. For me its a little buggy still. it doesnt always change the support. i tested all 3 sizes. 10 placements of each. and tried to edit all 10 with random numbers. success rate was about 8/10. the few times it did not update, dont know why. alt-tabbed, came back in and it worked.

3. I'm seeing some sort of mouse issue. Sometimes when in the edit menus, the mouse disappears and you can move around and see it hitting target areas, but does not reappear. i have to alt-tab to make the mouse show up again and then alt-tab back into Chitu and its fine.

4. Undo-Redo seems to be working as intended. Big issue here for me, seems to be limited to ~5 undos. Id love for this to be at-least 10 or more.

5. Build Plate Offset was not tested, as i dont know why I need this functionality, yet.

6. 2k/4k monitor users, they fixed the windows again. No longer having buttons off the screen :D

7. Auto supports seems about the same, although it does seem the zig-zags placed, to avoid touching your model, have a greater tolerance than before Seems they leave more clearance, or i never really looked before lol I usually deleted them and manually added anyway. BUT I can now also move those main supports easily, but the top part, not editable still. It leaves them floating and connected. :(

8. I placed a gazillion supports of all sizes close together to test the bridging of supports vs placing a full tall support. It only placed tall supports. No more bridging close to a support and not having a base. This is great as now you can edit those supports vs before, you had no way w/ out creatively adding a full support and moving to where you want it every time.

I give this a usable thumbs up for me. I can work with the small inconveniences to the mouse and undo.

That is all i really tested. Hope to see some good feedback from some of our resident experts and power users.


Matthew Burnett
2020-01-21 01:35:59

Sjef Blaster
2020-01-21 01:46:10

Brett Isaacs
2020-01-21 02:49:51

Brett Isaacs
2020-01-22 00:03:44

原文網址 Brett Isaacs
2020-01-08 01:30:08

howdy all.

i’ve started noticing a higher db whining pitch is starting when my lcd turns on, or maybe it’s always been like this.

i keep my printer in a closet with door shut to muffle sounds, but this new high pitch whine has started to keep my up at night. i think this specific pitch resonates more in the closet ?

anyway. here is a vid from last night. maybe i’m crazy but it’s causing me sleep loss. notice when the lcd turns on. i know it draws more power i’ve had this printed since summer and this louder whine started about 2 weeks ago

fan starting to die?


原文網址 Brett Isaacs
2020-01-02 00:30:03

Discovered a Chitubox Shortcut Key

I've just learned today that when in Edit Support you can hit CTRL and it will form a new support. Any other handy shortcut keys like this that are known?


原文網址 Brett Isaacs
2019-12-18 00:06:31

Advice needed on making delicate details less brittle.

Me and my friends are working on model railroad stuff in N (1:160) and producing some engine shells (AC or Elegoo Gray). We decided to start working on making the sills with stanchions and so far they look great and print fine, but once baked, they are super brittle. which we expected, but buyers want to be able to handle the engines and not set on a shelf.

we need some info/options to test making these tiny wires and stanchions "flexible" pics and sizes below of what we need to fix.

I am testing new desigs this week with increasing the size a bit and trying to make them not look oversized and toy like. even then, i think a little flex is going to be a necessity.

vertical stanchions - .45mm square on post
hand rails - .65mm diam

maybe a different resin all together vs adding a flex agent??

thanks photonsters!


Chris Beaumont
2019-12-18 00:08:54

Kelly Filgo
2019-12-18 00:29:33

Ian MacMillan
2019-12-18 00:42:40

Michael Brambach
2019-12-18 01:03:32

Brett Isaacs
2019-12-18 02:02:26

Brett Isaacs
2019-12-18 02:03:12

Brett Isaacs
2019-12-18 02:05:28

Ian MacMillan
2019-12-18 02:08:23

Ian MacMillan
2019-12-18 02:11:44

Brett Isaacs
2019-12-18 04:02:08

Ian MacMillan
2019-12-18 04:02:58

Rene Fritzsching
2019-12-18 05:09:21

Rene Fritzsching
2019-12-18 05:10:02

Brett Isaacs
2019-12-18 05:31:42

János Sibinger
2019-12-18 06:13:59

Brett Isaacs
2019-12-18 10:39:59

Evan Boone
2019-12-18 10:58:46

原文網址 Brett Isaacs
2019-12-12 06:43:23

Chitu SW folks who frequent this group.


Like many, ive grown reliant on auto saving as its part of nearly every piece of software in existance.


4hrs of supports down the drain because i forget to save while in the zone, and of course, undo...doesnt undo a deletion in their program.


Handrez Pintubola
2019-12-13 03:20:35

Handrez Pintubola
2019-12-13 03:22:23

Brett Isaacs
2019-12-13 07:43:49

原文網址 Brett Isaacs
2019-12-01 00:12:47

Chitu 1.6.1 some odd things happening with new update.

1. Most of my models, when opening, now have the wrong print settings.

2. Opening and STL doesnt not always open the file, have to try 2x or it will actually open the wrong file.

3. They mentioned having imported suggested settings for many resins from the manufacturers. I dont see those settings available.

anyone else notice anything odd or not working? think im going to roll back until fixes are made.


Michael Crawford
2019-12-01 00:20:35

Cory Curtis Merrill
2019-12-01 00:20:57

原文網址 Brett Isaacs
2019-11-25 13:12:02

evening all. something new today i’ve noticed after swapping from .05 to .02 on my

they all have what seems to be double bottom rafts.

i’m using same settings as 3Dprintingpro videos, AC grey at 6/12/80.

very odd to me. only reason i noticed was because i had 2 prints crack when removing from my plate. 1 was so stuck i had to use a metal scraper and soak plate in ipa

normally i would pop off with a fingernail or a plastic scraper

thanks for any insight


Robert Schmidt
2019-11-25 13:21:25

Robert Schmidt
2019-11-25 13:24:14

Richard Humble
2019-11-25 13:51:54

Damian Jerewski
2019-11-25 14:06:14

Kempster Kevin
2019-11-25 15:39:06

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-11-25 16:32:00

Brett Isaacs
2019-11-25 22:45:19

David McGyver
2019-11-26 14:34:29

Brett Isaacs
2019-11-26 23:52:24

David McGyver
2019-11-27 06:14:45

Trad Penter
2019-11-29 09:19:25

Brett Isaacs
2019-11-29 12:49:22



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