This might be a dumb question. I'm trying to make a ventilation system, but don't want to drill a hole in my wall or cut out my screen just to feed the ventilation house to outside. Could I just buy a huge storage bin and drill a hole in the side to feed the house through?
Paul West
2020-01-20 00:01:24
Paul West
2020-01-20 00:02:37
Haydn Nelms
2020-01-20 00:23:29
Lane Shutt
2020-01-20 00:46:19
Jennifer Tallman
2020-01-20 01:22:52
Brian Sam Antics Posteraro
2020-01-20 01:53:26
Jeff Greenfield
2020-01-20 07:19:41
Chad Elstad
2020-01-20 13:49:04