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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-22 22:47:33

Calling all users of Monocure 3D Rapid Grey Resin!!!

I have been printing perfect prints using Prima Creator Value UV Resin Tough Light Grey on the Photon S but now I'm trying with the Monocure one but I'm having issues.

The print comes out OK but with a serious lack of detail on the side of the model facing the supports.

The other side is fine with good details but the side facing the supports almost looks like it's melted making the finished model almost useless.

Hope somebody out there has got some good tips on how to solve the issue so I can get though the Monocure Resin and go back to Prima Creator :P


James Grainger
2020-02-22 22:55:19

Chris Beaumont
2020-02-22 22:55:33

Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-22 22:59:23

John Jones
2020-02-23 04:17:39

Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-23 05:37:23

Barthels Marvels
2020-02-24 07:27:05

Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-24 17:29:31

原文網址 Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-15 17:25:13

Hey everybody :)

Anybody got any good links to replacement fans for the Anycubic Photon S?

Thanks! :D


原文網址 Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-03 00:54:31

Calling on the Photon S gods here for help!!! ?

I'm about to blow up. I have been trying for the better part of the day to get a successful print of the Photon S resin exposure finder from thingiverse but I keep having the same problem. The print i clearly of and thinner on one side than the other. At first I thought it might be my level that was off. I have done several new levels. Both the normal paper one and the Flit Read one but the result is the same.

It's ALWAYS on the same side (the one facing the back of the printer) of the build plate that it's thinner.

Besides the several new attempts to level the buildplate I have also tried rotating it to see if that made any difference, I have updated to the latest firmware but all with the same result.

A screen test looks normal.

I really hope some of you out there might have some input before I lose my mind in frustration.
I have printed several DnD minis before without issue. 翻譯年糕

Eric Carpenter
2020-02-03 00:59:15

Oliver Leix
2020-02-03 01:18:19

Carla Birch
2020-02-03 01:22:02

Georg de Gorostiza
2020-02-03 01:25:20

Jairo Ledesma
2020-02-03 01:30:36

Ray Sears
2020-02-03 01:40:36

Alexander Bayerdorffer
2020-02-03 01:46:17

Michael Rieser
2020-02-03 01:55:48

Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-03 02:13:27

Merv Hinton
2020-02-03 02:14:50

Adam Strojnowski
2020-02-03 02:37:45

Ian Gill
2020-02-03 02:38:00

Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-03 02:42:01

Milton Maxson
2020-02-03 02:42:29

Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-03 02:45:58

Oliver Leix
2020-02-03 02:47:12

Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-03 02:52:57

Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-03 02:54:31

Oliver Leix
2020-02-03 02:56:46

Ian Gill
2020-02-03 03:09:44

Janne Sjöström
2020-02-03 03:23:09

William Holmes
2020-02-03 06:31:28

Todd Rigertas
2020-02-04 00:16:32

Adam Binar
2020-02-04 19:38:59

Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-02-05 00:39:12

Janne Sjöström
2020-02-05 01:13:33

原文網址 Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-01 20:17:47

Help needed :O

I have had My Photon S for a little under a week now and I'm still trying to wrap my head around the different settings. I have had some successful prints but lately I have been having some issues.

I have just tried printing the Calibration Matrix and I can see right off that something is off.

I have included pics of the result as well as my settings. The Print is noticeable thinner on one end compared to the other and the details are somewhat washed out.
I did a fresh leveling of the build plate just before the print. Using the Anycubic Green resin that came with the printer.

Any advice on tweaked settings or possible problems with the printer would be very welcome to help me on my way :D 翻譯年糕

Carla Birch
2020-02-01 20:29:01

Carla Birch
2020-02-01 20:34:15

Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-01 20:49:18

Carla Birch
2020-02-01 20:52:26

Carla Birch
2020-02-01 20:53:09

Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-01 20:53:28

Carla Birch
2020-02-01 21:00:06

Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-01 21:07:08

Carla Birch
2020-02-01 21:13:51

Carla Birch
2020-02-01 21:26:46

原文網址 Kenneth Johansen
2020-02-01 06:29:44

Hey guys

Anybody outthere with bids for good exposure settings for Prima Creator Tough Light Grey resin or Wanhao White Water Washable resin?

I'm om the Photon S.

Trying one of them out tomorrow for some new DnD minis and would like a head start if possible ? ?




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