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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Megan Raynak
2020-03-25 01:08:40

What do you all use to glue your large prints together? I have a print that has 8 pieces.

你們用甚麼來把大指紋粘在一起? 我有一張有8件的指紋.

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Jim Fuqua
2020-03-25 01:09:46

Super glue

Attila Szécsy
2020-03-25 01:21:31


原文網址 Megan Raynak
2020-03-12 07:44:08

Largest print so far. Pikachu/Brothor. Need to prime him so you can actually see the details lol


原文網址 Megan Raynak
2020-03-04 09:38:08

Fun little print today. Can’t wait to paint it :)


Gregory Akin
2020-03-04 09:39:40

Megan Raynak
2020-03-04 09:44:33

Gregory Akin
2020-03-04 11:34:26

Olivier Aidouni
2020-03-04 23:14:42

Gregory Akin
2020-03-04 23:50:11

原文網址 Megan Raynak
2020-02-29 08:18:44

Hmmm....not sure what went wrong here. Supports just seemed to fail near the legs and pommel.


Carlos Sisto
2020-02-29 08:21:03

Brian JH
2020-02-29 08:23:46

Thierry Moulinet
2020-02-29 23:18:56

Victor Clinton Dieter Eichhorn
2020-03-01 03:17:22

Hugh Jeriolas
2020-03-01 13:22:35

原文網址 Megan Raynak
2020-02-27 03:54:45

Sorry, it says the file failed to open. I’m going to check some forums


Nick Marincak
2020-02-27 04:03:33

Megan Raynak
2020-02-27 04:06:12

Zeb Christmas
2020-02-27 04:06:17

Jacob Hale
2020-02-27 04:09:45

Megan Raynak
2020-02-27 04:12:07

Jacob Hale
2020-02-27 04:13:12

Megan Raynak
2020-02-27 04:16:31

Jacob Hale
2020-02-27 04:18:27

Megan Raynak
2020-02-27 04:19:56

Jacob Hale
2020-02-27 04:23:47

Megan Raynak
2020-02-27 04:25:51

Dustin Cole
2020-02-28 06:06:50

原文網址 Megan Raynak
2020-02-27 02:21:59

Any advice on what to do when your photon s says “failed to print file”? Was working fine yesterday. Today I can’t get a print started :/


Benjamin Fox
2020-02-27 05:22:40

Megan Raynak
2020-02-27 06:05:10

原文網址 Megan Raynak
2020-02-26 07:31:02

Need to clean it up and prime!


Karel Svoboda
2020-02-26 13:34:37

Jeffrey Rosefellows
2020-02-26 22:50:37

原文網址 Megan Raynak
2020-02-26 01:37:30

I think I'm doing it - getting the Mega X. Opinions?


Mark Wardle
2020-02-26 05:06:06

Megan Raynak
2020-02-26 05:06:59

Mark Wardle
2020-02-26 05:07:36

原文網址 Megan Raynak
2020-02-25 10:55:38

Hello! I printed 3 of the same object on my build plate. Only the one farthest to the left printed, the other two stopped a little up from the base and the cured resin from those two bases were stuck to the FEP film. What do you think the problem could have been? The level? Temperature? Exposure?


Zeb Christmas
2020-02-25 10:56:44

Megan Raynak
2020-02-25 10:58:05

Zeb Christmas
2020-02-25 10:59:41

Megan Raynak
2020-02-25 11:02:37

Joseph Bochinski
2020-02-25 11:06:37

Wes Mischke
2020-02-26 02:42:43

Wes Mischke
2020-02-26 02:43:30

Joseph Bochinski
2020-02-26 03:25:48

Joseph Bochinski
2020-02-26 03:26:56

原文網址 Megan Raynak
2020-02-20 07:40:14

I see a lot of people use Cura to generate supports. I’m trying to use it but there is nothing there for resin printers. I have a photon s and don’t have the confidence to put the supports in the right places yet. Any suggestions?


Ben Benson
2020-02-20 07:42:01

Nick Beattie
2020-02-20 07:42:03

Zeb Christmas
2020-02-20 07:42:06

Megan Raynak
2020-02-20 07:45:22

Tyler Vins
2020-02-20 07:54:27

Bek Santen
2020-02-20 07:56:18

Dallas Winston Fitzgerald
2020-02-20 08:09:33

Megan Raynak
2020-02-20 08:10:38

Jim Carswell
2020-02-20 08:11:19

Dallas Winston Fitzgerald
2020-02-20 08:11:52

Dallas Winston Fitzgerald
2020-02-20 08:11:57

Kevin Duong
2020-02-20 08:26:39

Zeb Christmas
2020-02-20 08:52:35

Tim Borschel
2020-02-20 09:22:41

Luke Pettit
2020-02-20 09:31:30

Megan Raynak
2020-02-20 09:37:46

Luke Pettit
2020-02-20 09:38:46

Megan Raynak
2020-02-20 09:42:56

Ruben Wilkinson
2020-02-20 11:05:02

John Chrapkowski
2020-02-20 12:17:11

Kevin Duong
2020-02-20 16:35:09

Nicholas Langston
2020-02-21 01:08:59

Nicholas Langston
2020-02-21 01:09:24

Dave Green
2020-02-21 06:27:33



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