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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Jimmy Clark
2020-04-01 23:12:16

First pic is how I want it right thick’s all that. Printed straight up and down. Second pic is same settings and dimensions but when I print it it prints double the thickness and loos most of the detail. Built laying flat on the build plate. I can’t figure it out. Should I set bottom layer to zero if I’m printing flat on the build plate? Only thing I can figure ic could be I’ve tried all other settings I believe . Ty in advance for the help


Johnny Johnsen
2020-04-01 23:25:08

I dont believe you can make it much better than that...

Print it standing, tilting, any direction but flat..

Garrett Chapman
2020-04-01 23:30:53

Were those printed using different resin? I've read numerous times before that exposure times and other settings should be adjusted when switching between resin of different colors and brand.

Sander van Deijl
2020-04-02 00:14:53

Yes, different resins require different settings

Garrett Chapman
2020-04-02 00:16:02

Sander van Deijl good to know for sure, I'm running out of the complimentary clear green and will be switching to grey soon

Sander van Deijl
2020-04-02 00:17:00

Garrett Chapman opaque resins and translucent resins require totally different exposure times. Keep that in mind ?

Garrett Chapman
2020-04-02 00:18:39

Sander van Deijl I'm running the clear green at 0.04mm with 60 seconds on the bottom layers, and then 8 seconds per layer afterwards. I should probably bump the 8 up to a 10 for the grey shouldn't I? I've seen some numbers as high as 90 for the bottom layers.

Sander van Deijl
2020-04-02 00:19:59

Garrett Chapman do you own the photon or the photon S?

Garrett Chapman
2020-04-02 00:30:51

Sander van Deijl the Photon S

Sander van Deijl
2020-04-02 00:37:28

Garrett Chapman oohh..... then you should go down in exposure setting. Opaque grey needs 6s at 0.05. You might even be overexposing the green.
I don’t know if you’re familiar with the exposure sheet? Only use those setting as a starting point for the exposure test to fi nd your ideal settings.

Exposure sheet for the S:


Resin exposure test:


Jimmy Clark
2020-04-02 02:11:27

have to be able to get better than the ones laying flat hopefully

Jimmy Clark
2020-04-02 02:11:53

different resins but same result on either

Jimmy Clark
2020-04-02 02:12:07

Johnny Johnsen
2020-04-02 02:12:46

Jimmy Clark yes ofc, but not by laying it flat.. lol.. it will be mushed out due to the first layers needs more exposure..

Jimmy Clark
2020-04-02 02:13:19

aww that kinda sucks

Jimmy Clark
2020-04-02 02:17:14

what about doing the print up and down as mentioned but directly on the build plate no supports?

原文網址 Jimmy Clark
2020-03-26 10:16:12

Hello, I’ve printed 2 times now and they came out it’s no hiccups both times. One was oriented at an angle and second time straight up and down.the 4 corners of the parts have holes for tiny magnets. But problem I’m asking about is both times here is resin that collects in the holes and cures before the part is done. Has anyone had any expirence with this and did you find a way fix it? Ty in advance. P.s I’m loving this first printer very satisfying can’t wait till I learn all the tricks of the trade


Josh Dalgliesh
2020-03-26 10:38:25

May I ask for your exposure times? I've found this happens occasionally to my drainage holes on hollowed minis and I just need to take a sharp knife/scalpel to the hole before I post-cure to widen the hole enough for the resin to drain properly.

Josh Berkley
2020-03-26 11:06:14

Do you have the anodized print bed that is completely blue or the metal surfaced print bed?

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-26 11:21:32

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-26 11:22:13

Josh Dalgliesh I do t know of the top of my head but I think it’s 60 bottom and 12

Dan Andersson
2020-03-26 13:16:37

This happens easily with clear resins. The uv light leaks through already cured layers and hardens resin in the pocket.

Josh Dalgliesh
2020-03-26 15:24:40

Try lowering your exposure times per layer to 8 would be my first recommendation. Second suggestion is increase the time for the raising and lowering of the bed slightly so there is plenty of time for the uncured resin to flow free and drain off the pr int. It'll increase your overall print time of course, but unwanted curing such as this should decrease. Besides, if your reduce your layer times by 4 and increase the "off time" by increasing the raise and lower process by 4, then they'll offset one another and you won't notice a difference in the print times.

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-26 17:35:32

will do ty so much

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-26 17:38:19

awww ty I’ll keep that In mind.ty

Josh Dalgliesh
2020-03-26 18:40:04

Jimmy Clark no worries man, let us know how it works out :)

Jason Willis
2020-03-26 19:08:39

Try printing it on its side (edge). I've been printing lithophanes on their sides and have had great success

Jason Willis
2020-03-27 02:44:49

原文網址 Jimmy Clark
2020-03-25 00:48:46

Ok going to try my first print and I’m on the siraya tech website trying to copy the print settings for the blu over but not sure. Website doesn’t have “light-off delay” and “bottom light-off delay”. I’m using the .05 layer height . And suggestions? Ty in advance. Also I put it Chitubox in photon s profile. Does “off times(s)” mean both off settings in Chitubox ?


Pete Frith
2020-03-25 00:56:04


Sander van Deijl
2020-03-25 21:06:14

Yess, off-times refers to both off-times

Sander van Deijl
2020-03-25 21:08:01

Also.... is that the photon S sheet or the photon sheet?
Make sure you choose from the correct one corresponding with your printer.

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-26 04:32:20

Sander van Deijl yup figured it out and is working nicely

Dan Harabagiu
2020-03-27 05:56:13

Sander van Deijl Where can I find the Photon S file? I only found the Photon file

Sander van Deijl
2020-03-27 06:02:43

Dan Harabagiu and if your resin isn’t on there, here is the exposure test for the S


Dan Harabagiu
2020-03-27 06:03:16

Sander van Deijl it is not, so i will use the test

原文網址 Jimmy Clark
2020-03-24 04:02:53

So this will be my first print ever and have watch a few videos but wanted to make sure and for some expert opinions. Do the supports look thick enough and plenty enough. Will be using siraya tech blu


Ścibor Sekunda
2020-03-24 04:08:06

do you need back side of this shield? If i wolud lean it back a bit to keep it on buildplate ;)

Chris Roberts
2020-03-24 04:08:35

You'll mostly get some curling out at the ends. If it's a flat surface the supports are attached to I'd print it directly to the bed.

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-24 04:11:24

ok thank you. What do you mean curling ? The part will curl ? Wasn’t sure you could print it directly in the bed. Just about everything I’ve seen shows supports on the bottom

Christopher Barnes
2020-03-24 04:12:12

I’d angle it back some and add more supports along the way. It will reduce the print time by a large margin.

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-24 04:12:23

Like this?

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-24 04:13:24

that is a removable panel/door so the back part of it will be seen and used a lot

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-24 04:14:49

could you explain how that will make the print time faster please?

Christopher Barnes
2020-03-24 04:19:44

Jimmy Clark your printer works one layer at a time. The taller the print, the more layers you will need.

By angling the print you cover a larger surface area at once.

If you were to lay it flat on the build plate it would take 30 minutes or so. But standing up depending on size it could take 14 hours.

Christopher Barnes
2020-03-24 04:21:11

Jimmy Clark i don’t know how printing flat on the plate would work. It would certainly make it harder to remove.

But printing it at an angle will allow more supports to be placed below and increase adhesion to the plate. In addition to also cutting print time down overall.

Chris Roberts
2020-03-24 04:39:42

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-24 05:59:54

Christopher Barnes laying other flat would use less support and less of a chance damage when removing the supports but would it make it that much harder to remove the print?

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-24 06:03:22


Christopher Barnes
2020-03-24 06:03:57

Jimmy Clark flat wouldn’t require any supports assuming the back is flat. It would also be the fastest. It’s possible to remove the item. I have never printed flat though.

You can also place stuck prints with the plate in the freezer for a little. It should just fall off once it gets cold enough.

Christopher Barnes
2020-03-24 06:05:22

Jimmy Clark angle more to make it lower and shorten print time. Add more supports and spread them around evenly. Also watch these videos if you haven’t.


原文網址 Jimmy Clark
2020-03-21 03:14:45

Getting my first ever printer delivered early next week (photon s) and was wandering what is suggested for a tough resin? Couple things printed will be used hopefully


Micah Vestal
2020-03-21 03:29:12

Siraya Blu (either the blue colored one or Clear V2).

Jimmy Clark
2020-03-21 03:53:16

ty that was what I ended up as my final choice



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