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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Sergio Romero
2020-02-05 06:20:56

Monocure Gunmetal Grey + Flex 70/30 .05mm layers, 12 sec per layer (4 hour print, 17-20 ml). Airbrush, drybrush and clear matte lacker.

單治癒槍械灰色+ flex 70/30 05 mm層, 每層12秒(列印4小時, 17-20 ml). 空氣刷, 乾刷和清白的matte lacker.

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Jhon Pier Acuña Escalante
2020-02-05 07:28:37

Gregory Akin
2020-02-05 11:48:19

原文網址 Sergio Romero
2020-01-31 10:15:05

Monocure Clear + Flex 60/40. 0.05 mm layer, 5 bottom layers at 60 sec, 16 secs per layer.

QR code maker: https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/#text , save as EPS, open in Illustrator, export as DXF and open in any cad software to make it 3D. 翻譯年糕

Chris Berry
2020-01-31 10:36:02

Jessie Mak
2020-01-31 10:36:58

Sergio Romero
2020-01-31 10:39:22

Chris Berry
2020-01-31 10:40:37

Bob Deblier
2020-01-31 16:55:02

原文網址 Sergio Romero
2020-01-18 13:51:55

Made this, you can get the files here:


I was looking online and found some existing models however I wanted something sturdy, modular and that could be dissasembled and stored easily.

This stand has only 3 printed parts, and can be printed without supports. It can accomodate many bottle sizes and you can drill the PVC pipes to have preset levels for all your bottles.

Hardware needed:

Two 1" PVC pipes 16" long (25mm x 400mm)

Six 3/16x1/2" (M5x12mm) thumbscrews.

3/16 tap (M5)

Assembly instructions in photo section.




Lyss Walker
2020-01-18 14:01:34

Dan Arden
2020-01-18 14:41:34

Bert Fegg
2020-01-18 14:41:43

Chris Almanza
2020-01-18 14:52:47

Tim Moulton
2020-01-18 14:52:47

William Neal
2020-01-18 14:53:08

William Neal
2020-01-18 14:59:03

Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-01-18 15:06:37

James Mullin
2020-01-18 15:19:40

James Mullin
2020-01-18 15:20:36

Luke Pettit
2020-01-18 17:54:33

Matt Farmer
2020-01-18 17:56:56

Chacon Perez
2020-01-18 21:14:28

Dan Athanasaw
2020-01-18 21:27:01

Paul Cavallo
2020-01-18 23:08:14

Matt Reed
2020-01-18 23:19:46

Edward Hill
2020-01-19 00:15:53

Kelvin Pang
2020-01-19 00:40:07

Damjan Ketükil
2020-01-19 01:35:36

Sergio Romero
2020-01-19 03:07:31

Johnny Grant
2020-01-19 09:35:38

原文網址 Sergio Romero
2019-06-06 01:48:28

A bunch of parts were done in our photons. Hope you like the vid.


Tukta Nodame
2019-06-06 22:21:08

Six Hatch
2019-06-08 13:24:58

Wojciech Majkut
2019-06-08 19:23:14

原文網址 Sergio Romero
2018-11-10 03:34:27

Having a lot of fun with this machine, it has various shortcomings but that makes you get creative ?
Get the model here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/vault-boy-t60


原文網址 Sergio Romero
2018-11-02 12:48:10

原文網址 Sergio Romero
2018-09-26 06:52:42

Test prints, Monocure Clear Rapid. Takes a bit more per layer as it needs 12.5 secs in my case but the results are fairly decent. ?


原文網址 Sergio Romero
2018-09-19 09:36:37

Hi, this is my first post. Been using the machine for two weeks now, had great results with the included resin but I recently changed to Monocure Fast Clear, have tried the settings on the public doc, but I’m still having issues. I get lines and weird bumps on the bottom of the print, and the defects clear up the further the print goes, so what could be causing this? Any help will be appreciated!




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