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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 William Neal
2020-01-17 14:24:14

Hey guys I did the xp finder test. However I do not see any numbers at the bottom. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


James Cachia-Garrett
2020-01-17 14:52:50

William Neal
2020-01-17 14:54:20

William Neal
2020-01-17 14:54:28

William Neal
2020-01-17 15:05:34

Stefan Giudici
2020-01-17 15:13:46

William Neal
2020-01-17 15:14:13

James Cachia-Garrett
2020-01-17 15:21:28

William Neal
2020-01-17 15:22:14

William Neal
2020-01-17 15:22:40

James Cachia-Garrett
2020-01-17 15:23:06

William Neal
2020-01-17 15:23:34

James Cachia-Garrett
2020-01-17 15:28:14

原文網址 William Neal
2020-01-07 13:50:33

Hate having your fan run all the time? Even when the printer is not printing?

Download and put this file on your SD card and print it (Nothing will print its just saving some settings) now the photon will only the fan when the printer is printing. Not my code, But it was bugging me and this fixed it.

Hope this helps someone


William Neal
2020-01-07 13:56:22

Erik Morris
2020-01-07 14:08:47

Erik Morris
2020-01-07 14:09:52

William Neal
2020-01-07 14:22:52

原文網址 William Neal
2020-01-06 12:11:35

Ok so for fdm I know how to calibrate. But for this kind of printer I have no idea. Is there a good video that anyone can recommend or anything? Thank you!


Jared Zadorozny
2020-01-06 12:22:18

William Neal
2020-01-06 12:22:45

Jared Zadorozny
2020-01-06 12:23:31

William Neal
2020-01-06 12:23:44

Jarin Udom
2020-01-06 12:43:34

Jared Zadorozny
2020-01-06 12:56:24

Niall Forrester
2020-01-06 21:31:10

原文網址 William Neal
2020-01-06 07:13:34

Question. I've looked up some stuff online but haven't gotten a good answer. Is it ok to make like 510 vape tips and use it to smoke out of once the resin is cured? Like drip tips. If I print them.


Ian Gill
2020-01-06 07:25:50

William Neal
2020-01-06 07:30:06

Bahij Nemeh
2020-01-06 07:58:16

William Neal
2020-01-06 08:33:54

Bahij Nemeh
2020-01-06 08:34:41

William Neal
2020-01-06 08:35:13

原文網址 William Neal
2020-01-05 16:58:23

Hey guys. Can't get anything to stick. This is a resin test print I tried printing it flat and didn't stick also tried like this and no luck. I have leveled the bed about 20times now and watched multiple videos. Seems to be doing it correctly but still no luck. Maybe it's my settings? I have tried 3 different slicers as well


Nick Robinson
2020-01-05 17:04:47

Zena Andreou
2020-01-05 17:07:19

William Neal
2020-01-05 17:09:16

Valentin Ciotic
2020-01-05 17:09:54

William Neal
2020-01-05 17:09:55

Zena Andreou
2020-01-05 17:10:17

William Neal
2020-01-05 17:19:11

William Neal
2020-01-05 17:59:40

原文網址 William Neal
2020-01-05 08:46:11

I have the Anycubic printer and need a power supply. Hopefully amazon. There is the oem one but it won't get here till the 14th. What other one can I use? Thank you!


Gabe Snooks
2020-01-05 08:48:15

William Neal
2020-01-05 08:48:56

Gabe Snooks
2020-01-05 08:50:45

Jarin Udom
2020-01-05 08:52:11

Nick Robinson
2020-01-05 11:33:35

Jeff Greenfield
2020-01-05 12:22:33

Jeff Greenfield
2020-01-05 12:23:55

William Neal
2020-01-05 12:49:21



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