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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Johnny Grant
2020-01-23 07:14:27

What's the best filter(s) for resin and/or IPA?


Luke Pettit
2020-01-23 08:58:34

Johnny Grant
2020-01-23 09:13:47

Luke Pettit
2020-01-23 09:21:04

Luke Pettit
2020-01-23 09:32:57

原文網址 Johnny Grant
2020-01-14 23:20:23

So far, I've only done light supports.. but I've only had moderately sized models.. Gonna try it with a full build plate. Pushing the limits of this theory. I'm pretty much expecting failure at this point. wish me luck!
Edit: Success! Pics and notes in the comments.


Bradley Hawkes
2020-01-14 23:22:15

Saša Sinek
2020-01-14 23:25:33

Bob Deblier
2020-01-14 23:28:17

David Friedberg
2020-01-14 23:43:31

Zena Andreou
2020-01-15 00:01:27

Kostas Yiatilis MacFarlane
2020-01-15 00:28:49

Kostas Yiatilis MacFarlane
2020-01-15 00:30:29

Johnny Grant
2020-01-15 05:57:17

Johnny Grant
2020-01-15 05:58:09

Johnny Grant
2020-01-15 05:58:44

Lucas Regadas
2020-01-15 12:19:57

Johnny Grant
2020-01-16 06:39:00

Johnny Grant
2020-01-16 06:40:04

Johnny Grant
2020-01-16 06:40:41

Johnny Grant
2020-01-16 06:43:59

Bradley Hawkes
2020-01-16 13:06:35

Johnny Grant
2020-01-16 13:07:29

原文網址 Johnny Grant
2020-01-13 12:46:59

I don't know why... maybe not fully cured yet? But this print in Elegoo black was CRAZY strong. If you look closely, you can see the drill bit mis-shapes the piece as it spins around. I can't believe it didn't break in my hand. Also, can someone explain to me why the photon messes up tolerances on functional parts, please? If it's just because the pixels aren't the same size as the layers, shouldn't there be a sweet spot with layer height? Like, if you set the layers to a specific height, should be all good?


Stefan Giudici
2020-01-13 12:48:17

Johnny Grant
2020-01-13 12:49:28

Geoffrey Robert Johnston
2020-01-13 12:55:05

Johnny Grant
2020-01-13 13:14:30

Justin Leone
2020-01-13 13:16:13

Stefan Giudici
2020-01-13 13:17:41

John Chrapkowski
2020-01-13 13:20:21

Sander van Deijl
2020-01-13 13:34:58

John Boyington
2020-01-13 13:35:52

Robert Nisson
2020-01-13 14:15:41

Robert Nisson
2020-01-13 14:17:57

Sandro Pateishvili
2020-01-13 15:02:35

Eric Orszag
2020-01-13 18:41:35

Chris Holden
2020-01-13 18:45:07

Derek Reihe
2020-01-13 20:57:47

Johnny Grant
2020-01-13 22:01:12

Johnny Grant
2020-01-13 22:20:33

Joel Reid
2020-01-13 23:52:34

John Good
2020-01-14 08:00:43

原文網址 Johnny Grant
2020-01-11 12:46:29

I don't know why the isolines are printing. Designed in AutoCAD. Ideas, anyone?


Johnny Grant
2020-01-11 12:47:33

原文網址 Johnny Grant
2020-01-08 23:43:20

I keep printing toys for the kids, and the kids keep breaking them. Is there a reasonably priced resin that's reasonably durable? I saw an impressive video of a tough FormLabs resin that's $175 , which is crazy... even if I did know it would work with this printer. There's some resins in the $35-$50 range that are advertised as "not brittle," or, "ABS-like" which doesn't instill a ton of confidence in me that it will be durable... does anyone have any experience with a tougher resin?


Zena Andreou
2020-01-08 23:51:07

Sen Kun
2020-01-08 23:57:18

Johnny Grant
2020-01-09 00:00:49

Keith Yinger
2020-01-09 00:33:16

Milton Maxson
2020-01-09 01:13:06

Keith Yinger
2020-01-09 01:17:15

Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-01-09 01:21:47

Christopher Carfi
2020-01-09 01:23:58

Zena Andreou
2020-01-09 01:25:32

Keith Yinger
2020-01-09 01:26:42

James Hendrix
2020-01-09 04:14:16

Aaron Strome
2020-01-09 04:16:16

Johnny Grant
2020-01-09 07:49:41

Joel Mendoza
2020-01-09 09:29:14

Aaron McCommon
2020-01-09 10:44:03

Nick Walker
2020-01-10 11:16:14

原文網址 Johnny Grant
2020-01-05 10:01:57

I'm sorry if this is a super noob question... I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. It looks like it's curing entire layers. there was a bunch of cured resin on the FEP as well. Were there particles in the vat that were keeping the build plate from going all the way down, maybe? Or maybe my settings are over exposing, and it's just leaky light from over exposure? Any help is much appreciated!


Sargent Raze
2020-01-05 10:06:57

Kenneth Boshell
2020-01-05 10:15:03

Lyle Cleveland
2020-01-05 10:15:26

Johnny Grant
2020-01-05 10:17:17

Johnny Grant
2020-01-05 10:19:45

Lyle Cleveland
2020-01-05 10:21:37

Johnny Grant
2020-01-05 10:22:02

Lyle Cleveland
2020-01-05 10:27:40

Kenneth Boshell
2020-01-05 10:44:34

Johnny Grant
2020-01-05 10:52:01

Johnny Grant
2020-01-05 10:52:57

Johnny Grant
2020-01-05 10:53:29

Lyle Cleveland
2020-01-05 10:57:38

Lyle Cleveland
2020-01-05 10:57:51

Lyle Cleveland
2020-01-05 11:12:52

Nick Robinson
2020-01-05 11:23:56

Vincent Balmont
2020-01-05 11:25:10

Lamont Cutler
2020-01-05 12:31:14

Lamont Cutler
2020-01-05 12:32:10

Mourni Tenchou
2020-01-05 19:10:51

Johnny Grant
2020-01-05 22:03:21

Johnny Grant
2020-01-06 00:14:00

原文網址 Johnny Grant
2020-01-04 01:56:09



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