I don't know why... maybe not fully cured yet? But this print in Elegoo black was CRAZY strong. If you look closely, you can see the drill bit mis-shapes the piece as it spins around. I can't believe it didn't break in my hand. Also, can someone explain to me why the photon messes up tolerances on functional parts, please? If it's just because the pixels aren't the same size as the layers, shouldn't there be a sweet spot with layer height? Like, if you set the layers to a specific height, should be all good?
Stefan Giudici
2020-01-13 12:48:17
Johnny Grant
2020-01-13 12:49:28
Geoffrey Robert Johnston
2020-01-13 12:55:05
Johnny Grant
2020-01-13 13:14:30
Justin Leone
2020-01-13 13:16:13
Stefan Giudici
2020-01-13 13:17:41
John Chrapkowski
2020-01-13 13:20:21
Sander van Deijl
2020-01-13 13:34:58
John Boyington
2020-01-13 13:35:52
Robert Nisson
2020-01-13 14:15:41
Robert Nisson
2020-01-13 14:17:57
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Chris Holden
2020-01-13 18:45:07
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2020-01-13 20:57:47
Johnny Grant
2020-01-13 22:01:12
Johnny Grant
2020-01-13 22:20:33
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2020-01-13 23:52:34
John Good
2020-01-14 08:00:43